

Ebola-Ausbruch in Uganda zu Ende | DW | 11.01.2023

Der Ebola-Ausbruch im ostafrikanischen Uganda ist offiziell vorbei. Seit Dezember gab es keine neuen Fälle. Die WHO lobt die Arbeit des Landes im Kampf gegen die gefährlichen Fieberkrankheit.#Uganda #Ebola #Virus #Ausbruch #WHO
Ebola-Ausbruch in Uganda zu Ende | DW | 11.01.2023


Ebola-Ausbruch in Uganda: Alles unter Kontrolle? | DW | 26.10.2022

Das tödliche Ebola-Virus weitet sich schnell in Uganda aus. Auch die Hauptstadt ist inzwischen betroffen. Der Kampf gegen die Krankheit stößt auf finanzielle Engpässe bei Hilfsorganisationen.#Uganda #Ebola #Kampala #WHO #UNHCR
Ebola-Ausbruch in Uganda: Alles unter Kontrolle? | DW | 26.10.2022


Wie Uganda dem erneuten Ebola-Ausbruch begegnet | DW | 27.09.2022

Uganda reagiert mit Notfallplänen auf die jüngsten Ebola-Fälle. Noch kann eine erneute Epidemie nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg liegt laut Experten in einer guten Zusammenarbeit.#Uganda #Ebola #Sudan-Virus #WHO
Wie Uganda dem erneuten Ebola-Ausbruch begegnet | DW | 27.09.2022


Der moderne verwöhnte Mensch der nördlichen Hemisphäre, meint der Autor, nimmt seine #Umwelt als Fertiggericht wahr, mit dem zusammen er auf jedem Selfie vorteilhaft aussehen will. Wenn das nicht gelingt, wittert er eine #Verschwörung.
Im Gegensatz dazu versucht der moderne arme Mensch in asiatischen und afrikanischen #Slums ohne industriell produziertes #Fleisch durchzukommen, weil es zu teuer ist, und ernährt sich von Wildtieren, was naheliegt, denn die Slums reichen bereits in deren Lebensräume.
In der #Wissenschaft überwiegt die Meinung, die jüngsten gefährlichen Viren – #Ebola und alle #SARS -Varianten, also auch #Corona – sind auf Menschen übertragen worden, die Kontakt mit Wildtieren hatten. Dieser Kontakt findet auf sogenannten Wet Markets statt, wo Wildtiere gehandelt werden, tot oder lebendig und ohne hygienische Standards.

https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/uli-krug-krankheit-als-kraenkung-104.html #pandemie #psychoanalyse #bücher #gesundheit #china #querdenker


#Pfizer to offer all its #drugs not-for-profit to 45 lower-income countries

source: https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/may/25/pfizer-to-offer-low-cost-medicines-to-45-lower-income-countries

“We are living in a time where science is increasingly demonstrating the ability to take on the #world’s most devastating diseases,” Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s chief executive, said. “Unfortunately, there exists a tremendous #health #equity gap in our world that determines which of us can use these innovations and which of us cannot.”

Piggy smart calmly pronounces an obvious #problem only what are the causes?

Is there a more obvious contradiction in #capitalism than in health care? The profit motive of pharmaceutical companies does not make it profitable to help poor people. Already with the help for #Aids, #Africa was simply forgotten. In the case of #Ebola outbreaks, Western aid only arrives when the #disease threatens to spread to the West via airports.

#moral #ethics #money #finance #profit #economy #Pharmacy #medicine #help #politics #HumanRights #poverty


Erneuter Ebola-Ausbruch in der Republik Kongo | DW | 23.04.2022

In der Demokratischen Republik Kongo ist erneut ein Mensch an Ebola gestorben - vier Monate nach dem letzten bekannten Infektionsfall. Die Behörden hoffen, eine Ausbreitung des Virus verhindern zu können.#Gesundheit #Ebola #Kongo #DRKongo #Epidemien #Afrika
Erneuter Ebola-Ausbruch in der Republik Kongo | DW | 23.04.2022


Telling the story of the search for the #COVID-19 vaccines puts #capitalism under the microscope. It is a story that helps us to zoom in on why the pharmaceutical industry is set for one of the biggest profit windfalls in its #history. And it magnifies our view of the commanding role of the capitalist #state in a process that the likes of #BorisJohnson present as driven by corporate ingenuity and naked competition – but in reality is driven by our wealth and by scientific #knowledge that is part of the #commons.
As we get to the end of the story, we find out that the search for the #vaccine is not really a search for a cure at all, but a search to avoid dealing with the causes of the #virus.

https://corporatewatch.org/vaccinating-capitalism-corporate-pharma-raids-the-commons-and-leaves-the-root-causes-untreated/ #corona #mers #pfizer #who #zika #ebola #bigpharma #capitalism #hedgefonds #crisis


#Mers, #Sars, #Ebola, #GripeSuína e #Co vid19 : #Capitalismo acelera pandemias e autodestruição -
https://cartacampinas.com.br/2021/09/mers-sars-ebola-gripe-suina-e-covid-19-capitalismo-acelera-pandemias-e-autodestruicao/ -
RT CartaCampinas -
"...“A frequência e intensidade das pandemias no mundo vêm se acelerando. Precisamos dar um basta nesse modelo capitalista selvagem e predador e nessa desigualdade social. Isso é insustentável com a vida no planeta. Não é uma questão de se ‘teremos outras pandemia, mas de quando teremos”... -


Would Anyone Care for a Game of Chess?

In a famous illustration of the power of exponential growth, the inventor of chess is said to have been asked by the King how he would like to be rewarded. His response sounded modest and straightforward: just pay me one grain of wheat on the first square of the chess board, and double that for each additional square. The King found this to be an absurdly humble respect, laughed, and ordered it so.

During fulfillment operations his treasury staff came to realize that the request would clear not only the granaries of the palace, nor of the entire kingdom, but of the entire world, many times over. If a single grain of wheat were 1/4 gram, the entire chessboard would have held over 4,611 billion tonnes. Worldwide total wheat production in 2007 was only 2.3 billion tons. It would take over 2,000 years to fulfill the inventor's request even now, from every wheat field on the planet.

Legend has it the King was not amused and the game's inventor left this world somewhat shortened.

But let's change a few elements...

Continued at the dreddit

#chess #exponentialgrowth #ebola
