

They've taken their eyes off of Moldova now?

Hanse Mina - 2024-06-03 02:52:35 GMT

Given #Moscow’s bellicose rhetoric about the #NATO and threats to attack one or more of its members if the West continues to support #Ukraine, many in #Russia and the West have been speculating about where such a Russian move might occur. Most have focused on #Poland, the #Baltic countries, and #Finland as possible targets, but perhaps the most likely one is elsewhere: the #Svalbard archipelago. Svalbard is part of #Norway.https://jamestown.org/program/moscows-first-move-against-nato-could-take-place-in-norways-svalbard-archipelago/


We are finding out who the real fascists are in the world today. The christian Taliban leadership of Poland standing firm behind the genocidal regime of Israel.

EU should have punished and even kicked Poland out of EU when they became the torture center for CIA and US state department during Bush presidency.

But sadly, crimes against EUs so called fundamental foundation of human rights, don't cover crimes against Muslims or people of color. Not to forget their outrageous Taliban style abortion laws or continues torture, mistreatment and even murder of immigrants.

#EU #Poland #Israel #ICC #Netanyahu #Fascism


If #Poland starts expelling Ukrainian men, its economy could suffer, Forbes writes.

“This could have a significant impact on the Polish economy, since thousands of Ukrainian citizens living in the country may be forced to leave their jobs and join the army,” the publication reports.

Or, fearing deportation, they can leave Poland and move to another EU country.

A Deloitte report states that the contribution of Ukrainian #refugees to Poland's GDP in 2023 will be 0.7–1.1%. And it is expected that in the long term this effect will increase to 0.9–1.35%.

The majority of Ukrainians in Poland are employed in sectors such as industrial production, transport services and construction.

Of the more than a million Ukrainians who have come to Poland since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion, 371,000 are men of military age.

#Ukraine #Russia #Ecinomy #Politics


War for profiting

It is important to know who are those who like to win.

According to the Monitor, “Ukraine has become a giant testing ground for #drones from all over the world – the United States, #Germany, #Poland, and other partner countries. Countless new companies are taking shape around the technology; teams of engineers are tinkering on prototypes, trying to clear the Ministry of Defense and NATO checklists of technical requirements, hoping to nail a military contract…Oleksandr Yakovenko, CEO of TAF Drones [said] the company already has four factories spread out across #Ukraine – despite suffering a sabotage attack that destroyed equipment worth $300,000 in July. The bulk of its supplies (90%) come from #China or #Taiwan. The remainder comes from suppliers in #Europe and the #US. ‘We have to create products that are cheaper than the targets,’ he says. ‘Otherwise, we will not win because our #enemy has more resources than our country.’ ”

#UK government records for a parallel-named Piranha Tech company, operating in the Liverpool area on “computer related activities” and “information technology consultancy activities”, indicate the possibility that the #Israel'is and their Ukrainian partners were considering a British company front during their start-up.

source & more


Just picked this up on CD for a few cents....

13 #traditional, #polyphonic, magic songs from different countries and regions, arranged by a #singing group from #Poland, with shaman drums, shruti box and other ethnic instruments. We invite you to travel with us through Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Kosovo, Poland, though forests, fields, villages, seas and rivers!



Bodies of foreign aid workers killed in Israeli strike leave #Gaza

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-za/news/world/bodies-of-foreign-aid-workers-killed-in-israeli-strike-leave-gaza/ar-BB1l0XWA

The strike late on Monday night hit a #convoy of three vehicles and killed seven staff of the aid group World Central Kitchen (WCK), including citizens of #Australia, #Britain, and #Poland, a dual citizen of the United States and #Canada as well as a Palestinian colleague, who was buried at his home.

Why do we suspect that the international press is only upset because Western people have been reddened?

#news #war #press #conflict #israel #military


The US Cannot Deploy Force...

#US #Russia #Ukraine #NATO #Andrei #Martyanov

… required to fight Russia, albeit I agree with overall Macgregor’s points. But the US simply has no resources to fight Russia, and any force in #Poland and #Romania will be destroyed. Keep in mind those 600,000+ Russian troops which are not engaged in 404–they are there to precisely meet NATO threat. Moreover, US Army has no experience of fighting with its C4ISR disrupted and operational rear being under constant long-range fires–it simply never fought like that. Its TOE is for running over feeble opponents. Globalists in Washington, be them from Pentagon or State Department with CIA are simply not good at real war and everything that this war entails. They will be destroyed and in the last ditch attempt they may try to escalate to nuclear threshold–but in this case Washington will be wiped out. Unlike Washington, Moscow has the best anti-missile shield in the world."


Polish official says NATO considering shooting down Russian missiles that approach its borders

NATO is reportedly considering the option of shooting down Russian missiles if they stray too close to its borders, #Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Szejna said to the Polish media outlet RMF24 on March 26.

#Poland was forced to scramble its fighter jets to protect its airspace during Russia's drone and missile attack against Ukraine on March 24, when a Russian cruise missile entered Poland's airspace for 39 seconds.

Russia's #ambassador to Poland, Sergei Andreyev, was summoned by Poland's Foreign Ministry in response to the incident, but he rejected the request.


#RussianAggression #airspace #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine


Warsaw to ‘demand explanations’ from Moscow after Russian missile entered Polish airspace

Poland will demand explanations from Moscow after a Russian missile violated the Polish airspace during the mass attack against Ukraine on the morning of March 24, the Polish Foreign Ministry said.

Polish Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson Pawel Wronski called on Russia to stop its “terrorist air attacks on the people and territory of Ukraine, to end the war and address the country's internal problems.”

Ukraine’s Air Forces said the Russian forces fired 29 cruise missiles and 28 Shahed loitering munitions, targeting eight regions in the west, center, north, and south of Ukraine. Of the total air targets fired across Ukraine, 18 cruise missiles and 25 Shahed drones were intercepted by the air defense, according to the report.


#RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #missiles #Poland #airspace