

Melbourne city is expanding a large park area, so we'll be able to cruise around the Victoria/botanic/shrine area and all the way to the beach. The arts area in South Melbourne is also getting more parkland in coming years.

I'm looking forward to joining a "Bike Fix" group to service and promote cycling in these areas. Regardless of anything else, it's so much fun.


#melbourne #australia #parks #greenspaces #beauty #natural #greencity


The proposal for some state parks sparked outrage among residents. DeSantis made it sound as if the “half-baked” plan was leaked before it was ready. But the department’s attempted public rollout shows this was a proposal in its final stages.

The state published its full plans on a government website alongside an announcement for simultaneous public meetings across Florida within a matter of days. Officials in the governor’s office showed support of the plan at first, and state officials made a series of social media graphics touting it.


#Florida #Parks #DeSantis #lies #public #PushBack


Städtische und stadtnahe Wälder: Mehr Widerstandsfähigkeit für die grünen Lungen

Städtische und stadtnahe #Wälder sind wichtig für die Gesundheit und das menschliche Wohlbefinden. Um ihrem Rückgang entgegenzuwirken, haben Forschende des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie im Projekt „Grüne Lunge“⁽¹⁾ untersucht, wie einzelne #Bäume in der Nähe von Straßen, #Friedhöfe⁣n oder #Parks sowie städtische #Wälder anpassungs- und widerstandsfähiger gegenüber den Auswirkungen des Klimawandels werden können⁽²⁾ .

🔗 https://www.sonnenseite.com/de/umwelt/staedtische-und-stadtnahe-waelder-mehr-resilienz-fuer-die-gruenen-lungen/
(1) https://www.projekt-gruenelunge.de/
(2) https://www.kit.edu/kit/wald-im-klimawandel.php
#Umwelt #Natur #Klima #Klimawandel #Erderwärmung


Having a dog getting me out and walk much more than before, så i am seeing new things aäö the time.

There was a small park behind pir apartment with lots of malberry trees. Used to go there with the kids to pick up fruits to eat them. But 2 years ago they cut all the beautiful trees out and were working on changing ot

I never walk on that street any more so I didn't see the changes, but they now have turned it into a small botanical garden, lots of exotic trees from around the world and this little thing for bees. It even have 2 drinkable water fountains that is a great thing during the summer when walking the dog.

#France #JuanLesPins #SouthOfFrance #Bees #Parks


#ussr #housing #environment #parks #fields #gardens #trees #woods #urban #urbanisation #homeownership ">public housing


I've skipped the first 3 minutes or so of this, to get right to the part that I find amazing. It is a scratchy, early audio recording from 1955, the week of Rosa #Parks' arrest, of King either making a "prophesy", or just exercising the full force of will and his charisma. Whatever the reason, he proceeds to #predict and proclaim exactly what the #CivilRights movement will do over the next decade or so. It kinda reminds me of the story of Joan of Arc, who proclaims at a young age that she will raise an army and liberate France - and then she does.
This 1970 documentary is imo one of the best ever made about #King.
#mlk #happybirthday #jan15 #freedom #leftism (the real thing)
