

"Trump Unity" sign crashes!

(Seen this? A sign of the times?)

Heh, it took someone in the UK to bring this to me, asking what I thought of this news I'd not yet seen. (Well, UK is hours ahead, prime-time news is still not begun in the U.S. My friend called this "irony" (true!) but I'm hoping it is an "omen".

#StaySafe 😷 💉 🧠


Via George Takei, who posted this with the caption: totally normal, nothing to see here.

No further comment beyond beyond adding that this is #TrumpVirus variant and "terrific" pardon, Mike Flynn. The title says it all:

Pro-Trump General Floats Conspiracy That Vaccine Will Be Secretly Administered Through Salad Dressing

Can I get my dose # 3 in a Balsamic Vinaigrette please?

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


Something interesting from the alternate world of the Arizona Fraudit.

Conspiracy Firm Behind Arizona Audit Defies Order to Release Behind-the-Scenes Texts

In Sum: A group of conspiracy theorists (Cyber-Ninjas!) w/ NO expertise or experience running audits, was handed election data by GOP/Q Arizona legislature. Result: #Trumpvirus Big Lie(s) super-spreading alive and well in Arizona, anyway.

So now a court is looking at who these people are and ordering internal memos about their procedures. They say, nah..



What is with #DeathSantis (the Delta Variant's most successful super-spreader) ?
He's put one more screw in the coffin of the school-age generation of Florida. All of Florida really, as his variant mutates on & on.

Ron DeSantis's mask-bashing new surgeon general wastes no time ripping up COVID school restrictions

IMO - Either he's so much the #TrumpVirus "Stable Genius" who knows more than science, and so blind and dedicated to keep the stats out of public eyes (while still #1 in deaths, so much winning) - OR, he is demonstrably delusional and a callous wannabe king, chip off the old #TrumpVirus bloc, who believes his many fans (the ones left alive) will cheer him on no matter what, dsimissing all the "fake news" and health statistics, all as his "leadership" is killing off his constituents in the most efficient way he can. A killer.

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


"Breaking News" - from Daily Beast, now being picked up across U.S. media:

Donald J. Trump is suing his niece - who he already robbed - and the NY Times...

... alleging they concocted an insidious plot to get ahold of his financials/tax records. Horrors!

Lord #Trumpvirus of the NetherWorld of AlternateFacts, filed NOT in NYC where he and his crime family lived and did business, but in Trump country in upstate rural New York. (Wonder why)

Mary Trump said she's not surprised and he is a F*$@ing loser. (Lord StableGenius already robbed her of her inheritance once!)
And we know how much Drumpf enjoys truth, facts, and the NY Times.

Story is now breaking across news media in the U.S. (maybe not FL/Tx)...

Here is the actual filing


#StaySafe 😷 💉 🧠



It's "not just about an apartment and a Mercedes.... a serious criminal organization... leading to the White House"

Imminent Indictments In Trump Company’s NY Criminal Investigation Expected Soon

Stop the #TrumpVirus
#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


So how is justice proceeding?

Basically, the case against Lord #Trumpvirus is ramping up again in NY, with CFO Weisselberg apparently still the focus - and then, what ever happened to Matt Gaetz? Being in the land of #DeathSantis and Rubio, is it just "going away" quietly? "We'll see what happens". ™️

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


Hard to get any lower than the #DeathSantis variant sending children, families, and much of the state into harm's way. Lying and hiding facts while clinging to his "plan" for ignoring science and public health reality.

But Abbott is still trying to win the #1 spot for COVID deaths, especially targeting schools, again hiding information and in fact banning schools from notifying parents of classroom cases. Truly demonic. As described by Lincoln Project - and then censored by Abbott. Piece of #$! #evil

Lincoln Project Ad pulled from Texas Airwaves (Surprise?)

#StaySafe Stop the super-spread of #Trumpvirus and its variants, borne of ignorance, hate, and disinformation (via Fox/GOP-Q)

💉 😷 🧠

"Under @GovRonDeSantis Covid Deaths in Florida will surpass American deaths during ENTIRE Vietnam war. " - Don Winslow

Totally agree with JoyAnnReid who tweeted that Biden should really tap into the talents of #DonWInslow
Plain unvarnished truth can have dramatic impact & even make some who don't ordinarily do much, think. Hard.
Check out this video. Frightening, but Florida is at over 1000 deaths per day, hiding the numbers, and surpassing Vietnam!


#Stop the #DeathSantis variant.
#StaySafe 💉😷 🎯


While we get some previews of some real "inside" stories concerning Lord #TrumpVirus of the Stable Genius klan...

Here is an interesting, illustrative, televised look at the real (fake) world of Trump: fake narrative, all boasts and optics, and teasing the audience with insults, crude talk, and playing to the audience. I've long observed how much of his behavior was molded from here.

Mr. McMahon and Donald Trump's Battle of the Billionaires Contract Signing

Yes this happened. It is still happening. Divide and conquer. Preaching hate & relishing violence. Lies, preening, all fake...
Note the entourage... Optics, optics, and "power", toughness, "winning". IMHO, this encapsulated the "thinking" and world-view of this "man" who would be Supreme Leader, "like nobody's ever seen before". How many Presidents did this before serving? Wow.

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠


I'm going to share something I couldn't for many, many years.... some of the poems/odes written by children who watched the planes hit, from their schoolyard. The cries of anguish and appeals to G-d, thanks to first responders, hopes for a better future...

It's Not OK

Well, I still won't re-read or look long at this, as today I find myself familiarly numb, feeling only a dull recognition and some tears in my eyes for no "apparent" reason. I guess just the date and coverage is just one big trigger.... Don't look if it's a painful trigger.

Children's Reactions to the World Trade Center Disaster - September 11, 2001

#StaySafe. #TakeCare #LoveAndMercy #911 #Sept11 #NeverForget #September11 #11September #WTC #NewYork


"Love and Mercy, that's what you need tonight..."

The song which soothed & led me towards the light after days-weeks-months of trauma and sadness and helplessness following 9/11. Goosebumps listening to this in the years since. From the gods.... And that sensitive soul of Brian Wilson. How many times I listened to this in a state of despair in the wake of the incomprehensible. Yes, love & mercy are key to survival & healing.

Love and Mercy

#BrianWilson #LoveAndMercy #music #musica #musique #love #mercy #remember #911


The #DeathSantis variant is super-spreading across Florida, exponentially (constantly doubling its rate), now threatening to eliminate DeSantis' base along with innocent children at historic levels. So what is his response? Pour gasoline on the fire, everywhere possible.

Florida Gets Even More Deadly As Appeals Court Blocks School Mask Mandates

What kind of legacy will he, Abbott, and other super-spreaders leave for the GOP/Q cult? "Abbott and DeSantis competed mightily for the # 1 "winning" prize for deaths by COVID-19 and #TrumpVirus variants like #DeathSantis (Delta), spawned by preventing public health.

Abbott and DeSantis already killed more of their constituents than any governors in U.S. history, in the name of "freedom"- while soundly ignoring science & human life, in their single-'minded' efforts to please their basest of bases... A tragedy of epic proportion.

As we all must wait now, a few more weeks at this rate and there won't be anyone left to cheer these child butchers on. :(

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