

Nano 8.0 Command-Line Text Editor Released – Key Bindings Have Now Joined The 21st Century

As per title text
That is not the only improvement, but it is pretty significant to be able to now use CTRL-Q to quit, CTRL-C to copy, CTRL-X to cut, CTRL-V to paste, CTRL-F to search forward, CTRL-Z to undo, etc. The old key bindings (being very old) were a bit like using Morse code in modern times (I nearly said like Vim or Emacs, but luckily, I didn’t as that would be sacrilegious). You can still opt though to revert to the old key bindings if you really wish.

I do also like it being open directly to a line number with nano filename:number.

See linuxiac.com/nano-8-0-command-…
#Blog, #linux, #nano, #opensource, #technology


Ces gens sont complètement fous, inconscients, comme ce qu'ils font est compliqué à comprendre, que la plupart des gouvernants n'y comprennent rien du tout, et qu'ils se foutent totalement de la santé humaine et de l'équilibre naturel, et que d'énormes lobbys sont derrière, ils ont a peu près carte blanche pour nous balancer plein de merdes. Et tout ceci a commencé il y a bien longtemps. L'empoisonnement des humains et de toute la #nature n'est pas près de s'arrêter.

#2020 - 3D #Graphene Oxide #Nanoparticles for #CloudSeeding Patent

3d reduced graphene oxide/sio 2 composite for ice nucleation:

#nano #clouds #wheathermodification


enter image description here
#health get the metals out of our bodies now while we still can
In this episode of ICIC, #Dr Reiner #Fuellmich and co-host Dr Mike #Yeadon have an insightful conversation with four experts on this explosive topic.

Using dark-field microscopy, Dr David #Nixon examines blood samples from people who have been injected with mRNA-based substances and explains the results with corresponding images. Crystalline, unnatural structures are revealed, which change in further observation and show characteristics of a kind of #nano - or #micro-technology.

Dr. Ana Maria #Mihalcea is intensively involved with the ingredients of the #Covid #mRNA substances. In particular, also with the so-called " #shedding effect" of which it is assumed that harmful excretions can be transferred from "vaccinated" to "unvaccinated".

Karen #Kingston, whose #research interests include toxicology and the analysis of clinical data as well as the ingredients of the covid mRNA substances, complains that all measures regarding a functioning quality assurance management in the administration of a so-called novel "vaccination" to billions of people worldwide have failed and are still not being implemented after the already poor data situation.

For electrical engineer Shimon Yanowitz, the results of his research have shown that it is a kind of micro-technology, as the injected substances change strangely in the #human #body and have characteristics of electronic circuits. It is also disturbing that the lipid nanoparticles found in the substances have been approved as "technical devices", as #KarenKingston reports.


Most #Dystopian Things Pushed By The World Economic Forum
#WEF Pushes Augmented Tech, Brain Chips and Internet of Bodies
August 21, 2022
By Sikh for Truth

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is attempting to normalize the idea of implanting tracking chips into humans, via the Internet of Bodies – a highly controversial technology.

The Internet of Bodies ( #IoB) is the biological extension of the Internet of Things ( #IoT) that brought us driverless cars and smart homes.

As part of the Great Reset, both are part of the plans for the future of humanity devised by the elites of the World Economic Forum.

The IoB confirms its belief in the eternal benefits of technology and promises to improve our health and extend our life. That’s a good idea, isn’t it? No, the meaning becomes clear once you understand it.

The keyword is here is data. Data is supposed to be the new oil in this new technological era. Our phones and Fitbits are used to collect data about our locations, spending patterns, educational and economic status, political allegiances, walking steps, and oxygen levels.

But through the Internet of Bodies, more and more #nano #sensors and #robots will be #embedded in our #body, turning us into a quantifiable information platform that can be easily commoditized and even manipulated remotely.

By collecting all this data, data owners will be able to develop very detailed profiles of the population that can be used to enhance surveillance and security defined by authorities.

Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF and proponent of the Great Reset, believes that the pandemic and lockdowns are an opportunity to spread this technological use, which “will result in a fusion of our physical, digital, and biological identities”.

CONTINUE: https://www.activistpost.com/2022

Activist Post - Alternative News & Independent Views


This is very very interesting! It's an interview with #remote #viewer Edward Riordan, and he looked at #QAnon and found out that they are a very intelligent group of people, but #Q is just a part of a larger plan, and the plan is to change #humanity. It will be hard to resist the promises they will offer - scanning the brain and fixing your problems so that you can be freed from your burdens - but even though it's a beautiful offer, there is potential for mind control that comes with it. Gets good around the 48 minute mark. https://trusttheq.com/remote-viewing-qanon-with-edward-riordan/ #remoteviewing #edwardriordan #luciferian #darktolight #falselight #future #nano #nanogel #satellite #AI #eventhorizon