

just a funny retrospective memory...

Way back then, in the early to midst 1990ies, i had some #shell account on some random #bsd system out there in hamburg/germany, on the local telephone lines...

Additionally, i had the luxury of using a local "behördennetz" (governemt network) phone, which gave me access to local calls free of charge..

So i actually sat down, for some few days on end... to list up the contents of /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin and /usr/sbin, reading the #man #page for each and every command available in there...

Did i ever mention that i love #unices and the fact they won over the world overall? ;)

#retro #unix #retrospecive #unices #retrocomputing #RandomShit ;)


I think this needs to be said from time to time.

I love it that unices overall made the great and won to rule the online world in all it's facettes. ;)

Linux, BSD*, IOS/OSX(, QNX).. Whenever you go online, it is pretty sure, that at least one of them, if not more, are involved.

Regardless of what you actually do.

I just love it. ;)

#Unix #Linux #BSD #Unices #RandomShit ;)


OSNews - 2022-12-11 22:37:54 GMT

The mass extinction of UNIX workstations

Back in the '90s and very early 2000s, a whole market segment of computers existed that we don't really talk about anymore today: the UNIX workstation. They were non-x86 machines running one of the many commercial UNIX variants, and were used for the very high end of computing. They were expensive, unique, different, and quite often incredibly overengineered




I just released a new version of ksh (the Korn shell), of which I took on the maintenance in May 2020 after AT&T abandoned it and other community efforts went nowhere. The new ksh 93u+m/1.0.0 has roughly a thousand bugs fixed compared to the last decade-old stable release, as well as a good number of enhancements. It is still highly portable; it builds and runs on every Unix-like system under the sun that is not a complete museum piece (and on some that are).
#KornShell #ksh #Unix #shell #sysadmin


24.07.2022 Sanktionen können auch Vorteile bringen
Einseitige Sicht in den Medien

Erst gestern hatten wir über ein Plädoyer für die Kraft einer kritischen Presse berichtet. "Nur ein investigativer Journalismus hat eine Berechtigung, alles andere ist Nachgeplapper der Herrschenden" war das Fazit. Zufälligerweise lief uns heute das passende Beispiel für eine total einseitige Sicht über den Weg.

ntv berichtet in dem Artikel "Westliche Software ist Russlands größte Schwäche" über Probleme in Russland bei der Beschaffung westlicher Hard- und Software. Schon die Feststellung "iPhones, die neue Playstation von Sony und andere beliebte Elektronikgeräte werden illegal ins Land geschmuggelt", kann bei jedem russischen Zöllner nur Verwunderung erzeugen, denn kein russisches Gesetz verbietet deren Einfuhr.

Uns bewegen aber mehr die Auslassungen in dem Artikel, der so tut als ob ohne die Big5, also Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple und Microsoft nichts geht. So wird berichtet, dass in Russland nun Hardware ohne Betriebssystem angeboten wird. Das wäre unser Traum!

Hierzulande ist es nur schwer möglich Laptops oder Handys ohne Betriebssystem zu bekommen. Bei Computern muss völlig sinnlos ein Windows mitgekauft werden, auch wenn man genau weiß, dass man es nicht nutzen will. Bei Handys muss man mit viel Aufwand und technischem Wissen das Gerät erst einmal in einen Zustand bringen, in dem es ein freies Betriebssystem annimmt.

In dem ganzen ntv-Artikel kommt das Wort Linux oder Unix nicht ein einziges Mal vor, obwohl gerade in der Server-Landschaft "sogar bei uns im Westen" über 90% unter dem kostenfreien und offenen Linux laufen. Erst vor einem Monat wurde "Runtu" eine russische Variante des weit verbreiteten Ubuntu vorgestellt.

Man stelle sich mal vor, die EU würde alle GAFAM Konzerne für die Bürger der EU sperren. Die USA würden sofort die Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) und andere ihr hörige Organisationen wegen Beeinträchtigung des "freien Marktes" anrufen.

Mindestens ein kleiner Satz über die Vorteile für die Menschen in Russland durch die westlichen Sanktionen hätte doch drin gewesen sein können ...

Mehr dazu bei https://www.n-tv.de/wirtschaft/Westliche-Software-ist-Russlands-groesste-Schwaeche-article23463923.html
Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3oK
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8090-20220724-sanktionen-koennen-auch-vorteile-bringen.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8090-20220724-sanktionen-koennen-auch-vorteile-bringen.htm
Tags: #Rusland #Sanktionen #Software #Hardware #Technik #Big5 #Gafam #Unabhängigkeit #Meinungsmonopol #Meinungsfreiheit #Pressefreiheit #Internetsperren #Google #Ammazon #Facebook #AppleundMicrosoft #Linux #Unix #OpenSource


Rant: PHP & DokuWiki update upgrade problems - too much complexity: fixing one thing, while breaking another - why updates are hated

Nobody likes rants… just as Updates are (sometimes) hated, but (sometimes) necessary.

