

#Musique #Piano #Classique #russe #romantique #chef_d_oeuvre #découverte #adh Lyapunov

#Sergei_Lyapunov - Piano Sonata in F Minor Op. 27 (Kolly)

Pianist: #Karl-Andreas_Kolly

00:00 - Allegro appasionato
04:05 - Un poco menu mosso
09:35 - Andante sonstenuto e molto espressivo
17:49 - Allegro Vivo

La Sonate de Lyapunov est considérée comme l'une de ses plus grandes réussites, fortement influencée par la célèbre Sonate en si mineur de Liszt. Cependant, elle va au-delà de la simple imitation et trouve un équilibre entre virtuosité et sensibilité. Des influences de Balakirev, Chopin, Wagner et Schubert peuvent également être identifiées. Alors que Lyapunov est souvent associé à l'achèvement des Études transcendantales de Liszt, cette sonate révèle une relation plus discrète entre les deux compositeurs. La sonate commence par une introduction modeste, puis passe à des passages virtuoses qui s'apaisent rapidement. Ce schéma se poursuit tout au long de la pièce, avec des moments de virtuosité qui vont et viennent. L'autre aspect important de la sonate est sa sensibilité feutrée, qui rappelle le style de Schubert. Les sections marquées "espressivo" sont particulièrement émouvantes, et la section andante offre un bref répit dans l'intensité. La sonate s'achève sur une inspiration magnifique et étincelante.

Le deuxième aspect central de la sonate de Lyapunov se caractérise par une sensibilité rare et feutrée que l'on retrouve rarement en dehors des œuvres de Schubert. Cette section, marquée "espressivo", exprime la joie du cœur. L'andante de 9:38, qui défie toute description, a pour thème principal le chant orthodoxe russe "Aide et Refuge" "Помощник и Покровитель" Московского распева в гармонизации архимандрита Матфея (Мормыля). Ce mouvement est considéré comme le joyau de la sonate, car il capture une expression indescriptible de l'émotion à travers le son. Bien que certains critiques l'aient trouvé, Lyapunov a refusé de le réécrire. Heureusement, cette décision a permis de préserver la description majestueuse, humaine et expressive de l'oppression. La sonate contient également des passages mémorables, comme le mouvement scherzando, qui laissent une impression durable sur l'auditeur.

La sonate contient également des passages mémorables, comme le mouvement scherzando, qui laissent une impression durable sur l'auditeur (le scherzo).

Concernant l'interprétation, celle de Karl-Andreas Kolly est la plus subtile j'aie trouvée. Il sait quand il faut accorder une attention plus précise au texte ou laisser libre cours à sa technique. Il en résulte une interprétation fantastiquement équilibrée qui rend hommage à cette sonate.

#lang_ru (yandex translate)
Знаменитая соната Листа си минор. Однако это выходит за рамки простого подражания и обеспечивает баланс между виртуозностью и чувствительностью. Также можно определить влияние Балакирева, Шопена, Вагнера и Шуберта. В то время как Ляпунова часто ассоциируют с завершением Трансцендентных этюдов Листа, эта соната раскрывает более сдержанные отношения между двумя композиторами. Соната начинается со скромного вступления, а затем переходит в виртуозные пассажи, которые быстро стихают. Этот узор продолжается на протяжении всего произведения, с приходящими и уходящими моментами виртуозности. Другим важным аспектом Сонаты является ее приглушенная чувственность, напоминающая стиль Шуберта. Разделы с пометкой "espressivo" особенно трогательны, а раздел "andante" предлагает короткую передышку от накала страстей. Соната завершается великолепным и искрящимся вдохновением.

Второй центральный момент сонаты Ляпунова характеризуется редкой, тихой чувствительностью, редко встречающейся за пределами произведений Шуберта. Эта часть, обозначенная как "espressivo", выражает радость сердца. В анданте в 9:38, не поддающемся описанию, главной темой является русское православное песнопение "Помощник и Покровитель" Московского распева в гармонизации архимандрита Матфея (Мормыля). Эта часть считается жемчужиной сонаты, поскольку в ней запечатлено непередаваемое выражение эмоций через звук. Хотя некоторые критики сочли трактовку темы в этой части неинтересной, Ляпунов отказался переписывать сонату. К счастью, это решение сохранило величественное, человечное и выразительное изображение угнетения. В сонате есть и запоминающиеся пассажи, например, скерцандо, которые производят неизгладимое впечатление на слушателя.

