

MIRLO 🐩 une alternative Ă  Bandcamp libre et collective đŸŽ¶

Mirlo: a free and collective alternative to Bandcamp


Mirlo logo

đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Un magasin de musique en ligne libre et collectif fait son apparition ! âœŠđŸŽ¶ Leur objectif: proposer un outil simple, efficace et adaptĂ© aux artistes qui veulent vendre leur musique en ligne. Le site fonctionne dĂ©jĂ  et les futures mises Ă  jour risquent de vous plaire: đŸ€ fĂ©dĂ©ration, 👕 vente de merch et CD, 💾 rĂ©munĂ©ration rĂ©currente ou ponctuelle, 👔 gestion d'artistes et labels... le tout portĂ© par des valeurs anticapitaliste et anarchistes ! Ses 3 fondateurs, vĂ©tĂ©rans dans ce domaine (Ampled, FunMusicPlace) sont actuellement Ă  la recherche de financements *pour l'annĂ©e 2024... *Donnez-leur un coup de main !
⏩ Partagez ce post, faites un tour sur leur site et sur leur kickstarter, et voyez par vous-mĂȘme ;)

đŸ‡ș🇾 An opensource and collective music storefront appears ! âœŠđŸŽ¶ Their objective: build a simple efficient and adapted tool for the artists selling their music online. The website is already up and running but future updates might interest you even more: đŸ€ federation, 👕 disc & merch store, 💾 recurring patronage or one-off payments, 👔 artists and label management... all brought together by anticapitalistic and anarchistic values ! Its 3 veteran founders (Ampled, FunMusicPlace) are currently seeking infrastructure funding for the rest of 2024... Help them out !
⏩ Share this post, have a look around on their website and kickstarter page, and see for yourself ;)

#mirlo #bandcamp #layoff #layoffs #musician #musicien #collective #collectif #music #musique #musica #distribution #distributionplatform #corporate #startup #jeunepousse #bigtech #share #support #kickstarter #crowdfunding #crowdfunder #financementparticipatif #opensource #libre #anarchist #anarchiste #anarchy #anarchie #anticapitaliste #anticapitalisme #anticapitalist #queer #lgbt #lgbtqia+ #lgbtqiap+ #lgbtqiap #lgbtq #lgbtqia #community #communauté #network #label #e2c #exit2community #exittocommunity #solidarity #solidarité #economy #economie #économie #ampled #new-york #newyork #funding #label #musiclabel #productivity #partage #entraide #social #internet #online #travail #work #cooperation #collaboration #ethique #ethics #culture #storefront #magasin #federated #fédéré #federation #2024 #patronage #mécénat #remuneration #funmusicplace


#CVE-2024-20356: #Jailbreaking a #Cisco appliance to run #DOOM

In this adventure, the Cisco #C195 device family was jailbroken in order to run unintended code. This includes the discovery of a vulnerability in the #CIMC body management controller which affects a range of different devices, whereby an authenticated high privilege user can obtain underlying root access to the server’s #BMC (CVE-2024-20356) which in itself has high-level access to various other components in the system. The end goal was to run DOOM – if a smart fridge can do it, why not Cisco?

source: https://labs.nettitude.com/blog/cve-2024-20356-jailbreaking-a-cisco-appliance-to-run-doom/

#software #security #bug #network #game #news #vulnerability #exploit #hack #hacker


My #ISP has been cranking up the #network speed recently. Over the past few weeks, my decrepit old #router couldn't handle it any longer and kept dropping the connection and then resetting. It was very frustrating. Happily, they've sent a new one and things are back up and the connection is looking solid again, with the added bonus that the speed is nearly three times as much I had been getting previously.


#TruthSocial faces harsh reality as a public #company

source: https://www.axios.com/2024/03/27/truth-social-stock-facebook-twitter-ipo

Truth Social — the #Trump - owned social #media platform that started trading yesterday — currently has far fewer users and less income than any social #network that has gone public before.

For now, Truth is trading like a #meme #stock, meaning its market value is completely divorced from its financial reality.

#politics #news #economy #internet #finance #usa


My experience with #ZeroTrust in the IT #industry.

Source: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/how-to-apply-zero-trust-to-your-active-directory/

After my company switched to Zero Trust, I received an email with instructions and that I should print out the telephone list from the intranet in case of an #emergency. But I didn't had access to the list. So I opened a ticket. The #support sent me the list by email. When I asked, if this is how it should work now, that I can't access even the simplest documents. The answer was that I can request them via support. Zero Trust therefore means that you only have access to your own documents, and perhaps those of the project team. It's a mad world with a lot of security theatre and snake oil.

#security #access #network #trust #problem #CyberSecurity #snakeoil #problem


#5Ghoul: Unleashing sChaos on #5G Edge Devices

Source: https://asset-group.github.io/disclosures/5ghoul/

An attacker within radio range can trigger a denial of service (reachable assert) within the #Qualcomm’s X55/X60 #modem #firmware by means of sending invalid downlink MAC frame to the target 5G UE (e.g., #smartphone) from a nearby malicious gNB.

#mobile #network #attack #news #vulnerability #danger #dos #communication #software #bug


#NSA and #CISA Red and Blue Teams Share Top Ten #Cybersecurity Misconfigurations

source: https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/cybersecurity-advisories/aa23-278a

1) Default configurations of software and applications
2) Improper separation of user/administrator privilege
3) Insufficient internal network monitoring
4) Lack of network segmentation
5) Poor patch management
6) Bypass of system access controls
7) Weak or misconfigured multifactor authentication (MFA) methods
8) Insufficient access control lists (ACLs) on network shares and services
9) Poor credential hygiene
10) Unrestricted code execution

#usa #internet #security #administrator #configuration #knowledge #knowhow #top10 #network #login