

UK supermarket uses facial recognition tech to track shoppers

Attached to the ceiling above the gray shiny floor, watching as people enter the store, is a camera. The device scans faces, matching them against a corporate database of suspicious, potentially criminal shoppers who have been placed on a watchlist

The cameras are in breach of data rights and individual privacy

Every time a customer walks into a shop or business that uses Facewatch’s system, a biometric profile is created

Facewatch also adds to their watchlist subjects of interest posted on police websites

If staff have reasonable grounds to suspect a customer of committing a crime, whether it’s shoplifting or disorderly conduct, they can add the customer to a Facewatch list of “subjects of interest.” Facewatch’s policy notice says that the police also have the power to upload images and data to Facewatch’s system.


#UK #privacy #CCTV #BigBrother #supermarket #corporate #spying #PoliceState #China #Hikvision


#New #World Next Week | #Swiss #Army Deploys to Protect #Fat #Cats at #Davos | Jan. 13, 2022

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MTcbOWiscfmX

Story 1: Swiss Army Starts Security Deployment Ahead of World Economic Forum

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting: “Cooperation in a Fragmented World” 16–20 January 2023

Story 2: ‘Robot Lawyer’ Powered By AI Will Help Fight Speeding Ticket As It Takes First Case In Court

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New World Next Year 2018 with James Evan Pilato
Things That Will Absolutely, Definitely, No Doubt Happen in 2023
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The New World Next Week Store

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com, corbettreport.com, mediamonarchy.com


FDP-Delegation in Taiwan: Für eine neue Balance zwischen Taipeh und Peking | DW | 11.01.2023

Bei ihrem Taiwan-Besuch denken zehn liberale Bundestagsabgeordnete über eine neue China-Politik nach. Unverkennbar geht es ihnen um eine Stärkung der Inselrepublik. Deutsche Waffenlieferungen sollen aber tabu bleiben.#FDP #Taiwan #JohannesVogel #Marie-AgnesStrack-Zimmermann #TsaiIng-wen #China
FDP-Delegation in Taiwan: Für eine neue Balance zwischen Taipeh und Peking | DW | 11.01.2023


The Plan to Carve Up Russia

The #Plan to #Carve Up #Russia #US #Ukraine #NATO #Germany #Merkel #EU #Minsk #agreements #2014 #politics


"Last week, Angela Merkel confirmed what many analysts have been saying for years, that Washington’s hostile relations with Russia –which date back more than a century– have nothing to do with ideology, ‘bad behavior’ or alleged “unprovoked aggression”. **Russia’s primary offense is that it occupies a strategic area of the world that contains vast natural resources and which is critical to Washington’s “pivot to Asia” plan.* Russia’s real crime is that its mere existence poses a threat to the globalist project to spread US military bases across #Central #Asia, encircle #China, and become the regional hegemon in the world’s most prosperous and populous region.*

Merkel candidly admits that she participated in a 7 year-long fraud that was aimed at deceiving the Russian leadership into thinking that she genuinely wanted peace, but that proved not to be the case. In truth, **the western powers deliberately sabotaged the treaty in order to buy-time to arm and train a Ukrainian army that would be used in a war against Russia.


"This is an astonishing admission. What **Merkel is saying is that ” the Cold War never ended” because the primary goal of weakening (“pacifying”) Russia –to the point that it could not defend its own vital interests or project power beyond its borders– was not achieved.* Merkel is implying that the main objective of the Cold War was not to defeat communism (as we were told) but to create a compliant Russian colony that would allow the globalist project to go forward unimpeded. As we can see in Ukraine, that objective has not been achieved; and the reason it hasn’t been achieved is because Russia is powerful enough to block NATO’s eastward expansion. In short, Russia has become the greatest-single obstacle to the globalist strategy for world domination.*"