Эта соната также содержит большое количество захватывающих (скерцо) навязчивых тем.

Что касается интерпретации, то интерпретация Карла-Андреаса Kолли-самая тонкая из всех, что я нашел. Он знает, когда нужно обратить более пристальное внимание на текст или дать волю своей технике. В результате получается фантастически сбалансированная интерпретация, которая отдает дань уважения этой сонате.


Lyapunov's Sonata is considered one of his greatest achievements, heavily influenced by Liszt's famous Sonata in B minor. However, it goes beyond mere imitation and strikes a balance between virtuosity and sensitivity. Influences from Balakirev, Chopin, Wagner, and Schubert can also be identified. While Lyapunov is often associated with completing Liszt's Transcendental Etudes, this Sonata reveals a more discreet relationship between the two composers. The Sonata starts with a modest introduction and then transitions into virtuosic passages that quickly subside. This pattern continues throughout the piece, with moments of virtuosity coming and going. The Sonata's other significant aspect is its hushed sensibility, reminiscent of Schubert's style. The sections marked "espressivo" are particularly heart-melting, and the andante section offers a brief respite from the intensity. The Sonata concludes with a magnificent and sparkling inspiration.

The second central aspect of Lyapunov's sonata is characterised by a rare, hushed sensitivity rarely found outside Schubert's works. This section, marked "espressivo", expresses the joy of the heart. The andante at 9:38, which defies description, has as its main theme the Russian Orthodox chant 'Helper and Protector' "Помощник и Покровитель" Московского распева в гармонизации архимандрита Матфея (Мормыля). This movement is considered the jewel of the sonata, as it captures an indescribable expression of emotion through sound. Although some critics found the treatment of the theme in this section uninteresting, Lyapunov refused to rewrite the sonata. Fortunately, this decision preserved the section's majestic, human and expressive depiction of oppression. The sonata also contains memorable passages, such as the scherzando movement, which leave a lasting impression on the listener.

There is also a good amount of really catchy material in this sonata that will get stuck in your head (scherzando).

Regarding the performance Karl-Andreas Kolly is the best that I have come across. This performance is more subtle in character, Kolly knows when to give the material more delicate attention or really let his technics play.

"Помощник и Покровитель" Московского распева в гармонизации архимандрита Матфея (Мормыля) Choeur russse /русский хор /Russian Choral

IMSLP: imslp.org/wiki/Category: Lyapunov,_Sergey
Kolly: www.karl-andreaskolly.ch/



May 2, 2014 people of Ukrainian Odessa were trapped in a building and set on fire. Because they protested against new nationalist government that came to power in Kiev as a result of a coup d'état. Officially, 42 were announced dead, including 7 women and 1 minor. No one has been held

#ukraine #odesa #odessa #nazi #neo-nazi #murderers #massmurder #history #ukrainian #crimes #lang_en


#France #Bourgogne #Cote_D_Or #Châtillon_sur_Seine #Vix #Celtes #photos #mywork
Autre virée à Châtillon-sur-Seine pour admirer le fameux #Vase_de_Vix ou #Cratère_de_Vix , plus grand objet funéraire de cette nature, issu de la sépulture d'une mystérieuse princesse, dont la richesse pose beaucoup de questions !
On trouve des informations sur internet, dont ces quelques liens :
http://www.vasedevix.fr/home_en.html ( #lang_en )

Le cratère de Vix

est un cratère de bronze utilisé pour contenir le #vin , découvert en 1953 dans la tombe de Vix, sépulture d'une princesse celte à Vix (Côte-d'Or), et daté d'environ 520 ans av. J.-C. Il est aujourd'hui conservé et exposé au musée du Pays châtillonnais, à Châtillon-sur-Seine. (Wikipedia)



About GULAG by CIA

Prison Conditions

A 1957 CIA document entitled "Correctional Labor Camps in the USSR: Transferring Prisoners Out of Camps," on pages two through six, reveals the following information about the Soviet Gulag:

  1. Until 1952 prisoners were given a guaranteed amount of food, plus extra food for exceeding the norms.

  2. From 1952, the Gulag system operated on the basis of "economic calculation," so that the more prisoners worked, the more they were paid.

