

WP whitewash Netanyahu again: #Netanyahu dissolves war cabinet but plans to keep far right sidelined

đŸ”¶ïž #BenGvir and #Smotrich’s continued influence, even from outside the war cabinet, was partly the reason for the resignation of war cabinet members Benny #Gantz and Gadi #Eisenkot last week. The two centrists said they joined the cabinet to ensure the war was conducted responsibly, but have since concluded they couldn’t work with Netanyahu as long as he refused to commit to a day-after strategy for Gaza.

đŸ”¶ïž The departure came after a string of military leaders made rare public statements airing their grievances with Netanyahu’s handling of the war in Gaza, with many saying that Israel cannot afford to continue it indefinitely, especially with tensions escalating on the Lebanese border.

đŸ”¶ïž Brig. Gen. Efraim Sneh, a former deputy minister of defense, said that Israel has achieved its military objectives of degrading the majority of Hamas capabilities and can afford to declare an end to the war in Gaza, get back the hostages, and redirect its focus to distancing #Hezbollah forces from its northern border.

đŸ”¶ïž “Israel is in an unacceptable situation, in which a big part of the country has been deserted,” he said. He added that, while “Israel’s forces are stretched thin between Gaza and the Lebanese border,” Netanyahu’s far-right coalition partners are exacerbating the situation by blocking hundreds of thousands of Palestinian day laborers from entering Israel and enacting punitive measures against the #WestBank-based Palestinian Authority.

đŸ”¶ïž The #IDF is moving closer to a larger war with Hezbollah, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, a spokesman for the Israeli military, said in a video message Sunday. Fighting between Israel and Hezbollah has intensified in recent weeks at the Lebanese border. “Hezbollah’s increasing aggression is bringing us to the brink of what could be a wider escalation — one that could have devastating consequences for Lebanon and the entire region,” Hagari said. After an Israeli strike killed a Hezbollah commander last week, a Hezbollah official said the militant group would retaliate with increased operations “in intensity, strength, quantity and quality.”


#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#Mossad director Yossi Cohen is personally involved in a secret plot to pressure #ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda to drop Israel war crime against Palestinians investigations.

Cohen’s covert contacts with Bensouda took place in the years leading up to her decision to open a formal investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in occupied Palestinian territories. The Mossad's objective was to compromise or enlist Bensouda's cooperation with Israel's demands, as Cohen's personal involvement took place when he was the director of the Mossad, and his activities were authorized at a high level.

#WarCrime #CrimeAgainsHumanity #Netanyahu #Gantz
#Israel #Politics


Disputes are escalating... The response of #Netanyahu's office to #Gantz's words:

"While our fighters are fighting to destroy the Hamas brigades in Rafah, Gantz prefers to give an ultimatum to the prime minister instead of an ultimatum to #Hamas... The conditions that Gantz sets are washed-up words and their meaning is clear: the end of the war. The war, the defeat of Israel, the release of most of our prisoners, the intactness of Hamas and the establishment of the Palestinian state.

As casualties of #IDF in both nothern Israel and all over Gaza is increasing and with significant material losses, Gantz is using the momentum to attack Netanyahu in order to pave the way for his future PM position with support of Biden and many "liberal" European leaders.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Israeli channel 13 reports that several American officials including Harris, Sullivan, and #Blinken told Israel's Benny #Gantz that the Biden administration prevented several European countries, especially the #UK, from imposing arms #sanctions against the occupation state of Israel.

UK? Really? Who are they fooling? #Sunak would never do anything to stop the ongoing genocide in #Gaza.

