

Speaking of historically accurate #fascism and how to bring it about... Welcome to the new Trump® RNC #cult of believers:

Top NAACP Boss Warns of “Nazism Part Two” if Trump Is Elected


“It’s not about candidate A versus candidate B. It’s not about this political party versus that political party. It’s about whether or not we have a #democracy or we have #fascism. Period. Full stop”

#GQP #RNC #GOP #TrumpVirus #cult of #disinformation, #denial, #distortion, & #evil


Meanwhile.... (Brrr! Sounds like a hurricane outside the wind..... Well, March... 'In like a lion, out like a lamb' 🤞

A SOTU review and interesting* take, from the GQP majority whip, on Ukraine aid.

  * But not cause for great optimism; it's all down to cult belief in #TrumpVirus and #MagaMike)

(un-paywalled, tnx WAPO)

#SOTU #Ukraine #GQP #MAGAMike


Just caught this civil penalties expert explaining to the MSNBC host how the #TrumpVirus bond thing works.
Drumpf does not have to post the entire bond amount, but the bond company, the guarantor, will ask for 5% up front, cash.
(a paltry 4,650,000.00 in the $93M suit). It is unclear who eats the money if Donald loses and stiffs the bondholder, who must pay.

And then there's the $355 Million....

Trump’s $355 Million Penalty: New York Lawyer Explains Civil-Fraud Ruling

Anyway, this was in the larger context of 1) Biden is 'woke' 2) RNC is 'broke' 3) Donny's playing with a dictator and mocking the party


Jen Psaki:

"For those sweating Biden’s age and whether he is up to the job... What do you think about this?"

To borrow a phrase (from literature this time, as opposed to Mein Kampf).... "My beautiful mind".
He's so #cognitive. A stable genius. ("Neigh!" - say the residents of the stable 🐴)

#cognitive #dysfunction #psycohopathology #WordSalad #BrainSpurs #dementia #TBI ... plus, Long #TrumpVirus



Here's all you need to know, with laughs & sighs.
100-proof #truthiness - and #truth - from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert Monday night.

SCOTUS Keeps Trump On The Ballot | Trump’s Brain Is Broken | Speed & Xanax Abuse In Trump’s WH

Thin-sliced: Broken Brains, #TrumpVirus, #SCOTUS & the #GQP #cult - plus Dante's inferno of sin and hedonism, AKA #Trump

Plus the drug-fest which was the #DJT (& Jr) White House by Rx. And those nasty #BrainSpurs messing up a map discussion.
Finger on the pulse of a stimulating day! (Even a bit about Trump's failure at speech and reaction to Putin).

Only Fellini could make this up!


Just as it's been looking like the pendulum may be swinging back towards #truth, #democracy, and #justice....


The Court of #TrumpVirus and protectors of the Ginni/MAGA cult... intervened to do their favorite President a favor...
As Jack Smith is put on hold, if not notice. 💅 (Can't find a nail-biting emoji...). 👿 vs ⚖️ #justice and #democracy

US Supreme Court to decide Trump criminal immunity claim in 2020 election case

"Supreme Power Corrupts Supremely"
#SCOTUS #GQP #TrumpVirus #Autocracy #Oligarchy #Jan6 #Justice #Accountability #Truth


What a surprise!!

Biographer: Melania Trump Trawls the Internet Looking for Coverage of Herself

Birds of a feather? Narcissism & a perfect coupling?

It is well known that Donald Trump is obsessed with the way he is covered in the news. It is common to see the former President respond almost in real-time to slights both real and imagined.
Biographer: Melania Trump Trawls the Internet Looking for Coverage of Herself [VIDEO]

What a surprise!

Melania Trump is much quieter on her social media, but apparently, she has habits similar to her husband's. During a recent interview, biographer Katie Rogers says the former First Lady is often on the lookout for positive coverage.

#Melania #TrumpVirus #narcissism


Heidi Li Feldman, law professor and philosopher, strongly suggests reading and sharing. In this case, I shall comply...

This has to be read and shared. We are under threat from a vengeful, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, lying, defrauding would-be dictator with a major cult following. No hyperbole, just realism.

‘My ultimate and absolute revenge’: Trump gives chilling CPAC speech on presidential agenda

"Unbound and unhinged, ex-president vilifies immigrants before devolving into bizarre riffs, including calling himself ‘total genius’"

#TrumpVirus #CPAC #democracy