  3. For over-fulfillment of standards by 105%, one day of imprisonment counted as two, which reduced the time spent in the Gulag by one day.

  4. Also, when the Soviet government had more funds as a result of post-war socialist reconstruction, it increased the food standards for prisoners.

  5. Before 1954, prisoners worked 10 hours a day, while free laborers worked 8 hours a day. Since 1954, both prisoners and free laborers worked 8 hours a day.

  6. A CIA study of a standard camp sample found that 95% of the prisoners were habitual criminals.

  7. In 1953, 70% of the "common criminals" of the sample camp studied by the CIA were granted amnesty. Within the next 3 months most of them were re-arrested for new crimes.


Thus, according to the CIA, approximately two million people were sent to the Gulag in the 1930s, while according to declassified Soviet archives it was 2,369,220 up to 1954. When compared to the population of the Soviet Union at the time, as well as statistics In a country like the United States, the percentage of the Gulag population in the USSR throughout its history has been lower than in the United States today or since the 1990s. In fact, according to a study by Souza (1998), the United States had a higher percentage of prisoners (relative to the total population) than the USSR ever had:

"In a small news report that appeared in newspapers for August 1997, the FLT-AP news agency reported that the United States had never before had as many people incarcerated as it did in 1996-5.5 million people. This represents an increase of 200,000 since 1995 and means that the number of criminals in the U.S. is 2.8 percent of the adult population. This data is available to anyone who works for the North American Department of Justice.... The number of people convicted in the U.S. today is 3 million more than the maximum number ever held in the Soviet Union! In the Soviet Union, no more than 2.4% of the adult population was incarcerated for their crimes, but in the U.S. the figure is 2.8% and rising! According to a press release issued by the U.S. Department of Justice on January 18, 1998, the number of people convicted in the U.S. in 1997 increased by 96,100.

Условия содержания в тюрьмах
Документ ЦРУ 1957 года под названием «Исправительно-трудовые лагеря в СССР: перевод заключенных из лагеря», на страницах со второй по шестую, раскрывает следующую информацию о советском ГУЛАГе:
1. До 1952 года заключенным предоставлялось гарантированное количество еды, плюс дополнительное питание за перевыполнение норм.
2. С 1952 года система ГУЛАГа действовала на основе «экономического расчета», так что чем больше заключенные работали, тем больше им платили.
3. За перевыполнение нормативов на 105% один день заключения засчитывался как два, что сокращало время нахождения в ГУЛАГе на один день.
4. Кроме того, когда в результате послевоенного социалистического восстановления у Советского правительства появилось больше средств, и оно увеличило нормы продовольствия для заключенных.
5. До 1954 года заключенные работали по 10 часов в день, в то время как свободные рабочие работали по 8 часов в день. С 1954 года и заключенные, и свободные рабочие работали по 8 часов в день.
6. Исследование ЦРУ выборки по стандартному лагерю показало, что 95% заключенных были обычными преступниками.
7. В 1953 году, 70% «обычных преступников» выборочного лагеря, изученного ЦРУ была объявлена ​​амнистия. В течение следующих 3 месяцев большинство из них были повторно арестованы за совершение новых преступлений.
Так, по данным ЦРУ, примерно два миллиона человек были отправлены в ГУЛАГ в 1930-х годах, тогда как согласно рассекреченным советским архивам - 2369 220 человек вплоть до 1954 года. Если сравнивать с населением СССР в то время, а также статистикой В такой стране, как Соединенные Штаты, процент населения ГУЛАГа в СССР на протяжении всей ее истории был ниже, чем в Соединенных Штатах сегодня или с 1990-х годов. Фактически, согласно исследованию Соузы (1998), в США был больший процент заключенных (относительно всего населения), чем когда-либо в СССР:

«В небольшом новостном сообщении, появившемся в газетах за август 1997 года, информационное агентство FLT-AP сообщило, что в США никогда раньше не было так много людей содержащихся в тюрьмах, как в 1996 году - 5,5 миллиона человек. Это представляет собой прирост 200 000 человек с 1995 года и означает, что количество преступников в США составляет 2,8% взрослого населения. Эти данные доступны всем, кто работает в североамериканском департаменте юстиции…. Количество осужденных в США сегодня на 3 миллиона больше, чем максимальное количество, когда-либо содержащееся в Советском Союзе! В Советском Союзе за свои преступления в тюрьмах находилось не более 2,4% взрослого населения, а в США этот показатель составляет 2,8% и продолжает расти! Согласно пресс-релизу, выпущенному Министерством юстиции США 18 января 1998 г., количество осужденных в США в 1997 г. увеличилось на 96100 человек.

