

Statements by the #NATO Secretary General:

China should not supply Russia with #weapons, that would support an unjustified aggression and would only prolong the conflict;
We see China and #Russia getting closer economically, militarily and in other aspects. This meeting in Moscow is part of the way to bring them closer and strengthen ties between them;
#China has to start to understand the Ukrainian side of the conflict and contact President #Zelensky personally.
#Ukraine #UkraineWar #Politics


#Sicherheit: Schlaf weiter #Deutschland, deine #Regierung hat alles unter Kontrolle 😱

Wären die Experten der Regierung überhaupt in der Lage eine chinesische Hintertür aufzudecken? Geht es überhaupt um Sicherheit oder nur heiße Luft / Handelskrieg?

Ist das überhaupt noch #Demokratie wenn alles geheim ist und die Kontrolle durch die Gesellschaft gar nicht erfolgen kann? Es ist mir schon klar, dass die ihre Symbolpolitik lieber geheim halten wollen und auf der anderen Seite lieber ihre eigenen Hintertüren in Stellung bringen wollen, nur dann ist das ein perfides orwellsches System und keine Demokratie.

Siehe: https://www.golem.de/news/5g-huawei-infos-bald-in-geheimschutzstelle-des-bundestags-2303-172793.html

#Huawei #china #5g #politik #Verantwortung #problem


Xi Jinping published an article in a Russian media where he evaluated the relations between #Moscow and #Beijing. In it, the Chinese president stated, among other things:

  • No country in the global arena has a decisive voice in determining the entire existing world order; -The PRC and the Russian Federation should deepen cultural ties and hold sporting events;
  • The way out of the crisis in Ukraine is possible if common security is guaranteed;
  • China and Russia must increase the volume and quality of economic cooperation;
  • Solidarity and peace in the world without divisions or turmoil are in the common interest of all humanity;
  • Multipolarity and globalization have become an irreversible trend in the world;
  • The high-level contacts between Russia and China serve as an important accompaniment for the development of bilateral relations;
  • Russia and China defend a world order based on international law and the Charter of the United Nations;
  • China-Russia relations have come a long way and have withstood the test of strength;
  • The current level of China-Russia relations has not been easy, and the unfading friendship between the two countries must be carefully preserved; -The PRC and the Russian Federation successfully carry out strategic projects in the fields of energy, space, aviation and transport connectivity;
  • The PRC and the RF cooperate dynamically in the fields of scientific and technological innovation and cross-border e-commerce.

#Politics #China #Russia #Ukraine #WorldOrder #UN
(In Russian)
Source: https://rg.ru/2023/03/20/uporno-dvigatsia-vpered-k-novym-perspektivam-druzhby-sotrudnichestva-i-sovmestnogo-razvitiia-kitaia-i-rossii.html


In another shocking development, Basir Assad, dictator of Syria arrived in Abu Dhabi to meet with the dictators of United Arab Emirate.

The arch enemies of yesterday, seems to be shaking hands and the leaders of those countries receive military escort on arrival, the red carpet and warm welcome into the new "Arab brotherhood".

It seems like the Chinese position in negotiating peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia had some side effects as well, including the acceptance of Syria into the Arab league, group they were kicked out of over a decades ago.

Despite the nauseating image of these monsters meeting each other, it may have positive impact on the war thorn region facing the growing danger of ISIS and the radical fraction of AlQaeda (the old AlQaeda, just like the Taliban seems to be more friendly with the west and tolerant toward their former enemies).

Will this last? Can this finally end the 20 years of bloodbath ignited by the American war on terror and the criminal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as daily bombings of countries in west Asia and north Africa by US and it's NATO "peace loving" aggressors.

Will the 2023 be the year of peace in the region? i for one am too afraid of feeling hopeful, but I honestly hope my fear s are wrong and we see a slow end of the "New World Order" that Bush and his criminal neo-con gang created.

#PersianGulf #UAE #Syria #Politics #Peace #ArabLeague #Iraq #Iran #China #US #Afghanistan #NATO #ISIS #AlQaeda

استقبال گرم رئیس امارات از «بشار اسد» در ابوظبی

🔹«بشار اسد» رئیس جمهور سوریه، در رأس هیئتی بلندپایه و با استقبال رسمی «محمد بن زاید»، رئیس امارات، وارد ابوظبی شد.

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