This is how (probably) the slogan: “never touch a running/working system” originated.

Once a system was fully tested (all used cases worked), an update came along a old functionality was not functioning anymore.

For security reasons: all machines/systems directly or indirectly exchanging messages with the wild west internet need to stay as up to date as possible.

the pros:

(+) First of DokuWiki is a nice software, it’s cool that it can do a lot of fancy stuff such as LDAP (?) if the user needs it.

(-) What is not cool, to have a lot of plugins installed per default, instead of starting with a bare minimum of software needed (software minimalism) and let the user add the software the user absolutely needs, because “too much software” pre-installed tend to make systems fail.

This time it happened in a “complex grown over years software” “tripple” upgrade situation:

  • php8 is out
  • DokuWiki “upgrade plugin” needs updating
  • DokuWiki itself needs updating

… things fell apart at the 1st step already, resulting in a still readable, but pretty ugly (missing CSS) version of what it was before.

culprit: with a stylesheed was not being properly generated:

url: http://localhost/projects/lib/exe/css.php?t=dokuwiki&tseed=djf83jhdfuz38odhfzho3z80ehilf

<br />
<b><span style="color: #ff9900;">Warning</span></b>: Undefined array key "speech" in <b>/path/to/dokuwiki/lib/exe/css.php</b> on line <b>83</b><br />
<br />
<b><span style="color: #ff0000;">Fatal error</span></b>: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in <b>/path/to/dokuwiki/vendor/marcusschwarz/lesserphp/lessc.inc.php</b> on line <b>761</b><br />

DokuWiki authors added the work of this author (https://www.maswaba.de/lesserphpdocs/) for whatever reason and { curly brackets } (now deprecated) were not updated in time to [ square brackets ].

As simple as that.

In the beginning: all the user wants is an easy editable file based wiki (it’s even there in the Dokuwiki slogan “it’s better when it is simple”)

Why exactly is this CSS compiler needed/active per default in the first place?

Has DokuWiki grown into unnecessary complex “bloatware” of over 5000 files?

<span style="color: #00ffff;">wget https://download.dokuwiki.org/out/dokuwiki-8186df5bcf8bba07ff8638254a75b094.tgz
tar fxvz dokuwiki-8186df5bcf8bba07ff8638254a75b094.tgz</span>
<span style="color: #00ffff;">find ./dokuwiki |wc -l</span>
<span style="color: #ff6600;">5579 files</span>

(much less than some PHP frameworks… but still a lot of files… with a lot of moving parts… all potential points of failure…)

violating UNIX K.I.S.S and leading to software failures

More complexity = more errors = less maintainability.

DokuWiki has gained functionalities of questionable qualities, such as the very faulty and thus pretty useless and annoying SPAM detection mechanism.

(every Wiki should be login & .htaccess protected, how to activate the DokuWiki (per default disabled) login screen, is the #1 most visited page of this blog X-D, already enough SPAM protection… so completely unnecessary to add such faulty functionality)

Even worse: @the-official-DokuWiki-forum, the forum software triggers admins (that are unable to read and blindly trust this faulty SPAM detection mechanism, that basically detects EVERY URL as spam) to block the user’s (maybe useful) contributions aka “overblocking”.

Be Brave New Web World.

Only solution: write your own tools that respect UNIX K.I.S.S principle and are therefore easy to fix and maintain and actually work, fast 🙂 (using minimal resources)

DokuWiki updates-upgrades: how it is supposed to look and work like:

how to fix this mess:

==== howto fix ====
<b>Warning</b>: Undefined array key "speech" in <b>/path/to/dokuwiki/lib/exe/css.php</b> on line <b>83</b>
(usually php-warnings are disabled, but if warnings are enabled, it will mess up the css's format)

=== in file: /lib/exe/css.php

== in line: 82 to 87

= change, from:
        // load user styles
        if(is_array($config_cascade['userstyle'][$mediatype])) {
            foreach($config_cascade['userstyle'][$mediatype] as $userstyle) {
                $files[$userstyle] = DOKU_BASE;
= change, to:
        // load user styles
        if(array_key_exists($mediatype, $config_cascade['userstyle']))
            if(is_array($config_cascade['userstyle'][$mediatype])) {
                foreach($config_cascade['userstyle'][$mediatype] as $userstyle) {
                    $files[$userstyle] = DOKU_BASE;

==== howto fix ====

<b>Fatal error</b>: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in <b>/path/to/dokuwiki/vendor/marcusschwarz/lesserphp/lessc.inc.php</b> on line <b>761</b>

=== in file:

== line: 761
= change, from:
   $subProp[1]{0} != $this->vPrefix)
= change, to:
   $subProp[1][0] != $this->vPrefix)