#USSR #history #GULAG #USA #CIA #lang_ru #lang_en



Lenin’s name is mainly used among left-wingers to cover up the poverty of one’s own thoughts, and the most unbridled opportunism is seasoned with the authority of Lenin’s words. Left-wing impostors take from the treasury of Lenin’s legacy some quotes which they do not understand and compile them into their ideology.

And those of them, who do not pursue provocative goals, as a rule, carefully copy Leninist thoughts and actions, although they know that Marxism requires the independent application of materialistic dialectics.

The situation now has developed in such a way that every supporter of communism is obliged to put all available forces on an independent study of Marxism-Leninism from the source, on an independent study of the practical heritage of the Leninist-Stalinist leadership of the revolution and communist construction.

And for us, Lenin should be the standard of man, so every communist must match him, like to Marx, Engels, and Stalin.

There is an opinion that in Bolshevism, the standards of which we strive for, different types of activists are needed. What is needed, they say, is Lenin, who will show us the way, but there must also be an ordinary, efficient and dependable Party member, who does not even think about comparing himself with Lenin, to be matched to Lenin. He is like a „techie“ of party work. This is the wrong, false approach.

What is more — common or different between Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin as individuals? In their worldview, in the strength of their will and characters.

Practice shows that there is a Marxist character, a Marxist type of personality, a Bolshevik style of man. And the classics of Marxism, as concrete people, personalities, scientists, revolutionaries, propagandists, organizers, leaders, are the standards of such a person. Every Marxist should will to become like them, should imitate them as much as possible.

The complexity of world-historical tasks objectively dictates the need to carefully, meticulously study Marxism-Leninism as a theory and practice, in order not only to stand upon the shoulders of the titans, but also if you do not surpass the classics in their levels of scientific preparation and organizational abilities, then at least get close to them. And here, as a rule, everything rests on the attitude of people towards self-education and their willful qualities in this regard.

Until we arrange to forge of cadres in Marxist-Leninist patterns, we cannot see our victory. Including self-education in the spirit of Marxism, in the spirit of imitating our character’s disposition to our beloved leaders. Such imitation is nothing but a form of Marxist self-discipline.

Get inspired by the personality, the way of life, the victories of Lenin! Get inspired by Marx, Engels, Stalin! To vigorously work for communism, firmly and faithfully serve the working class, people and the progress of mankind!


#lang_en #lang-en #en #lenin #marxism #leninism



Trotskyism is the worst enemy of communism.

Trotskyism has nothing to do with the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism.

Trotskyism of all sorts is the forefront of the bourgeois ideology of the denial of communism in the era of the end of imperialism and the victorious communist revolutions.

Trotskyism manifests itself in three hypostases:

i) as an ideology in the arsenal of imperialism in the form of «socialist» concepts and theories of philosophers, historians and publicists — which is designed for the broadest masses, primarily for the intelligentsia and youth;

ii) in the form of leftist organizations — which is designed for politically active youth and the proletarian strata;

iii) as opportunism.

The most dangerous disguised Trotskyism is the dissemination of Trotskyist ideas, Trotskyist deviation, and half-Trotskyism since it leads to opportunism and, consequently, to a distortion of the theory and practice of the struggle for communism.

What is Trotskyism?

It is wrong to look for the roots of Trotskyism in the works or deeds of Trotsky. Trotsky’s activity led to the introduction of the term “Trotskyism”, but not Trotsky gave birth to Trotskyism, but Trotskyism gave birth to Trotsky.

At all times, unprincipled people hung around the revolutionary movement with goals completely alien to the revolution — from overtly provocative or mercantile to adventurous or careeristic. Long before Trotsky, many political crooks who frantically attacked the First International were spiritually Trotskyites; in fact, the modern unprincipled scum who ranks himself among the Communists is also Trotskyists. The main distinguishing feature of Trotskyism as a political phenomenon is unprincipledness. The term “Trotskyism” was spread because Trotsky laid down the ideology of unprincipledness.

