

The Satanic Essence of Globalism

The #Archbishop explains the nature of modern Babelism and why it seeks to #erase every aspect of #Christianity from #society:

The essence of #globalism is #satanic, and the essence of #Satanism is #globalist. Because #Satan’s plan is to establish the #reign of the #Antichrist, allowing him to parody #Christ’s earthly life, to imitate His miracles with grotesque wonders, to lead crowds not with the simplicity of #Truth but with #deception and #lies. Globalism is, so to speak, the staging, the script and the scenario that must prepare humanity for the political ascent of the Antichrist, to whom the leaders of the world – his servants – will cede #national #sovereignty so that he becomes a kind of global tyrant.

But the kingdom of the Antichrist is not created out of nothing: it is first necessary to erase what remains of the kingdom of Christ in the institutions, in the culture and in the daily life of the citizens. Moral dissolution is one of the simplest means of subjugating the masses, encouraging them to vice, ridiculing virtue; and, of course, by destroying the natural family, the fundamental cell of society. Once the family is demolished, the children become commodities, products that those with money can order over the Internet, fuelling the vast and growing criminal network, not to mention the surrogacy industry. #Divorce, #abortion, #euthanasia, #homosexuality and #pansexualism, #mutilation for #gender #transition have proven to be effective tools for eliminating not only the revealed #Faith, but also the most sacred principles of #NaturalLaw.

And it is indeed a #religion, the one that is being established with the #Woke ideology; a religion which, like the true Religion but with diametrically opposed goals, intends to impose itself in society, to imbue its #dogmas into the #institutions, the #laws, the #education, the #culture, the #arts and human activities. The globalists apply the Catholic principles of “social kingship,” but proclaim Satan king of society: Te nationum præsides honore tollant publico: colant magistri, judices; leges et artes exprimant. May the rulers of the world publicly honour and extol Thee; May teachers and judges reverence Thee; May the laws and the arts bear Thy mark. These are the words of the hymn of Christ the King, but we see them applied blasphemously by the priests of the #NewWorldOrder to their king, the prince of this world, and to the Antichrist in his time.

Beware though: globalism, as an emanation of #Masonic and revolutionary thought, apparently proclaims #democracy and condemns #absolute regimes; but in fact, it knows very well that the #Monarchy of #DivineRight is the best possible form of government, because it subjugates everyone – including the king himself, who is the #Vicar of Christ in temporal things – to a #transcendent law to which everyone owes #obedience.

It’s a hard thing for many #Americans to accept that the revolutionary concepts of #freedom and #liberty and #equality around which the original #Republic was founded were #evil #philosophical #seeds planted during the #Enlightenment. But the #wicked #nature of their fruits, and the #bitter #harvest they have entailed, can hardly be denied.


Fun Fact:

the evil one #Pelletier was named chief of the #Maui Poo #lice Department in 2021 after more than two decades working in Las Vegas. On Oct. 1, 2017, Pelletier was the incident commander of the deadliest single mass shooter incident in U.S. History #lasvegasshooting

And… Here we are again, ordering cops to facilitate death and destruction.

This is as #ugly as it gets…

It’s unimaginable to most #people how this can be true!

#Order-followers are the people that keep the current #system of #slavery in place; not the ruling class, not the political and not the so-called “elite.”

The people that keep the current slavery system in place, are the people who willfully follow orders. Which can be a difficult truth to learn, and to accept for a lot of people.

Following orders means doing what you are told to do, without judging for yourself whether or not the action you are being ordered to carry out is right or wrong behavior.

If an individual is following orders, that individual cannot possibly be exercising conscience, because by definition, exercising conscience means that one is willfully choosing for themselves right action over wrong action.

Following orders should never be seen as a virtue of any kind; if you are acting based solely on what someone has told you to do, there is no morality found in that, whatsoever. There is no such thing as morally following orders, the two terms are contradictory.

Those of us who have less conditioning – who don’t obey the chain of authority; who have less attachment to falsity – recognize that the so-called “authorities” in our way of life are ignorant and idiotic in their actions. We operate within the truth; a higher, authentic conscious awareness and self-development making us more capable of recognizing the authority of what is right, good, true and moral. The “authorities” and their supporters have false, low, immoral, unreal selves; unaware unconsciously living, doing wrongs as though they were right; or transforming what’s right into wrong.

