

The BBC is showing how disgustingly biased it is.

I remember my dad used to listen to BBC Persian broadcast on our shortwave radio, and he was always saying that "don't ever trust BBC news on subjects that benefits them", and the BBC is the voice of Britain foreign policy of "divide and conquer" so their news about opposition to Shah is nothing but preparation their long time plans for the region to put the mullahs in power.

We used to laugh at him as conspiracy theorist and hateful of Brits, but in the old days, I've turned into him. Not as wise and healthy, but at least I no longer fall for the lies of the media.

#BBC #Propaganda #Israel #Compliance #Politics #Genocide


Amazon drought: 'We've never seen anything like this'

The Amazon rainforest experienced its worst drought on record in 2023. Many villages became unreachable by river, wildfires raged and wildlife died. Some scientists worry events like these are a sign that the world's biggest forest is fast approaching a point of no return.

As the cracked and baking river bank towers up on either side of us, Oliveira Tikuna is starting to have doubts about this journey. He's trying to get to his village, in a metal canoe built to navigate the smallest creeks of the Amazon.

Bom Jesus de Igapo Grande is a community of 40 families in the middle of the forest and has been badly affected by the worst drought recorded in the region.

There was no water to shower. Bananas, cassava, chestnuts and acai crops spoiled because they can't get to the city fast enough.

And the head of the village, Oliveira's father, warned anyone elderly or unwell to move closer to town, because they are dangerously far from a hospital.

Oliveira wanted to show us what was happening. He warned it would be a long trip.

But as we turn from the broad Solimões river into the creek that winds towards his village, even he is taken aback. In parts it's reduced to a trickle no more than 1m (3.3ft) wide. Before long, the boat is lodged in the river bed. It's time to get out and pull.

. . .

#Amazon #AmazonRainForest #drought #climateChange #climateCrisis #BBC


Genocide – The Gaze From The Abyss

Media Lens

(...) Imagine our surprise, then, when we saw this report from BBC Verify on the front-page of the BBC website:

‘Satellite images commissioned by the BBC reveal the extent of destruction across Gaza… While northern Gaza has been the focus of the Israeli offensive and has borne the brunt of the destruction, widespread damage extends across the entire strip.’ (...)

(Text continues underneath the map.)

Kaart met vernielde gebieden in Gaza

The BBC report included a shocking photo montage showing how ‘a skyline of multi-storey buildings and a mosque was gradually reduced to rubble between 14 October and 22 November’. Note, this was not in reference to a single apartment block, but ‘a skyline of multi-storey buildings’. (...)

Josh Paul, former director of congressional and public affairs, who spent 11 years in the US State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, the US government entity most responsible for the transfer and provision of arms to foreign countries. (...)

On 18 October, Paul sent a powerful letter of resignation to protest the massacre of civilians in Gaza. He wrote:

‘I believe to the core of my soul that the response Israel is taking, and with it the American support both for that response, and for the status quo of the occupation, will only lead to more and deeper suffering for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people – and is not in the long term American interest. (...)

In an interview with Democracy Now!, Paul added:

‘I decided to resign for three reasons, the first and most pressing of which is the very, I believe, uncontroversial fact that U.S.-provided arms should not be used to massacre civilians, should not be used to result in massive civilian casualties. And that is what we are seeing in Gaza and what we were seeing, you know, very soon after the October 7th horrific attack by Hamas. I do not believe arms should be — U.S.-provided arms should be used to kill civilians. It is that simple.

‘Secondly, I also believe that… there is no military solution here. And we are providing arms to Israel on a path that has not led to peace, has not led to security, neither for Palestinians nor for Israelis. It is a moribund process and a dead-end policy.

‘And yet, when I tried to raise both of these concerns with State Department leadership, there was no appetite for discussion, no opportunity to look at any of the potential arms sales and raise concerns about them, simply a directive to move forward as quickly as possible. And so I felt I had to resign.’

Apart from a single substantive mention and a couple of smaller mentions in the Guardian, Paul’s resignation has been buried by all other UK national newspapers, with a single mention on the BBC website. (...)

On 24 October, BBC correspondent Rami Ruhayem – a former journalist for the Associated Press, who has worked as a journalist and producer for BBC Arabic and the BBC World Service since 2005 – sent a letter to the BBC’s Director-General, Tim Davie:

‘Dear Tim,
‘I am writing to raise the gravest possible concerns about the coverage of the BBC, especially on English outlets, of the current fighting between Israel and Palestinian factions.

‘It appears to me that information that is highly significant and relevant is either entirely missing or not being given due prominence in coverage.’

Ruhayem continued:

‘The nature of the Israeli response to the attack by Hamas on October 7 has prompted “over 800 scholars and practitioners of international law, conflict studies and genocide studies” to warn of ‘the possibility of genocide being perpetrated by Israeli forces against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

‘They said:\r\n ‘“As scholars and practitioners of international law, conflict studies, and genocide studies, we are compelled to sound the alarm about the possibility of the crime of genocide being perpetrated by Israeli forces against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. We do not do so lightly, recognizing the weight of this crime, but the gravity of the current situation demands it.”

‘I invite you to sift through our coverage, past and present, for any trace of the above; whether in explainers, or interviews, or features, or news analysis. Is it there at all, and if so, is it given the prominence it deserves?’

Ruhayem didn’t stop there:

‘Words like “massacre”, “slaughter”, and “atrocities” are being used—prominently—in reference to actions by Hamas, but hardly, if at all, in reference to actions by Israel.

‘Does this not raise the question of the possible complicity of the BBC in incitement, dehumanization, and war propaganda? How would the BBC respond to this?’