In the pre-October period, the ideology of Trotskyism was a frenzied struggle against Lenin, his scientific position and his collaborators. Trotsky’s activity was generated by the situation of the struggle of the Bolshevik faction against the opportunist factions, in which the specific ideology of double-dealing became popular with the oscillating elements. Trotsky, who did not have stable ideas and hated Bolshevism, rallied everything similar to himself through phrasing and intrigue. Furthermore, the Trotskyists have always acted under the guise of Marxists, Communists, revolutionaries, and after the death of Lenin — completely impudently under the guise of Bolsheviks and Leninists.

After the victory of the Communist Revolution in 1917 and the first successes in building a society of the lower phase of communism, the ideology of Trotskyism took shape in its usual present form, as anti-Stalinism. If right-wing anti-Stalinism is the whole openly open exploitative political ideology, then left-wing anti-Stalinism is Trotskyism, that is, the denial of the theoretical and practical experience of building communism on the left.

Processes 1936 — 1938 showed that the Trotskyist «oppositionists» led by Trotsky, Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Rykov, since 1917, were in a conspiracy against Lenin and Leninists. They aspired to disrupt the Brest Peace, condoned the S.R. rebellions and the attempted assassination of Lenin, with all their might sought to impose democracy on the Party in order to undermine the organization and lead the Party off the scientifically substantiated Leninist-Stalinist path. Trotsky himself and his closest employees have been connected with foreign intelligence services since the 1920s, and in the 1930s became Gestapo agents. Under their leadership, the Trotskyists united all the anti-communist and anti-Soviet elements within the USSR, forming a relatively single anti-Soviet underground, and organized many terrorist attacks, including the assassination of Kirov, Menzhinsky, Kuibyshev, Gorky. Trotskyite bandits prepared the assassination of Party leaders and the implementation, together with a group of Tukhachevsky, of a military coup with the subsequent dismemberment of the country. Thus, as the class struggle intensified, the Trotskyists, following the Mensheviks and S.R. party members, finally and naturally turned into a gang of unprincipled and devoid of ideas wreckers, saboteurs, scouts, spies and killers, employed by imperialism.

The next historical form of Trotskyism was Khrushchevism. If classical Trotskyism inside the USSR was defeated theoretically and practically, and in the 1930s – 1950s it was exploited mainly in bourgeois countries, then after Stalin’s death Khrushchevism hit the USSR from the inside. The Khrushchev group that seized leading positions in the CPSU declared the truly Marxist Stalinist policy essentially criminal and unscientific. All that Khrushchev preached was Trotsky’s rehash. Khrushchev’s activities were aimed at shattering the dictatorship of the working class, curtailing the building of communism and the collapse of the international communist movement.

It should be noted that not a single renegade in the post-Stalinist history of the communist movement justified anti-Stalinism with any theoretical study from the point of view of Marxism. Moreover, all of these khrushchevs, mikoyans, togliattis, gomulkas, ulbrichts, todors, kadars, torezes and others were not Marxists at all. After decades, we can confidently say that these people were agents of world imperialism in the leadership of the parties. They initiated and conducted the anti-communist (anti-Stalinist) course based on the falsification of history and the Trotskyist theory of the personality cult of Stalin. Referring to separate quotes from Marx and Lenin, these Judahs and Judushkas, not shying away, of course, from using nationalism, mobilized the party and non-party masses to undermine the unity of the world communist system, ultimately counting on the collapse of the building of communism throughout the world. The anti-Stalinist line of these figures today organically, following the «classical» Trotskyism, merged with the liberal-democratic denial of communist construction in the USSR and the countries of the socialist camp. Only China, Albania and Korea, due to the competencies of Mao Zedong, Enver Hoxha and Kim Il Sung, revealed the viciousness of this course and maintained a relative commitment to Marxism-Leninism.

Besides, Trotskyism was a trend of thought of the Soviet intelligentsia. Even under Stalin, it was not possible to uproot Trotskyism from the educational system, including from the Party, academic institutions and the artistic environment. In these areas, the Trotskyists constituted something like secret clans, manifesting themselves not only in the field of dissidentism but also in the official «Dialectical Materialism», «Historical Materialism», «Political Economy» and «Scientific Communism». Moreover, the activities of the Trotskyists are far from being not only state conspiracies and the struggle for power in the party, but also petty dirty tricks, cowardly injections secretly. Unfortunately, the VLKSM (Komsomol) turned out to be not a forge of communist cadres, but a nursery of Trotskyism and the institution of decay of Soviet youth.