== line: 2762
= change, from:
   if (!is_string($tag) || $tag{0} != $this->lessc->mPrefix)
= change, to:
   if (!is_string($tag) || $tag[0] != $this->lessc->mPrefix)

== line: 2816
= change, from:
   if ($tag{0} == $this->lessc->vPrefix)
= change, to:
   if ($tag[0] == $this->lessc->vPrefix)

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #dokuwiki #when #upgrades #fail #upgrade #complexity #unix #kiss

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/30/rant-php-dokuwiki-update-upgrade-problems-too-much-complexity-fixing-one-thing-while-breaking-another-why-updates-are-hated/


PHP & DokuWiki update upgrade problems - too much complexity: fixing one thing, while breaking another - why updates are hated

Updates are hated, but sometimes necessary.

This is how (probably) the slogan: “never touch a running/working system” originated.

Once a system was fully tested (all used cases worked), an update came along a old functionality was not functioning anymore.

For security reasons: all machines/systems directly or indirectly exchanging messages with the wild west internet need to stay as up to date as possible.

the pros:

(+) First of DokuWiki is a nice software, it’s cool that it can do a lot of fancy stuff such as LDAP (?) if the user needs it.

(-) What is not cool, to have a lot of plugins installed per default, instead of starting with a bare minimum of software needed (software minimalism) and let the user add the software the user absolutely needs, because “too much software” pre-installed tend to make systems fail.

This time it happened in a “complex grown over years software” “tripple” upgrade situation:

  • php8 is out
  • DokuWiki “upgrade plugin” needs updating
  • DokuWiki itself needs updating

… things fell apart at the 1st step already, resulting in a still readable, but pretty ugly (missing CSS) version of what it was before.

culprit: with a stylesheed was not being properly generated:

url: http://localhost/projects/lib/exe/css.php?t=dokuwiki&tseed=djf83jhdfuz38odhfzho3z80ehilf

<br />
<b><span style="color: #ff9900;">Warning</span></b>: Undefined array key "speech" in <b>/path/to/dokuwiki/lib/exe/css.php</b> on line <b>83</b><br />
<br />
<b><span style="color: #ff0000;">Fatal error</span></b>: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in <b>/path/to/dokuwiki/vendor/marcusschwarz/lesserphp/lessc.inc.php</b> on line <b>761</b><br />

DokuWiki authors added the work of this author (https://www.maswaba.de/lesserphpdocs/) for whatever reason and { curly brackets } (now deprecated) were not updated in time to [ square brackets ].

As simple as that.

In the beginning: all the user wants is an easy editable file based wiki (it’s even there in the Dokuwiki slogan “it’s better when it is simple”)

Why exactly is this CSS compiler needed/active per default in the first place?

Has DokuWiki grown into unnecessary complex “bloatware” of over 5000 files?

<span style="color: #00ffff;">wget https://download.dokuwiki.org/out/dokuwiki-8186df5bcf8bba07ff8638254a75b094.tgz
tar fxvz dokuwiki-8186df5bcf8bba07ff8638254a75b094.tgz</span>
<span style="color: #00ffff;">find ./dokuwiki |wc -l</span>
<span style="color: #ff6600;">5579 files</span>

(much less than some PHP frameworks… but still a lot of files… with a lot of moving parts… all potential points of failure…)

violating UNIX K.I.S.S and leading to software failures

More complexity = more errors = less maintainability.

DokuWiki has gained functionalities of questionable qualities, such as the very faulty and thus SPAM detection mechanism.

(every Wiki should be login & .htaccess protected, how to activate the DokuWiki (per default disabled) login screen, is the #1 most visited page of this blog X-D, already enough SPAM protection… so completely unnecessary to add such faulty functionality)

Even worse: @the-official-DokuWiki-forum, the forum software triggers admins (that are unable to read and blindly trust this faulty SPAM detection mechanism, that basically detects EVERY URL as spam) to block the user’s (maybe useful) contributions aka “overblocking”.

Be Brave New Web World.

Only solution: write your own tools that respect UNIX K.I.S.S principle and are therefore easy to fix and maintain and actually work, fast 🙂 (using minimal resources)

how to fix this mess:

==== howto fix ====
<b>Warning</b>: Undefined array key "speech" in <b>/path/to/dokuwiki/lib/exe/css.php</b> on line <b>83</b>
(usually php-warnings are disabled, but if warnings are enabled, it will mess up the css's format)

=== in file: /lib/exe/css.php

== in line: 82 to 87

= change, from:
        // load user styles
        if(is_array($config_cascade['userstyle'][$mediatype])) {
            foreach($config_cascade['userstyle'][$mediatype] as $userstyle) {
                $files[$userstyle] = DOKU_BASE;
= change, to:
        // load user styles
        if(array_key_exists($mediatype, $config_cascade['userstyle']))
            if(is_array($config_cascade['userstyle'][$mediatype])) {
                foreach($config_cascade['userstyle'][$mediatype] as $userstyle) {
                    $files[$userstyle] = DOKU_BASE;

