


Disturbing Proof They're Quietly Deleting the Internet...

it wasn't always like this.


and referenced in that^ is:

Where did the rest of the internet go?

https://odysee.com/@Patriots:2/Where-Did-the-Rest-of-the-Internet-Go:f6 [<- ironically missing. evidence of its claims? Interesting to search for anyway... many other articles exploring the phenomenon, besides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zyJB45ewvU ]

and referenced in that is "is the internet shrinking?"

#RealityTunnels #ControlledNarrative #DivideAndConquer #GroupThink

#Censorship #BookBurning #WeAreInALotOfTrouble #WorseThingsThanDeath

#Government #GovernMind #Advertising #Marketing #PublicRelations #CuratedImageOfReality #Fundamentalism #AcceptedNarrative #OvertonWindow #EchoChamber #CancelCulture #CyberPurgatory #agnogeny #bigotry #antifree #inthebox #official
#websearch #internet #theweb #theinternet #searchengine

#freedomofspeech #freedomofexpression #bekind #respect #curiosity #perspectives #ask #speakout #speaktruthtopower

#backintheday #itwasnotalwayslikethis

#freedomofspeech #ideas

"there's nothing dangerous about sharing ideas and discussing things.
the only thing dangerous is withholding information from you that provides you having a complete and total perspective of what the truth may be."

"what happened to the internet? where's the rest of it?"

it wasnt always like this.


#news #écriture #article #société #destruction #terre #Hommes #perspectives #économie #croissance #progrès #exploitation #mywork #mytext

Qu’est-ce qui est le plus grave, le plus urgent, le plus inquiétant, le plus, plus, plus …..Les pollutions atmosphériques et terrestres ? Les pillages et l’exploitation sans réserve des ressources naturelles, forêts, eau, terre, des matières premières, des Hommes ? Les milliers de morts des guerres impérialistes, colonialistes, hégémoniques et/ou suprémacistes ? La faim qui sévit toujours dans le monde malgré les richesses amassées ? Les déchets imputrescibles accumulés par nos sociétés productivistes ? Le capitalisme mondial qui tel moloch dévore la planète et ses habitants ? ….. le coronavirus ?…. La liste est malheureusement non exhaustive. J’ai le tournis devant un tel déferlement de destruction, de désastre et de saccage qu’il nous faudrait éradiquer pour le bien être des «futures générations» à qui nous laisserons, avec la «fameuse dette », une planète dévastée et invivable. Il faut en permanence résister aux chants des sirènes pour ne pas tomber de Charybde en Scylla. Éviter les pièges d’un « progrès »  à tout prix jumelé à l’exigence d’une croissance économique infinie qui nous enlisent. Arrêter la prépondérance de la finance sur la vie. Freiner notre addiction excessive à la technologie. Résister aux provocations incessantes du pouvoir pour nous distraire de l’essentiel. Notre société n’est plus basée sur les bienfaits d’une communauté d’intérêts, de solidarité, de partage, de protection des plus faibles, d’échanges de savoir-faire, de connaissances, d’informations pour le bien-être et l’épanouissement de tous. (Il faut croire à l’histoire ancienne), mais une mise en compétition et une concurrence acharnées de tous les individus de la naissance à la mort, avec en primauté l’intérêt personnel sur celui du groupe. Nous ne courrons pas à la catastrophe nous y sommes.

D’un côté les bataillons de « citoyens » lambdas, avec leur seule force de travail à disposition, que l’on peut exploiter à satiété, épuiser, sacrifier ad nauseam, de l’autre côté les donneurs d’ordre, les premiers de cordée, les financiers, les Grands Patrons, les vendeurs de canons, les capitaines d’industries, les capitalistes qui tuent, pillent et saccagent le bien commun pour leur profit immédiat et nous rendent complices de leurs atrocités par lâcheté, aliénation, persuasion et assimilation bon gré, mal gré de leurs valeurs essentielles : l’argent roi et la consommation à outrance, sans l’embarras des préoccupations environnementales. On peut appeler cette confrontation comme l’on veut. On peut déplorer cette sempiternelle opposition. On peut vouloir la nier où s’en accommoder, mais c’est un fait avéré de notre l’histoire, avec aujourd’hui en point de non-retour, notre survie sur la terre. Il nous restera comme dernière ressource, le recyclage des bouteilles en plastique et pour les plus fortunés, la migration sur Mars…..