He continued:

‘Our current coverage kicked off following the Hamas attack. Doubtless, it is major news. But that doesn’t mean history started on October 7. We should incorporate into our coverage an accurate, balanced, fair, and truthful representation of the reality leading up to that moment.

‘I won’t go into detail, but simply remind you of three terms: apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and settler-colonialism.

‘These are terms used by many experts and highly respected organizations to which the BBC usually defers. They are used to describe the nature of Israeli rule over Palestinians as well as the methods used by Israel to oppress generation after generation of Palestinians. They are based on extensive evidence.

‘To what extent is this reflected in our coverage? Without such context, can we claim to have adequately informed the public? Or are we withholding highly relevant and significant information without which the basics of the conflict cannot possibly be understood?’ (...)

Ruhayem’s vital whistleblowing has been blanked by the entire UK national press and the BBC. The fact that Ruhayem has not tweeted since October 25, the day after he sent the letter, surely tells its own story. (...)

It is quite obvious that violence and hatred born of cruelty and injustice cannot be erased by yet greater cruelty and injustice. What results do we expect from Israel intensifying the strategy of ethnic cleansing that gave rise to Hamas in the first place?

We live in a terribly cruel and cynical time where our supposed leaders ignore clear public support for a ceasefire, just as they ignore the vital need for immediate action on climate change. (...)

Yes, the West can devastate its enemies, but it cannot avoid the price described by Nietzsche:

‘He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.’ (Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Emmanuel, 1917, p.87) (...)

It turns out that one consequence of fighting with monsters – of building a global military-industrial machine dedicated to killing for profit – is that we lose the capacity to fight for life.

Complete article

Tags: #journalist #journalism #media #news #bbc #censorship #israel #gaza #palestine #palestinians #occupied_territories #war #war_crimes #international_law #collateral_damage #weapons #victims #civilian_victims


Another disgusting propaganda by BBC coverage of #HostsgeExchange between Israel and Hamaa

This is really turning into a sad fars , they lie so openly and shamelessly without the fear of being exposed, ignoring the fact that billions of people who speak Arabic, headstand understood her interview.

The text shows the Arabic speech, the actual translation and BBC's interpretation of her speech.

Will #BBC ever going to apologize and retract their outrageous coverage? Or they just ignore it since most of their audience don't care about the truth anyway.

Video can be seen on telegram.

#SaveGaza #StopTheLies
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


When even the BBC, of all news outlets, is debunking your propaganda, you're doing something seriously wrong 😂

#BBC: israel hasn’t yet provided any evidence that Al-Shifa #hospital has tunnels & #military basements.

The BBC, upon reviewing the #IDF #propaganda video & cross-referencing it with the footage captured by BBC's reporter, revealed that the IDF had inserted an additional gun into the #MRI room during the BBC's recording.

#SaveGaza #StopTheLies #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @Palestine


What the #BBC fails to tell you about October 7 by JONATHAN #COOK

very interesting text.

Just a cursory look at the wreckage in the various kibbutz communities that were attacked that day should raise questions in the mind of any good reporter. Were Palestinian militants in a position to actually inflict physical damage to that degree and extent with the kind of light weapons they carried?

And if not, who else was in a position to wreak such havoc other than Israel?

Source: https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2023-11-02/bbc-october-7/

#Israel #Palestine #Gaza #media #propaganda #savages #Hamas


How the Media Got the Hospital Explosion Wrong

The Palestinian health authorities claimed that Israel was responsible for the death of some 500 civilians. Because the details were extremely murky, it was impossible to tell who had caused the explosion or how many people had died. And yet some of the most reputable names in news media sent push alerts that broadcast Hamas’s claims far and wide.

But both push alerts would have led reasonable readers to conclude that these statements must basically be true. Both talked about “Israeli” air strikes. Both uncritically reported that many hundreds had died.

News of the supposed Israeli strike quickly had huge real-world consequences. The king of Jordan canceled a planned meeting with President Joe Biden. Mass protests broke out in cities across the Middle East, some culminating in attacks on foreign embassies. In Germany, two unknown assailants threw Molotov cocktails at a synagogue in Berlin.

A live video transmission from Al Jazeera appeared to show that a projectile rose from inside Gaza before changing course and exploding in the vicinity of the hospital; the Israel Defense Forces have claimed that this was one of several rockets fired from Palestinian territory. Subsequent analysis by the Associated Press has substantially corroborated this. In addition, pictures of the site taken by Reuters showed a small crater that, according to independent analysts using open-source intelligence, is inconsistent with the effect of munitions typically used by Israel. It came to look doubtful that the missile had directly hit the hospital; as a BBC team investigating the blast reported, “Images of the ground after the blast do not show significant damage to surrounding hospital buildings.”

The cause of the tragedy, it appears, is the opposite of what news outlets around the world first reported.

Such a glaring example of major outlets messing up on a very consequential event helps explain why trust in traditional news media has been falling fast. As recently as 2003, eight out of 10 British respondents said that they “trust BBC journalists to tell the truth.” By 2020, the share of respondents who said that they trust the BBC had fallen to fewer than one in two. Americans have been mistrustful of media for longer, but here, too, the share of respondents who say that they trust mass media to report “the news fully, accurately, and fairly” has fallen to a near-record low.

#Atlantic #BBC #NYTimes #media #journalism


#lfi yo tout le monde, si vous voulez défendre le grand patron #mélenchon aux repas de famille:

La BBC donne raison a @JLMelenchon ? (la BBC ne dit pas le mot #terrorisme)

Les directives éditoriales de la BBC indiquent que le mot terrorisme peut être un obstacle plutôt qu'une aide à la compréhension.

Nous devons faire comprendre à notre public toutes les conséquences de l'acte en décrivant ce qui s'est passé. Nous devons utiliser des mots qui décrivent spécifiquement l'auteur de l'acte […]
