One person like that
#Entwickler / #Developer hier, die sich für #Natur interessieren und Lust haben am #Birdnet-Pi Projekt mitzuwirken? Da geht es um automatische Erkennung von #Vogelstimmen aus Basis maschinellen Lernens #ML und dem #Birdnet Projekt. Ich habe auch so einen Birdnet-Pi im Garten. Jetz habe ich mitbekommen, dass die echt gut Verstärkung brauchen könnten. Wäre ja schade, wenn das Projekt stirbt, weil keiner mitentwickeln oder Bugs beheben will. Der Owner ist wohl erkrankt, ein paar wenige andere Entwickler sind noch da. Wer Interesse hat, kann sich das hier mal angucken:
Paging @Rhysy @Will @John Wehrle - @John Hummel probably already aware?
I was wondering when people were going to bring up the human centipede problem with AI/LLM vendors trawling the internet for content when high traffic stuff itself is AI/LLM generated. Will they do anything about addressing this ahead of time? Based on past experience of all these usual suspects behind it I say most definitely not. Will get interesting, hopefully soon enough the damage is triaged to the major investors and techbros behind this latest tech bubble mess. #AI #LLM #MachineLearning #ML
The AI feedback loop: Researchers warn of ‘model collapse’ as AI trains on AI-generated content
Water flowing from faucet
beer flowing from faucet
#AIArt #AIGenerated #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt #AI #ml #dalle #dall-e #midjourney
Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #ai, #beatles, #blockchain, #guitar, #ml, #piano, #startup, #travel, and #worldschooling. And a ton of other stuff!
Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #ai, #artifiacialintelligence, #artificial-intelligence, #computer-vision, #computervision, #deep-learning, #deeplearning, #machine-learning, #machinelearning, #ml, #natural-language-processing, #naturallanguageprocessing, and #nlp.
Updated Introduction to Datascience book with Plots section. One can get it here
#datascience #artificialintelliegence #machinelearning #ai #ml #deeplearning #plots #julialang #julia
Updated Julia section, you can get this book here
#MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #DataScience #JuliaLang #ML #AI #dsbuk
Upscaling with AI.
#ai #ml #machinelearning #neural #net #neuralnet #neuralnetwork #esrgan #tech #technology #computing #art #retro #retroart #pixel #pixelart #upscaling #game #gaming #retrogaming #sierra #kingsquest #kingsquest6 #kingsquestiv #death
So AI Neural Net upscaling is going to revolutionize remastering and recovering old games/graphics/photos/drawings. This is incredible. It's hard to believe it's a filter! This was done with ESRGAN using a Mang109 dataset-trained model. Days of hq4x and SuperEagle are numbered!
— Brandon Blume🎸🎶✝️ (@BrandonBlume) January 8, 2019
Hey Kalorienzähler, Google macht das jetzt für euch indem es einfach eure Bilder analysiert
Google's A.I. Is Training Itself to Count Calories In Food Photos