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Le monde doit imposer la paix à Israël

Par Gideon Levy

ArrĂȘt sur info — 20 fĂ©vrier 2024

#États-Unis auprĂšs de l’ #ONU, Linda #Thomas-Greenfield, a Ă©tĂ© la seule Ă  voter contre la rĂ©solution de l’AlgĂ©rie sur le cessez-le-feu au Conseil de sĂ©curitĂ© mardi. (UN Photo/Manuel ElĂ­as)
L’ambassadrice des #États-Unis auprĂšs de l’ #ONU, Linda #Thomas-Greenfield, a Ă©tĂ© la seule Ă  voter contre la rĂ©solution de l’AlgĂ©rie sur le cessez-le-feu au Conseil de sĂ©curitĂ© mardi. (UN Photo/Manuel ElĂ­as)

Le moment est venu pour les #USA et dans leur sillage la communautĂ© internationale, de prendre une dĂ©cision : le cycle sans fin de la #violence entre #IsraĂ«l et les #Palestiniens va-t-il se poursuivre ou allons-nous tenter d’y mettre un terme ? Les USA vont-ils continuer Ă  armer IsraĂ«l et Ă  dĂ©plorer ensuite l’usage excessif de ces armements, ou sont-ils enfin prĂȘts Ă  prendre des mesures concrĂštes, pour la premiĂšre fois de leur histoire, afin de changer la rĂ©alitĂ© ? Et surtout, l’attaque israĂ©lienne la plus cruelle contre #Gaza deviendra-t-elle la plus inutile de toutes, ou l’occasion qui s’est prĂ©sentĂ©e Ă  sa suite ne sera-t-elle pas ratĂ©e, pour une fois ?

Il ne sert Ă  rien d’en appeler Ă  IsraĂ«l. Le gouvernement actuel, et celui qui le remplacera probablement, n’a pas et n’aura jamais l’intention, le courage ou la capacitĂ© de gĂ©nĂ©rer un changement. Lorsque le Premier ministre rĂ©pond aux propos amĂ©ricains sur la crĂ©ation d’un État palestinien par des mots indiquant qu’il « s’oppose aux mouvements forcĂ©s » ou qu’ « un accord ne sera conclu que par le biais de nĂ©gociations» tout ce que l’on peut faire, c’est rire et pleurer.

Rire, parce qu’au fil des ans, le Premier ministre Benjamin #Netanyahou a fait tout ce qu’il pouvait pour faire Ă©chouer les nĂ©gociations ; pleurer, parce que c’est IsraĂ«l qui emploie la coercition – la nature de sa politique Ă  l’égard des Palestiniens est une coercition mise en Ɠuvre dans une grande dĂ©marche unilatĂ©rale, violente, agressive et arrogante. Tout Ă  coup, IsraĂ«l est contre les actes de coercition ? L’ironie se cache la tĂȘte dans la honte.

Il est donc inutile d’attendre du gouvernement israĂ©lien actuel qu’il change de caractĂšre. Il est tout aussi vain d’attendre d’un gouvernement dirigĂ© par Benny #Gantz, Gadi #Eisenkot ou Yair #Lapid qu’il le fasse. Aucun d’entre eux ne croit en l’existence d’un État palestinien dont le statut souverain et les droits seraient Ă©gaux Ă  ceux d’IsraĂ«l. Tous les trois, ensemble et chacun sĂ©parĂ©ment, accepteront tout au plus, dans un trĂšs bon jour, la crĂ©ation d’un bantoustan sur une partie du territoire. Une vĂ©ritable solution ne sera pas trouvĂ©e ici. Il vaut mieux laisser IsraĂ«l se complaire dans son refus.

Mais le monde ne peut pas se permettre de laisser passer cette occasion. C’est le monde qui devra bientĂŽt reconstruire, avec ses fonds, les ruines de la bande de Gaza, jusqu’à la prochaine dĂ©molition par IsraĂ«l. C’est le monde dont la stabilitĂ© est compromise tant que l’occupation persiste, et qui l’est encore plus chaque fois qu’IsraĂ«l se lance dans une nouvelle guerre. C’est le monde qui reconnaĂźt que l’occupation est nĂ©faste pour lui, mais qui n’a jamais levĂ© le petit doigt pour y mettre fin. Aujourd’hui, l’occasion de le faire se prĂ©sente. La faiblesse et la dĂ©pendance d’IsraĂ«l Ă  la suite de cette guerre doivent ĂȘtre exploitĂ©es, dans l’intĂ©rĂȘt d’IsraĂ«l Ă©galement.

