

Oude reclame: pruimtabak

Foto van reclamebord voor pruimtabak van het merk J.G.

Enkhuizen (Noord-Holland) 2021

Na alle rokers en tabaksreclames van de afgelopen dagen een reclame voor pruimtabak: tabak die men pruimt zoals dat heette (kauwt). Na een poosje pruimen werd de tabak uitgespuugd in een zogeheten kwispedoor.

#advertising #chewing-tobacco #enkhuizen #foto #fotografie #netherlands #photo #photography #pruimtabak #reclame #roken #smoking #tabak #tobacco

Originally posted at: https://blog.ernste.net/2024/05/29/oude-reclame-pruimtabak/


Oude reclame: tabak

Foto van twee borden met reclame voor tabak op muur

Foto van reclamebord voor Ster tabakEnkhuizen (Noord-Holland) 2021

Deze reclameborden zag ik in in het Zuiderzeemuseum in Enkhuizen. Reclame voor tabak mag tegenwoordig niet meer, want tabak is slecht voor de gezondheid. Dat wisten ze al heel vroeg, zo lees ik:

Al snel wordt duidelijk dat roken ook de gezondheid kan schaden. Tussen 1630 en 1640 is roken in Rusland, China en Turkije daarom een misdrijf. Wie betrapt wordt loopt zelfs het risico geëxecuteerd te worden.

Bron<br clear="all"></br>

Foto van reclamebord voor Van Nelles tabak

(Kleine foto’s groter door erop te klikken.)<br clear="all"></br>

#advertising #enkhuizen #foto #fotografie #netherlands #photo #photography #reclame #roken #smoking #tabak #tobacco

Originally posted at: https://blog.ernste.net/2024/05/24/oude-reclame-tabak/


#WHO raises alarm on #tobacco #industry environmental impact

source: https://www.who.int/news/item/31-05-2022-who-raises-alarm-on-tobacco-industry-environmental-impact

Every year the tobacco industry costs the world more than 8 million human lives, 600 million trees, 200 000 hectares of land, 22 billion tonnes of #water and 84 million tonnes of #CO2.

The majority of tobacco is grown in low-and-middle-income countries, where water and #farmland are often desperately needed to produce food for the region. Instead, they are being used to grow deadly tobacco plants, while more and more land is being cleared of forests.

#environment #emissions #climate #future #food #problem #humanity #economy #news #earth #forest


Secondhand bong smoke worse than that from tobacco, study finds | Cannabis | The Guardian

The fine particulate matter in cannabis smoke from bongs is at least four times greater and more dangerous, experts said

All smoke is dangerous, can make us i'll, and can kill us. Calling it "second-hand" just dilutes the message.

#science #medicine #health #smoking #tobacco #nicotine #NicotineAddiction #cannabis



Pubblicità del tabacco per le donne incinte, 1930

"Il fumo è raccomandato per una gravidanza sana, un parto facile, una madre felice, un bambino calmo, una figura snella oltre a mantenerti in salute e glamour. Le compagnie di sigarette hanno parlato ad alta voce del vantaggio medico del fumo di sigarette".

Tobacco advertising for pregnant women, 1930s

"Smoking is recommended for a healthy pregnancy, an easy birth, a happy mother, a calm baby, a slim figure as well as keeping you healthy and glamorous. Cigarette companies have spoken loudly about the medical advantage of smoking cigarettes."

#Medicine #1930 #Tobacco


Smokers up to 80% more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid, study says | Smoking | The Guardian

Smokers are 60%-80% more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid-19 and also more likely to die from the disease, data suggests.
A study, which pooled observational and genetic data on smoking and Covid-19 to strengthen the evidence base, contradicts research published at the start of the pandemic suggesting that smoking might help to protect against the virus. This was later retracted after it was discovered that some of the paper’s authors had financial links to the tobacco industry.

Links to the tobacco industry? Not at all surprising. Big Tobacco wants to keep people addicted to nicotine, and to turn as many more people into nicotine addicts as they can.

And still The Guardian, along with the rest of main stream media, continues to ignore the plight of the many, many millions of people whose health is badly affected with asthma, lung disease, heart disease, and death, caused directly by the nicotine addicts.

#science #medicine #health #tobacco #smoking #cigarettes #drugs #DrugAddiction #nicotine #NicotineAddiction #Covid-19 #CoronaVirus