Moreover, Trotskyism became the generator of the content of anti-communist ideology. So, the basis of the modern bourgeois history of the USSR is Trotskyist historiography. The historiography of Trotsky is exposed by the bourgeoisie as the authentic position of the «organizer» of the October Revolution, directed against «Stalinism». Trotsky’s books «The Stalinist School of Falsifications» and «The History of the Russian Revolution» are the first and main principles of anti-communist historiography in an academic form, which is still in service with the world bourgeoisie. All the basic concepts of bourgeois history about the USSR «Stalinist repressions,» «Stalin’s dictatorship,» «cult of personality of Stalin», «collusion of Stalin and Hitler, «the power of the bureaucracy», were created in their works by Trotsky and his henchmen.

History has shown that unprincipledness provides Trotskyism with exceptional ideological and organizational «mutagenicity». The concepts, arguments, theories, opinions of the Trotskyists, as well as their many societies, movements, parties, fronts, internationals are extremely diverse, sometimes they are desperately squabbling among themselves, but they represent an identical quality — the denial of communism in the USSR in theory and practice. Moreover, Trotskyism, in comparison with the other varieties of bourgeois ideology, today is the forefront of anti-communism.

Trotskyism is based on ignorance in theory, fashionability and bourgeois ideology. Trotskyism is not only a political phenomenon, but also a psychological one, a special form of social mimicry, implicated in narcissistic pomp. Trotskyism, like a virus, strikes the most precarious, unstable elements in the communist movement, including forcing them to primitive work, actionism, economism and trade unionism. The left-wing movement of Russia in many respects remains in an insignificant position of insipid, isolated from the masses of the multi-party system due to the infection of Trotskyism in the form of interspersing Trotskyist ideas, Trotskyist deviation and half-Trotskyism.

The low theoretical level of the left-wingers, that is, ignorance, leads to vacillations among activists, and, in turn, to an indifferent attitude towards Trotskyism, indulgence, and even conciliationism.

The new form of Trotskyism is «Shapinism», that is, the concept of «reconciliation» between Stalinism and Trotskyism or «removal of the confrontation» of Stalinism and Trotskyism. To use of Shapin“s tactics is what various «friends» of youth, who rally in their societies the most illiterate, politically naive young cadres, are doing today. Taking into account the diminished influence of traditional Trotskyism, which denies Stalin and communism in the USSR, the position of such Trotskyists and half-Trotskyists is very promising from the standpoint of the growth points of opportunism in the current conditions of increased interest in the Stalinist USSR.

Taking into account the above, we note the need:

I. To wage a consistent and implacable struggle against Trotskyism and Trotskyist organizations. Defend the Stalinist historiography, the history of Bolshevism, propagandize and develop the Leninist and Stalinist theoretical and practical heritage.

II. To wage a consistent and implacable struggle against all manifestations of Trotskyism in theory, propaganda and agitation. Strongly reject all materials containing even elements of Trotskyism.

III. Conduct theoretical and educational work on the basis of a thorough study by all the activists of Marxism-Leninism from the primary sources, i.e., the works of the classics and official documents published in the Leninist-Stalin period on the history of the party.

It should be noted that the victory over Trotskyism as a bourgeois ideology and counter-revolutionary practice, as well as opportunism generated by Trotskyism, does not guarantee the purity of the Marxist-Leninist line and the complete absence of opportunism. Opportunists are also full of anti-Trotskyists. Only consistent ideological and theoretical sanitation against all opportunism, based on the mastery of Dialectical Materialism, the development of Marxist theory and the mobilization of conscience, can guarantee the purity of personnel and the correctness of our policy.

#lang_en #lang-en #marxism #communism #trotskyism #stalin #lenin


Interesting things seem to be going with #copperheados (a particular text of interest is the first comment): https://www.reddit.com/r/CopperheadOS/comments/8oq1l3/cos_future_questions_and_concerns_from_a_customer/

I must say I fully agree with the demand for James to leave CopperheadOS. James, nobody will use CopperheadOS if Daniel leaves anyway. We do see great work from Daniel. And well, we see little work anywhere else in COS. Please leave.

// #copperhead #android #cos #lang_en