Nature/Hommes, nous sommes irrémédiablement mêlés dans le tambour de la centrifugeuse et le bouton d’arrêt semble hors de portée. Nous assistons Impuissants bien que révoltés à la transformation de notre monde en une bouillie informe, un fatras dévitalisé, en décomposition, insalubre. Mireille MOUTTE
Psaume 139:17
«… Que tes pensées, ô Dieu, me semblent impénétrables! Que le nombre en est grand…. » la Sainte Bible


y'know how, like, there's cannibals and human human-baby eaters?
in a sense, perhaps, from some points of view, if they eat those, by happenstance, along with meats from many other species, then, they're less speciesist, less primally species-supreamacist, than those of us who exclude eating our fellow humans, but eat the meat of other species.

however, if they only eat us (and not the meat of other species), then, first instinct i have is that's worse, but it's soon followed up by being able to see how it can be seen as the greater virtue, ... disturbing a notion as that is to confront. (and of course, one has to have some large blinkers on, to see it like that, like setting aside some important evolved emotional and ethical inteligences/aptitudes/senses)

and half way through typing that, i remembered mike wozniak on taskmaster mentioning prawns are cannibals, which made me feel better about all the many of them i've eaten, as my favourite meat (perhaps even my favourite food), as it's like i'm not doing anything they don't do to themselves. but then, i don't know them all individually. maybe it's like the cannibals among the human population, seen from affar, some other species nomming down loads of humans with a comforted magnanimous impunity, in that, "i'm not doing anything they don't do to themselves".

fits with the whole balancing acts among
do unto others as you would have them do unto you
do unto others as they wish done to them
do unto othes as is best for them
do unto others as is best for all
and so on.

oh, and also, one of the thoughts i had at the start, intended for this piece, is...

how young are the animals when they're slaughtered for your dinner plate? for example, a lot of those sheep and hens are but young lambs and chickens.
if you eat those... then you eat babies too.

and then plants... do you eat cress and sprouts and so on? plants have feeling senses too... i imagine they can sense when their babies are being eaten, with their well evolved aromatic chemical communication systems and electro sensing and so on.

#philosophy #perspectives #ethics #nihilism #toomuch #youonlyneedalittle #woahthere
#babyeater #cannibal #meateater #vegetarian #vegan #breatharian
#babyeaters #cannibals #meateaters #vegetarians #vegans #breatharians
#babyeating #cannibalism #carnism #vegetarianism #veganism #breatharianism
#meat #flesh #plants



Beyond Climate

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recent report, entitled Global Warming of 1.5°C, indicates that it is possible to stabilize the climate provided we act within the next decade to be globally carbon neutral by 2050. Indeed, having already warmed by 1°C already - since pre-industrial times - we are already seeing the impacts, especially in Canada.

​British Columbia - Canada’s most westerly Province along the Pacific coast - is a hotspot to visualize and experience how global warming affects local environments and communities. Heat waves, droughts, melting glaciers, pest outbreaks, back-to-back record setting forest fires, and changes to the oceans.

Beyond Climate takes viewers beyond the headlines and into the heart of the issues. The film holistically connects the larger patterns of #climate-change with the human dimension, and what it looks like across BC from the top of the mountains to the depths of the oceans. Shot throughout the province over many years, the collective wisdom and perspectives of Indigenous leaders, local communities, scientists, and policymakers are featured.

Dr. David Suzuki - renowned scientist, broadcaster and environmentalist - helps guide the journey as the narrator of the film. But, David is more than just narrator, he’s a long-term resident of BC, having lived most of his life in Vancouver, and this film is part of his enduring legacy. Now, in his 80s, Suzuki reflects back on his life, how his home province is changing, and offers his personal perspectives on the environment, economy, and opportunity to navigate our complex future if we “pull back and give nature a chance.”

Addressing many of the pressing issues facing BC - from pipelines, liquified natural gas, salmon, and Indigenous rights - the film is a timely contribution to the province and country as we grapple with climate change, the paramount issue of our time.

#BeyondClimate #documentary #film #nature #environment #climate #global-warming #indigenous #perspectives #collective #wisdom #DavidSuzuki #IanJMauro #docu-films