

Моторные масла API SP и ILSAC GF-6: разбираемся в новом стандарте


Спецификация моторного масла – это то, что в первую очередь указывает на его свойства. То есть масло с одной и той же вязкостью, например 5W30, и одного и того же производителя, но в разных спецификациях, может иметь кардинально отличающиеся свойства, и быть как полезным, так и вредным для мотора. Более того, масла разных спецификаций могут […]

#гараж #api #ilsac #lspi #моторноемасло #спецификациямасел #lang_ru #5koleso #авто #5колесо


A big hey! from diaspora*

You might have been wondering what happened to diaspora*. Well, although we’ve been a bit quiet, we haven’t gone away! In fact, some big things have been happening in the background that we’re really excited about, and now it’s come to the time for us to tell you about them.


The first is our API, created with a lot of the initial work done by Kent Shikama, completed by Frank Rousseau and @hankg@social.isurf.ca, and supported by core team member @jhass@diaspora.social. This was completed earlier this year, and it enables other applications to interact with the diaspora* software, giving a lot more flexibility in how it can be used, for instance in the creation of native diaspora* apps.

Account migration

One of the key features of a decentralized social network has to be the ability to move your account data from one node (we call them ‘pods’) to another. This has proved to be one of the most difficult things to accomplish properly, and consequently it has taken a long time! The back-end code to do all the hard work was completed by @senya@socializer.cc in a mammoth effort, and what remains is to create a ‘front-end’ interface so that it’s easy for anyone to access the feature via the account settings page. This is currently being worked on by new member @podmin@societas.online with support from core team members @fla@diaspora-fr.org and @supertux@nerdpol.ch. It is currently being reviewed and tested, and once this has been done we’ll be able to merge it.

Next major release

Once this has been merged, we’ll be able to release a major version containing both these features, plus a lot more. This will be a big step forward for diaspora*, and we can’t wait to bring version 0.8 to you. We would really love to release this before the end of 2021, but we must make sure all bugs in the new features are ironed out before we release them, so please be patient if we can't meet that deadline!

There is always a lot more work to do, and as members of our core team have had to prioritise other areas of their work, so development of diaspora* has slowed down. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We’re an open-source project, and we’re always keen to hear from prospective coders who want to help make diaspora* better. If you want to help us, get in touch! We’ll do whatever we can to support you.

#diaspora #development #release #features #accountmigration #api


Twitter Makes Big API Changes For Devs As It Eyes Decentralized Future, But Right Now It Is More About 3rd Party Clients

This has nothing yet to do with any real decentralisation (allowing other instances of Twitter hosting) but more to do with finally freeing up 3rd party access for better and more innovative client apps e.g. no or different algorithms, possibly excluding adverts, newer features, etc.

We're really waiting to see what happens with their Project Bluesky, and whether, and how, they'd be federating with other social networks.

See Twitter makes big changes for devs as it eyes decentralized future

#technology #twitter #API #3rdpartydevs


It could also mean better third-party apps



Yay, I did it!

So, basically, to create a status with an attached image you first have to...process an image upload in a separate request elsewhere, and pass the "pending" value as "true" in the payload.

That returns a guid for the image, which you then return in an array for the second request, which is the creation of the status.

#Diaspora #API


insporation* nightly builds are here

I created a F-Droid repository with nightly builds for insporation*, the #Flutter based #diaspora* client using the new #API, I've been building.

It still is #Android only and mobile-first for now. Some API routes are still missing or not optimal, leading to some things being slower than necessary. Contributions on all fronts are still welcome :)

This should make it easier if you want to try it out. Note however that you still need a pod running the latest develop branch of diaspora*. If you want an account on diaspora.social as a pod doing so, talk to me :)

Once you have F-Droid installed you can click this link if you're reading this on your device or scan the following QR code to add the repository.



Ohai there, friends! Sorry for the bit of silence in the last couple of months, we don't like that either, so we figured it's time to make some noise! A few moments ago, we merged the API branch into develop, which means that starting now, all pods on the develop branch support the new, fancy API!

Note that this is not a stable release yet. Until diaspora* is officially released, this API is not considered stable, and we might change things at any time without notice to improve usability and stability. We plan on reaching a stable point once we push into release, but we will communicate as soon as we consider the API stable. Consider it experimental until then. :)

Please do check out the API documentation if you want to know what you can do with the API, and how to use it. We're looking forward to your ideas, and we're curious what you will build with it.

If you had plans for an application using the API, now is a great time to start working on that. We know that we said the API is not stable yet, and that's true, but your feedback will help to improve the API and polishing it for a stable release. If you do find bugs where diaspora* does not behave like you'd expect from reading the API documentation, please file a bug on diaspora* so we can iron that out. If you have an idea for an improvement or you think we should change something within the API, please open a bug on the API documentation. For all other kinds of questions and input regarding the API, we created a new category on Discourse, so please join us there! :)

Happy hacking!

#diaspora #api (yes, really!) #announcement


Die Finalisten-Projekte der 6. #Prototypefund Runde stehen fest. Darunter auch das Projekt des #C3S Dev-Teams.


Echt sorry für das Projekt-Akronym #MLIftW -- aber wer konnte auch damit rechnen, dass wir ausgewählt werden... B)
Langform: Music Licencing Infrastructure for the Web
oder auf deutsch: Musik-Lizenzierungsinfrastruktur für das Web

#Musik #FOSS #saveYourInternet #artikel12 #artikel13 #tryton #api #omi


որեւէ մեկը #cloud #storage գիտի՞ այնպիսի #API -ով,որ թույլ տա ծրագիր գրել,որի օգտագործողները դինամիկ կերպով ավտորիզացնեն իրենց #account -ները ու ծրագրին հնարավորություն տան տվյալներ պահել էդտեղ։