

Fun Fact:

the evil one #Pelletier was named chief of the #Maui Poo #lice Department in 2021 after more than two decades working in Las Vegas. On Oct. 1, 2017, Pelletier was the incident commander of the deadliest single mass shooter incident in U.S. History #lasvegasshooting

And… Here we are again, ordering cops to facilitate death and destruction.

This is as #ugly as it gets…

It’s unimaginable to most #people how this can be true!

#Order-followers are the people that keep the current #system of #slavery in place; not the ruling class, not the political and not the so-called “elite.”

The people that keep the current slavery system in place, are the people who willfully follow orders. Which can be a difficult truth to learn, and to accept for a lot of people.

Following orders means doing what you are told to do, without judging for yourself whether or not the action you are being ordered to carry out is right or wrong behavior.

If an individual is following orders, that individual cannot possibly be exercising conscience, because by definition, exercising conscience means that one is willfully choosing for themselves right action over wrong action.

Following orders should never be seen as a virtue of any kind; if you are acting based solely on what someone has told you to do, there is no morality found in that, whatsoever. There is no such thing as morally following orders, the two terms are contradictory.

Those of us who have less conditioning – who don’t obey the chain of authority; who have less attachment to falsity – recognize that the so-called “authorities” in our way of life are ignorant and idiotic in their actions. We operate within the truth; a higher, authentic conscious awareness and self-development making us more capable of recognizing the authority of what is right, good, true and moral. The “authorities” and their supporters have false, low, immoral, unreal selves; unaware unconsciously living, doing wrongs as though they were right; or transforming what’s right into wrong.

#Conscience is the internal guiding system #humanity is blessed with having. It is literally your compass to living in the Right. Police and Military side swipe their consciences by following orders from their masters. Police make all kinds of justifications and excuses as to why they follow through with immoral orders but there is no legitimate excuse. Justifications for burying the conscience are null and void. As it is the conscience itself that will direct us toward what is moral, right, justified, and true. The Ancient Mystery traditions considered the conscience the home dwelling of the Higher self. To sell your soul means to disobey your conscience.

The #immorality of #government is obvious once we start being honest with ourselves. It’s very clear to see that not only politicians are not to be trusted but also the foundation of government its self even if the politicians were to be trusted is wrong. The foundation namely consists of violence, incarceration and theft. Theft is theft, also when government does it. When someone or some entity claims you MUST pay them money or you will be incarcerated and means you are a slave. Back in the days they took 100% of slaves labor now it’s about 30%. Even if it’s used for collective purposes doesn’t make it any less of an act of theft.

Government has a monopoly on violence. If you would act like the government you would be arrested. What grants government the right to be above the people and to rule other people. It’s an illusion of self proclaimed control. Just a group of thugs with their minions in blue who are the modern day houseslaves that rather enslave their own brothers and sisters for a paycheck than actually become conscious and start thinking for themselves. It’s really pathetic and pitiful. The level of unconsciousness is so severe that they think what they actually are doing is a virtue and they see themselves as brave people. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Following orders is not a virtue at all. It means you’re deeply asleep to a world of immorality and chaos.

Apart from the immoral actions they commit everyday by stealing from their brothers and sisters for their big boss government and incarcerating their own brothers and sisters for victimless crimes because some words of a piece of paper says so that has been written by their slave masters they are actually very much being mocked by the people behind the government who have set up this system of control. Many of the pole ice off eye seers are being covered in dark occult symbols.

Terrorists dressed in fancy clothes with pseudo weaponry forcing man made laws down people’s throats and stealing and harming people with #immoral #violence #all over the# world.

#naturallaw #orderfollowers #mauifires #weareatwar


The police in Maui was following orders



#Ukraine: #Pacifism is not a #crime in democratic states! Drop the charge against Yurii Sheliazhenko


We are all shocked that the Security Service of Ukraine broke into the apartment of Yurii Sheliazhenko yesterday, August 3rd 2023, and conducted an illegal search and seizure operation, finding nothing criminal and taking his phone, his computer, as well as some documents of the #Ukrainian #Pacifist Movement. We strongly protest about the harassment of Yurii Sheliazhenko, who is summoned to interrogation on August 7th, 8th and 9th 2023.

