

The Hidden Environmental #Cost of #SocialMedia

source: https://greenly.earth/en-gb/leaf-media/data-stories/the-hidden-environmental-cost-of-social-media

#TikTok’s primary environmental challenge comes from its video-heavy platform, which consumes significantly more energy than text or image-based platforms. The sheer volume of videos, many of which are hosted on energy-intensive servers, makes TikTok one of the most environmentally costly social media platforms on a per-user basis. For example, streaming short videos on TikTok contributes to higher #emissions per minute of use compared to platforms like Twitter or Facebook, which rely more on text and images.

I get it, you want to create a mood for a TikTok ban for “environmental reasons”. Have you ever thought about how many emissions are caused by the consumption of porn videos? Let's just ban everything that's fun. After all, the big oil companies want to continue polluting the environment and society should focus on banning TikTok.

#environment #internet #online #traffic #co2 #future #climate #fun #censorship #politics #economy #pollution #earth #fail #news #society #carbonfootprint #propaganda #manipulation


Less than 48h before I introduce disCO2very at the Journées du logiciel libre in #lyon, and I still have many things I wanted to do which are... not done. And I am with my family tomorrow. Well, I think it's safe to say that it won´t be ready haha.

Moins de 48h avant que je présente disCO2very aux Journées du logiciel libre à Lyon, et j'ai toujours beaucoup de choses que je voulais faire qui ne sont pas faites. Et je suis avec ma famille demain. Bon, je pense qu'il est clair qu'il ne sera pas prêt haha

#d2y #disCO2very #carbonFootprint #actAgainstClimateChange


To Support Coal, Buy an EV

This article may sound controversial but it isn't. Here is a breakdown of the facts and figures. The article is primarily directed at people in coal-producing states like West Virginia but if your electricity comes from a gas-fired power plant those figures are also provided.


#ev #evs #co2 #CarbonFootprint #PowerPlant #efficiency #coal #gas #NaturalGas #ClimateChange