==== howto fix ====

<b>Fatal error</b>: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported in <b>/path/to/dokuwiki/vendor/marcusschwarz/lesserphp/lessc.inc.php</b> on line <b>761</b>

=== in file:

== line: 761
= change, from:
   $subProp[1]{0} != $this->vPrefix)
= change, to:
   $subProp[1][0] != $this->vPrefix)

== line: 2762
= change, from:
   if (!is_string($tag) || $tag{0} != $this->lessc->mPrefix)
= change, to:
   if (!is_string($tag) || $tag[0] != $this->lessc->mPrefix)

== line: 2816
= change, from:
   if ($tag{0} == $this->lessc->vPrefix)
= change, to:
   if ($tag[0] == $this->lessc->vPrefix)

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #dokuwiki #when #upgrades #fail #upgrade #complexity #unix #kiss

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/30/php-dokuwiki-update-upgrade-problems-too-much-complexity-fixing-one-thing-while-breaking-another-why-updates-are-hated/


rant: system philosophy: IT that ignore UNIX K.I.S.S will die - in Germany there are only one man teams



team, team, team team…

In Germany, everyone is his/her own team, there are only one-man, one-woman teams.

teams not necessarily help each other

the best “help” you can get from another “team” is “it is somewhere in the (incomplete, outdated, no body cares) dokuwiki”

often they also work against each other

so actually there are no teams

without social skills and development as human being

the only interface that still exists is text and money

“give me that, here the money”

a “helpful” “community” isn’t it?

which reminds me of:

have no problem with that, just please do not raise any expectations that it might be otherwise.

“we are a hip, cool and fun company” (no)

just say it out loud: “we are a boring company, our systems are a grown mess and we are about to lose control, want to fix it?”

well if you read & understood K.I.S.S (simplify, simplify, simplify, standardize, automate) it could be fixed over the course of several years, if not: no.

to ignore K.I.S.S means: leaving behind an badly documented mess, either for others to fix or to die (delete & restart).

Any newcomer’s motivation will die fast, when being stuck without help and with outdated documentation.

Aka: the company is doomed to die in a self made mess. (Don’t tell me i did not warn ya)

Some will ride the rainbow, until it dies.

You just killed your own company and your job, but not in the way McIlroy envisioned it:

“As a programmer, it is your job to put yourself out of business. What you do today can be automated tomorrow.”

Doug McIlroy

(probably quoting JFKennedy)

PS: those guys at ubuntu surely also never have heard of K.I.S.S

the only reason ubuntu is still a thing, is that it is based on K.I.S.S respecting Debian

also: systemd has become “creepware” (it used to do startup, now it also does network config, WHY? WHY? (because it want’s to rule them all)

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #team #teams #it #crowd #company #germany #error #mistake #unix #kiss #simplify #simplicity #rant

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2021/11/10/rant-system-philosophy-it-that-ignore-unix-k-i-s-s-will-die-in-germany-there-are-only-one-man-teams/


system philosophy: IT that ignore UNIX K.I.S.S will die - in Germany there are only one man teams



team, team, team team…

In Germany, everyone is his/her own team, there are only one-man, one-woman teams.

teams not necessarily help each other

the best “help” you can get from another “team” is “it is somewhere in the (incomplete, outdated, no body cares) dokuwiki”

often they also work against each other

so actually there are no teams

without social skills and development as human being

the only interface that still exists is text and money

“give me that, here the money”

a “helpful” “community” isn’t it?

which reminds me of:

have no problem with that, just please do not raise any expectations that it might be otherwise.

“we are a hip, cool and fun company” (no)

just say it out loud: “we are a boring company, our systems are a grown mess and we are about to lose control, want to fix it?”

well if you read & understood K.I.S.S (simplify, simplify, simplify, standardize, automate) it could be fixed over the course of several years, if not: no.

to ignore K.I.S.S means: leaving behind an badly documented mess, either for others to fix or to die (delete & restart).

Any newcomer’s motivation will die fast, when being stuck without help and with outdated documentation.

Aka: the company is doomed to die in a self made mess. (Don’t tell me i did not warn ya)

Some will ride the rainbow, until it dies.

You just killed your own company and your job, but not in the way McIlroy envisioned it:

“As a programmer, it is your job to put yourself out of business. What you do today can be automated tomorrow.”

Doug McIlroy

(probably quoting JFKennedy)

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #team #teams #it #crowd #company #germany #error #mistake #unix #kiss #simplify #simplicity

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2021/11/10/system-philosophy-it-that-ignore-unix-k-i-s-s-will-die-in-germany-there-are-only-one-man-teams/