

Un jour sur #Terre, un jour comme un autre, le 31 août 2023 vers midi....

Tu te sens seul-e dans ce monde capitaliste ?
Meuuuuh nan, regarde les #océans, les #mers et les #airs autour de toi, si tu doutes... :)

En #mer : https://www.vesselfinder.com/
En l' #air : https://planefinder.net/

Et pour ceux qui reviennent de loin et de #vacances, je vous rappelle que vous avez activement participé au nouveau #record :

Toujours plus - La demande mondiale de pétrole n’a jamais été aussi élevée

L’Agence internationale de l’énergie estime que la demande de pétrole va atteindre son «niveau le plus élevé jamais enregistré» en 2023 avec 102,2 millions de barils par jour en moyenne.

Vous vous rappelez du démarrage du film la planète des singes ? Ben, il va nous arriver la même chose : #extinction de toute activité ! Mais pas à cause d'un virus, à cause de la #consommation. La nôtre.

#Humour (noir) #Énergie #Energy #Baril #Barils #AIE #Pétrole #Pollution #Capitalisme #Croissance #ToujoursPlus #Avion #Avions #Bateau #Cargo #Navire
#UnMondeQuiTourne #ÇaBouge #QuelqueChoseMeDitQueÇaVaNePasDurer... #TicTacTicTacTicTac #Collapse #Effondrement


The #WHO is currently exploring the possibility that #China’s wildlife farms may be at the origin of the #COVID-19 #pandemic. Others have more specifically suggested that the country’s lucrative fur industry is a likely source.
Mink, the #animals most widely-bred for their fur, are especially susceptible to contracting the disease and are the only species known to infect humans. #Coronavirus cases have been reported across hundreds of European mink farms.
The European and North American fur industries have been on the decline for years, with a number of major companies going bust. The mass culling of mink to stave off the spread of the virus in #Europe and the resulting bans on fur #production have hit the industry hard.
Despite the risks posed by mink farming, China has done little to regulate its fur industry, which is the world’s largest. In fact, Chinese producers are making the most of the global fall in production and rising prices.
Concerted efforts by lobbyists to rebrand the company as sustainable, and the recent announcement of a new mink vaccine may be sufficient to rescue Europe’s fur trade unless action is taken to shut it down for good.
The risk of recurring pandemics in the near future remains high so long as toxic industries such as factory #farming and the #fur trade continue to exist.

https://corporatewatch.org/animal-farming-covid-19-from-chinas-wildlife-trade-to-the-european-fur-industry/ #capitalism #usa #sars #mers #biology #greenwashing #lobbyism


Telling the story of the search for the #COVID-19 vaccines puts #capitalism under the microscope. It is a story that helps us to zoom in on why the pharmaceutical industry is set for one of the biggest profit windfalls in its #history. And it magnifies our view of the commanding role of the capitalist #state in a process that the likes of #BorisJohnson present as driven by corporate ingenuity and naked competition – but in reality is driven by our wealth and by scientific #knowledge that is part of the #commons.
As we get to the end of the story, we find out that the search for the #vaccine is not really a search for a cure at all, but a search to avoid dealing with the causes of the #virus.

https://corporatewatch.org/vaccinating-capitalism-corporate-pharma-raids-the-commons-and-leaves-the-root-causes-untreated/ #corona #mers #pfizer #who #zika #ebola #bigpharma #capitalism #hedgefonds #crisis


Le #drapeau #pirate, contre les #nations | Faire l' #histoire | #ARTE

Pièce maîtresse du déguisement des enfants, le drapeau pirate est pourtant loin d'être un #objet anecdotique. Guillaume Calafat nous explique qu'à travers l'histoire de cet #étendard familier se joue une partie décisive pour les #États-nations qui, à partir du XVIe siècle, se forgent autant sur les #mers que par leurs #frontières #terrestres. Le drapeau pirate devient ainsi le révélateur indirect d'une histoire de la #souveraineté.



#Mers, #Sars, #Ebola, #GripeSuína e #Co vid19 : #Capitalismo acelera pandemias e autodestruição -
https://cartacampinas.com.br/2021/09/mers-sars-ebola-gripe-suina-e-covid-19-capitalismo-acelera-pandemias-e-autodestruicao/ -
RT CartaCampinas -
"...“A frequência e intensidade das pandemias no mundo vêm se acelerando. Precisamos dar um basta nesse modelo capitalista selvagem e predador e nessa desigualdade social. Isso é insustentável com a vida no planeta. Não é uma questão de se ‘teremos outras pandemia, mas de quando teremos”... -