

(Weit nach Sonnenuntergang, das Dorf schläft zwischen seinen frühsommergrünen Hügeln. Irgendwo Feuerwerk, hinter den Wäldern. Irgendwo noch ein Motorrad auf der Ausfallstraße, im siedlungslosen, menschenleeren Territorium zwischen den Gemarkungen verschwindend. Unverhängte Sterne, letzter Rauch der Feuerschale, und die Stille, genau so vertraut und urgewohnt wie der Duft. Seltsame Anhänglichkeit, seltsame Nähe.)

#outerworld #the_village_and_the_hills #different_layers_of_past

#the village and the hills #different layers of past


Blass ist der neue Morgen, blass der Asphalt, der Himmel, blass die Gesichter der meisten Passanten, die an den Haltestellen und Kreuzungen auf ihre nächsten Schritte warten. Entlang von Wegen, die man schon mechanisch abfährt, begegnet man immer denselben Menschen, und misst die Uhrzeit grob daran, an welcher Stelle man einander genau kreuzt. Weiter stadtauswärts ringen Pendler und Handwerker um die wenigen Parkplätze, die Dienstälteren stehen schon direkt vor dem Haus und frühstücken im Transporter, während Kirchglocken zu läuten beginnen und der Horizont langsam Farbe gewinnt. Pendeltüre, Büroküche, Kaffeemaschine. Noch etwas Abstand von Allem, ohne Blick auf den Kalender oder das Postfach. Noch etwas Abstand, so lang die Flure noch schlafen. Habt es mild heute!

#outerworld #early_office_hours #early_morning_dawn #different_day_same_pictures

#early office hours #early morning dawn #different day same pictures


Close to 8. Day's reconsidering its schedule. Not fully arrived in this current Now yet. Also: Trying to involve the model in conversations about the various aspects of history of this particular date. Undecided what to think of the results, as always. If you're not sure you know things, maybe better not look for someone to confuse you.

#outerworld #home_office_hours #model_conversations #different_layers_of_past

#home office hours #model conversations #different layers of past


Passed 10pm, moving on once more. Evening's still dry and breathing late summer, and even until now the neighbourhood seems willing to make the most of it. Chatter and noise in the streets, the sound of people opening bottles, the sound of doors and windows opening in ground level, and then and now the sound of police cars and officers passing through. Across the street, an immense TV is flooding a comparably small room with virtual worlds. And a shadow of a cat in front of it on the windowsill, gazing at sky and moon. Where are we today, not yet being asleep?

#outerworld #out_in_the_wild #early_night_phenomenon #different_cats_same_moon

#out in the wild #early night phenomenon #different cats same moon


Separate With Motion 1
What brought me into art? The fact that I survived cancer in my brain when I was young. I now do struggle in remembering things verbally and difficulty in hearing. As a result, I have become exceedingly visual. I always enjoyed photographing and I got into photographic art. Later in my life I learned about Adobe Photoshop, discovered the fascinating things I can do with it to create art and took a ton of notes to remember it. Today, with my own learning, creativity and family support, I produce abstract digital art.
#art #abstractart #abstractdigitalart #digitalart #digitalabsract #artwork #disabledartist #abstract #digital #abstract #photographed #artforsale #modernart #abstractartist #digitalartist #artist #abstractdigitalartist #modern #weird #different


Science Integrity Digest: Concerns about Marseille’s IHUMI/AMU papers – Part 2

This is part 2 of a series describing papers from the #IHUMI / #AMU institutions in #Marseille, #France, with potential problems. In Part 1, I listed papers with #image concerns. In this follow-up I’ll focus on a set of #papers that might have problems with #human subjects research not having received proper #ethical #approval. The articles span a #decade of research on #homeless people in Marseille, and involve #different studies and specimens — but all were run #under #just #one #IRB #approval #number.


#science #ethics #medicine #research