

#Boeing #MH370 disappears in flight with 239 passengers
#evidence from #2014 that the US military is in possession of #technology that most would describe as Alien. Objects that fly with some sort of gravity propulsion with unbelievable speed and maneuverability, shielded by a vacuum layer that can potentially penetrate anything.

These advanced objects seem to be able to create portals that can make a Boing 777 airliner #disappear in an #instant. This evidence has been out there for a decade but it took
@JustXAshton and his investigation to attract wider attention.

Many of you have seen the TicTac #UFO videos filmed by US Navy jets in 2004. The 2014 evidence seems to suggest that this technology has been in the possession of the US military for a long time. The evidence is compelling because it was filmed from 3 different surveillance platforms simultaneously: 2 US spy satellites and 1 US military drone.

The leaked videos when combined create a problem for debunkers because the physics match up from different angles. It would take a gigantic effort to fake something like this.

This could be the most significant leak of military technology in #history. Surely the US Govt will attempt to discredit it. But it’s now in the public domain and a crowd investigation is taking place.

The implications are enormous. If this technology is real it renders the nuclear deterrence of non-US nations meaningless. These objects can travel faster than any missile and create portals that can make any plane, missile, submarine or satellite disappear.

What makes this discovery so controversial is that this technology was allegedly used to make flight MH370 disappear. A tragedy that is surrounded by many conspiracy theories. How does a passenger plane vanish without a trace?

Please watch this video. I’m following developments closely. Several attempts were made to debunk the video evidence but none of them were credible.


#poésie #écriture #instant #atmosphère #impression #photo-amateur #photographie #photo #foto #mywork #mytexte #myphoto

Un équilibre instable
Un moment sans importance
Une vague de brume
Une courte-pointe sur les pieds
Je flotte…

Un passage entre-deux
Un souffle d’abandon
Une ombre en catimini
Une sibiche aux coins des lèvres
Je flotte…

Un je ne sais quoi
Un brin d’inconnu
Une lumière indécise
Une flûte de blanc qui pétille
Je flotte…

Un présent qui s’éternise
Un prochain incertain
Une soledad que acompanā
Et tout ce qui s’en suit……
Je flotte…
Mireille MOUTTE


Signal and WhatsApp can leak your geolocation

Cybersecurity researchers have found a major flaw in the

#WhatsApp , #Signal and #Threema apps.

These #instant messaging platforms are known for regularly promoting their defense of personal data. Combined, the three apps have more than one billion monthly active users.


#news #nouvelles #info #marché #soleil #vie #abandon #impuissance #bonheur #instant #nature #walkyries #Wagner #cloaque #boues #essentiel #élucubration #mywork #mytext #myphoto #humeur

Des mâtine sonnant, accro à la tablette et aux dernières élucubrations médiatiques. J’ai la sensation désagréable d’être au centre d’un cloaque en perpétuelle ébullition, parcouru d’un galimatias d’informations, d’intentions, de suspicion, de révolte, d’impuissance et d’abandon. Un peu comme à l’origine du monde, mais en moins élémentaire, basique et essentiel (encore que je n’y étais pas encore). Sans la chevauchée des walkyries de Wagner pour couvrir les cris d’orfraies de la nature déchaînée. Sortira….sortira pas quelque chose de lumineux et d’intense de cette masse informe, de ces boues nauséabondes…….
Et puis j’ouvre les volets, le soleil brille, les arbres bruissent, les oiseaux pépient, au loin le bruit du ressac se mêle au vent…..le marché et ses parasols s’installent, les cabaretiers s’activent autour du comptoir, le murmure crescendo qui monte de la place……C’est extra, c’est la vie, c’est le bonheur, on se rassemble, on se ressemble, on échange, on boit un coup, puis deux, puis trois, on s’exalte, on chante, on virevolte dans les premiers rayons de soleil tel des papillons ivres de lumière. Rester un moment en apesanteur, respirer, se gorger de nectar et repartir de plus belle

Mireille MOUTTE