

#fl-fleur24 #fl-décembre24 #poésie #monpoème #poème #poème-du-jour #art - Ma poésie Spontanée

Je m'amuse

Une activité pas comme les autres
Je m'amuse c'est sensation
Un peu d'amusement, un rire étouffé
Un fourmillement de plaisir
Un étonnement
Un désir de savoir, de voir, de faire

Je m'amuse et c'est amusant
Je regarde des images et des couleurs
Cela défile avec un son, avec des lueurs
Cela brille ou pas

Je m'amuse toute seule
J'ai appris enfant
Assise toute seule sur la bute devant l'immeuble
A titiller les petits grillons dans leur trou
Je jouais avec les grillons

Je m'amuse toute seule
Comme avant
Assise toute seule sur ma chaise
Je regarde google earth
Je me promène, je voyage et c'est aussi bien
une autre manière d'être "à la maison"




Ep – 40

The consumption of blue, mining a ashen sky silver, Winter’s noble coverage, never forward for the monochrome patter. If technicality placed soil before country, then streaming could river out her defining whiteness, a witness for patronage, the else accrued, silver belongs the knight. Samuel lifted those skies with airs of patriotism, thundered the scorched land, a documentation of habitat. Napals cat introducing Chaucer the fonder reservations, his linage, the augmented annunciation, captivity provided the seventh adaptation too the studios first edition.

Conformity was renewal, hacked the speed of documentation, loved Nepals handwritten monetary skills, predilection the rain befell Chaucer his alignment with country. Culture was exchanged for litigation, they firstly prepared a river to street the streaming, a name made capital by Winters encouraging stores, threads the bare sky renewed, pocketed the studio, seven a success.

Juvenile words, worded in the making of fundamental magazines, aplenty saw the niceties of Chaucer and Nepal. Sprawling thoroughfares the gestation from incremental rain adaptation, drops of silvery arteries, translucent time, silver streams, applicable for Winter’s a silvery wristband made before sisterly love. ©️

#sketches #art #drawings #writing myblog


Thanks to everyone who pressed the donate button on Suzy Q Records D.I.Y. Streaming https://music.undeadnetwork.de . I know it seems a bit strange at first, but times are changing. I don't think anyone will deny that. All things are freely available and I'm a big advocate of that. But there must continue to be independent, non-conformist, non-market-driven music and art. We and others are trying to find a way, as we always do. I think making everything freely accessible is the right way to go. And if something interests you, if you feel something is important or simply want it to never end, you should support it a little bit. It's not just about money, but also about respect and recognition.

#art #art #music #music #reverendelvis #suzyqrecords


Danke an alle, die auf Suzy Q Records D.I.Y. Streaming https://music.undeadnetwork.de den Spenden-Button gedrückt haben. Ich weiß, es wirkt erst mal etwas befremdlich, aber die Zeiten sind im Wandel. Das wird wohl niemand leugnen. Alle Sachen sind frei erhältlich und ich bin auch ein großer Verfechter davon, dass das so ist. Aber es muss auch weiter unabhängige, unangepasste, nicht marktgerechte Musik und Kunst geben. Wir und andere versuchen, einen Weg zu finden, wie wir es immer tun. Ich denke, alles frei zugänglich zu machen, ist ein richtiger Weg. Und wenn einen was interessiert, man was als wichtig empfindet oder einfach will, dass es nie endet, sollte man es ein klein wenig unterstützen. Es geht da nicht nur um Geld sondern auch um Respekt und Anerkennung.

#art #kunst #music #musik #reverendelvis #suzyqrecords


Our technology should not advance faster than our humanity. 🤔

Is that another damn AI picture? How can you post it? You always warn about the dangers yourself, don't you?

Yes it is #AI generated and yes I warn of the dangers. Unfortunately, my posts without pictures are mostly ignored. I also have the feeling that most people don't really understand the extent of the threat. Pandora's box can no longer be closed. We can only try to deal with it #responsibly. I do think there's a difference between posting AI images and developing #Skynet.

I am working on a #FAQ on the subject of AI and hope to have enough time over Christmas to present the first parts of it to you. So please stay tuned and continue to be critical.

#science #technology #ethics #humanity #humanrights #future #mankind #change #danger #art #artwork #responsibility #moral #society #economy #robot


Pipe 1

#ArtAdventCalendar 9 , Dezember 2024

Rendering eines Kerzenleuchters wie ich sie in den 1990ern gefertigt habe:
6 mm Kupferrohr hartgelötet und geflämmt, Höhe etwa 20 cm (ohne Kerze)
für Kerzen mit 22 mm Durchmesser

Rendering of a candlestick as I made it in the 1990s:
6 mm copper tube brazed and flamed, height about 20 cm (without candle)
for candles with 22 mm diameter

#AmbossMetalldesign #wohnaccessoires #kerzenleuchter #blender #3d #rendering #MyWork #digital #3dRendering #HomeAccessory #candleholders #art #b3d