Assez de mots. Assez des cycles de nĂ©gociations futiles organisĂ©s par le secrĂ©taire d’État amĂ©ricain Antony #Blinken et des mots durs prononcĂ©s par le prĂ©sident Joe #Biden. Ils ne mĂšnent nulle part. Le dernier prĂ©sident sioniste, peut-ĂȘtre le dernier Ă  se soucier de ce qui se passe dans le monde, doit agir. En guise de prĂ©lude, on pourrait s’inspirer des paroles Ă©tonnamment simples et vraies du responsable de la politique Ă©trangĂšre de l’Union europĂ©enne, Josep #Borrell, qui a dĂ©clarĂ© : « Eh bien, si vous pensez que trop de gens sont tuĂ©s, peut-ĂȘtre devriez-vous fournir moins d’armes [Ă  IsraĂ«l] ».

Toutefois, la question n’est pas seulement de mettre fin Ă  la guerre, mais surtout de savoir ce qui se passera une fois qu’elle sera terminĂ©e. Si cela dĂ©pendait d’IsraĂ«l, sous n’importe quel gouvernement, nous retournerions dans le giron chaleureux de l’ #apartheid et nous reviendrions Ă  la vie par le sabre. Le monde ne peut pas accepter cela plus longtemps et ne peut pas laisser le choix Ă  IsraĂ«l. IsraĂ«l a parlĂ© : c’est Non. Le temps est venu de trouver une solution semblable aux accords de #Dayton. Il s’agit d’un accord forcĂ© et imparfait conclu en #Bosnie-HerzĂ©govine qui a mis fin Ă  l’une des guerres les plus cruelles et qui, contrairement Ă  toutes les prĂ©visions, a tenu pendant 29 ans. L’accord a Ă©tĂ© imposĂ© par la coercition.

Un État palestinien n’est peut-ĂȘtre plus une solution viable en raison des centaines de milliers de colons qui ont ruinĂ© les chances d’en crĂ©er un. Mais un monde dĂ©terminĂ© Ă  trouver une solution doit proposer un choix clair Ă  IsraĂ«l : des sanctions ou la fin de l’occupation ; des territoires ou des armes ; des colonies ou un soutien international ; un État dĂ©mocratique ou un État juif ; l’apartheid ou la fin du sionisme. Lorsque le monde se montrera ferme, en posant ces options de cette maniĂšre, IsraĂ«l devra prendre une dĂ©cision. Le moment est venu de forcer IsraĂ«l Ă  prendre la dĂ©cision la plus fatidique de sa vie.


Article original en anglais #Haaretz – 18/2/2024
Traduit par #Tlaxcala


“In my meeting with Minister Benny #Gantz, : I reiterated that the United States firmly supports Israel’s right to defend itself consistent with international law. We discussed ongoing efforts to secure the release of hostages and maintain calm in the #WestBank.” - Antony #Blinken

Watched a video of a man walking around with a plastic bag picking up pieces of his children while paying and crying.

As a father and a human being, I can't believe how one can go on living after such devastating experience.

The palestinians don't need AI or fake stories about their suffering, the every day horror of them under occupation and constant daily humiliation.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Israel Mossad chief ends US visit with threats against Iran nuclear deal

A majority of Israeli citizens say they do not believe Iran poses an immediate threat to their country, after spending decades being told Tehran is 'weeks away' from developing a nuclear weapon

The director of #Israel’s spy agency #Mossad, David Barnea, said on 8 September that “Israel will not stand by while #Iran continues to defraud the world,” in the latest threat coming from Israeli officials against the possible revival of the Iran nuclear deal.

His words came after meeting in Washington with CIA Director William Burns, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and other top US security officials.

“The US will maintain its commitment to Israeli security 
 and will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon,” the Mossad chief went on to say, adding that he presented “sensitive intelligence” to the US officials in regards to Iran’s nuclear energy program.

Barnea had been in the US capital since 5 September, holding meetings with security officials in hopes of derailing Washington’s return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (#JCPOA).

His arrival to the #US came on the heels of similar trips by Defense Minister Benny #Gantz and National Security Council Chief Eyal Hulata.

On 6 September, interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid threatened Iran with Israel’s “long arm” during a speech delivered in front of an F-35 fighter jet.
#Politics #RoadToWar