We remind the Ukrainian government that #pacifism is not a crime in democratic states. We demand that the charge against Yurii Sheliazhenko is immediately dropped, and that #HumanRights are fully protected, including the right to freedom of expression and the right to #ConscientiousObjection to #military service, which is inherent in the right to #freedom of thought, #conscience and #religion, guaranteed, amongst others, under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as under Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which is non-derogable even in a time of public emergency, as stated in Article 4(2) of ICCPR.

Yurii Sheliazhenko is a well-known #ConscientiousObjector, pacifist, human rights defender and lawyer. We strongly condemn all actions of harassment and all attempts of intimidation against him and the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, as well as all cases of forced recruitment and even abduction of #conscripts to the involved armies, and all #persecutions of #ConscientiousObjectors, deserters and non-violent #anti-war protestors.

#peace #propeace


Another blatant human rights violation by Russia: labelling the Movement of Conscientious Objectors as “Foreign Agent”

The European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (EBCO), War Resisters’ International (WRI), the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR) and Connection e.V. (Germany) strongly condemn the listing of the Russian Movement of Conscientious Objectors as “Foreign Agent” as of June 23rd 2023. This action is another blatant #HumanRights violation, a fundamentally discriminatory application of law that contradicts universally accepted human rights and #freedoms.

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation accuses the Movement of Conscientious Objectors of disseminating supposedly false information about the government's actions, decisions, and policies, in addition to opposing #Russia's #military actions in #Ukraine. For the current government of the #Russian Federation these allegations are sufficient to warrant the stigmatisation of the organisation.

The four organisations urge Russia to stop stigmatising human rights organisations and human rights defenders, and immediately and unconditionally release all those hundreds of soldiers and mobilised civilians who object to engage in the #war and are illegally detained and even ill-treated.

The right to #ConscientiousObjection to military service is inherent in the right to #freedom of thought, #conscience and religion, guaranteed under Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which is non-derogable even in a time of public emergency, as stated in Article 4(2) of ICCPR.

Conscientious objection is a tangible contribution to #peace; therefore, the protection of this human right is even more crucial in wartime.

#antiwar #pacifist #pacifist #pacifism #antimilitary


Yvette Tetteh descend 450 kilomètres du fleuve Volta à la nage.

Pour documenter la pollution aux microplastiques.

Elle aura crawlé sur 450 kilomètres pendant 40 jours, à raison de six jours par semaine, ponctués de pause de 20 minutes régulières pour prélever des échantillons d’eau. Objectif : mesurer la pollution que constituent les microfibres plastiques issues des vêtements qui s’entassent dans les décharges ghanéennes.
Le Ghana importe quelque 15 millions de vêtements chaque semaine, et les invendus finissent dans d’immenses décharges, aujourd’hui saturées au point de se déverser dans le fleuve. 15 millions de vêtements par semaine, et autant de déchets en puissance.
Elle plaide donc pour revenir à ce stade, protéger, restaurer. Un défi qui commence par tarir la source de pollution, à des milliers de kilomètres d’Accra, dans les usines qui sortent des centaines de collections par jour. Mais aussi ici, dans nos choix, nos pulsions d’achats, nos envies.

#environnement #pollution #microplastiques #eau #fleuves #activisme #conscience

Ça s'appelle s'impliquer concrètement, bref, tout ce que beaucoup de gouvernements promettent de faire et ne font pas.


English below

...Il est temps:
temps de renaître, temps de se souvenir.
Et tout est là pour ça, ici, maintenant, comme jamais auparavant.
Et tout est là, pour celui qui s’ouvrira sans peur,
curieux comme un enfant...
Image : inconnue
...It is time, time to be reborn, time to remember. And everything is here for it, here, now,
as never before.
And everything is there, for the one who will open up without fear, curious as a child...
Picture : unknow

#poesie #poetry #enfance #eveil #conscience #innocence #reve #creativite #presence


« ... it is a heroic act for a writer to dare to draw from an endless consciousness of ideas and share them with something as limited as words: tiny symbols whose colour is the very antithesis of the potential-bearing infinity that is the blank page: without it, they would be nothing more than bits of nothingness twirling around in the void…"

#livre #art #ecriture #poesie #poetry #book #revolution #reve #conscience #heros #mythe #mythologie
