

English below

...Il est temps:
temps de renaître, temps de se souvenir.
Et tout est là pour ça, ici, maintenant, comme jamais auparavant.
Et tout est là, pour celui qui s’ouvrira sans peur,
curieux comme un enfant...
Image : inconnue
...It is time, time to be reborn, time to remember. And everything is here for it, here, now,
as never before.
And everything is there, for the one who will open up without fear, curious as a child...
Picture : unknow

#poesie #poetry #enfance #eveil #conscience #innocence #reve #creativite #presence


The Monarchy should pay precisely zero in "reparations." KC3 is not responsible for any slavery, neither was his mother, or her father. The Monarch's government of the early 19th century outlawed slavery and used the empire's power, wealth and influence to fight against it worldwide.

Instead of endless recriminations, let's focus on stopping the slavery going on today, such as sex/rape slavery of children and women in the West and traditional slavery still going on in Africa today, perpetrated against Africans by Africans and Afroasiatics like Arabs.

#uk #usa #monarch #monarchy #kingcharles #kingcharlesiii #kciii #kc3 #slavery #slavetrade #reparations #recriminations #gbnews #westerncivilization #thewest #africa #arabia #europe #indoeuropeans #europeans #africans #afroasiatics #guilt #innocence #history #money #blackmail #grift #britishempire #empire #law #justice