#Conscience is the internal guiding system #humanity is blessed with having. It is literally your compass to living in the Right. Police and Military side swipe their consciences by following orders from their masters. Police make all kinds of justifications and excuses as to why they follow through with immoral orders but there is no legitimate excuse. Justifications for burying the conscience are null and void. As it is the conscience itself that will direct us toward what is moral, right, justified, and true. The Ancient Mystery traditions considered the conscience the home dwelling of the Higher self. To sell your soul means to disobey your conscience.

The #immorality of #government is obvious once we start being honest with ourselves. It’s very clear to see that not only politicians are not to be trusted but also the foundation of government its self even if the politicians were to be trusted is wrong. The foundation namely consists of violence, incarceration and theft. Theft is theft, also when government does it. When someone or some entity claims you MUST pay them money or you will be incarcerated and means you are a slave. Back in the days they took 100% of slaves labor now it’s about 30%. Even if it’s used for collective purposes doesn’t make it any less of an act of theft.

Government has a monopoly on violence. If you would act like the government you would be arrested. What grants government the right to be above the people and to rule other people. It’s an illusion of self proclaimed control. Just a group of thugs with their minions in blue who are the modern day houseslaves that rather enslave their own brothers and sisters for a paycheck than actually become conscious and start thinking for themselves. It’s really pathetic and pitiful. The level of unconsciousness is so severe that they think what they actually are doing is a virtue and they see themselves as brave people. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Following orders is not a virtue at all. It means you’re deeply asleep to a world of immorality and chaos.

Apart from the immoral actions they commit everyday by stealing from their brothers and sisters for their big boss government and incarcerating their own brothers and sisters for victimless crimes because some words of a piece of paper says so that has been written by their slave masters they are actually very much being mocked by the people behind the government who have set up this system of control. Many of the pole ice off eye seers are being covered in dark occult symbols.

Terrorists dressed in fancy clothes with pseudo weaponry forcing man made laws down people’s throats and stealing and harming people with #immoral #violence #all over the# world.

#naturallaw #orderfollowers #mauifires #weareatwar


The police in Maui was following orders


Karma - Natural Law - Right Action

Lately the theme karma has been popping up in my life. This night I got an "Aha Erlebnis".
So Karma or Natural Law is basically the law of Causality.

Many claim that Karma is some sort of balance sheet you build up with positive and negative action for your next life when you reincarnate. However this seems very much more build on superstition than on reality.

But to stay in a religious theme, it does mean "What you reap, is what you sow".
I have had the impression that many people do not seem to understand that when they commit certain actions, there will be according consequences.
- For example spending (all) your money on something and then being mad (mostly at the world and not themselves) that they don't have money for something else.
- Being rude and being surprised that other people don't like you.

I see it as a road, you can't take the road to Berlin and expect to end up in Paris.

Now what was my Aha Erlebnis? The Eightfold Path of the Buddha is a guide to being more consistent in your actions.
As stated by the Buddha "Life is suffering, but the Eightfold Path is the way out of suffering".
What is suffering? Not getting what you want, and getting what you don't want. What don't you want? Bad consequences, so stop taken bad actions.
You could stop wanting things and to some extend you can keep your expectations low, but in the long end not very practical.

I do realize that some people don't seem to see what bad actions are, that is why, it is not only "right action" that is necessary, but also the "right view" to see what bad actions are.

So summarized:

There are some precursors to behavior, namely analysing the situation (right view) right meaning "just right" not to much, not little.
Start with the "right intention" and use the "right action", meaning the actions that lead to the desired results. And therefore getting "good Karma" or "Following the path of Natural Law", "The Eightfold Path".

Here is a nice video by Cahlen explaining Natural Law.
Morality and Natural Law

#karma #naturallaw #eightfoldpath #Buddha #rightaction


Lysander Spooner ~ There is No Law Above Natural Law


'In #1882, Lysander Spooner wrote #NaturalLaw; or The #Science of Natural #Justice. In it he explained why there is only one #UniversalLaw that governs our #relationships. Natural Law stands above all others.

Natural Law was not created by men and women and it cannot be altered, denied or evaded by any human being, claimed authority or State. It defines the nature of our interactions and even how we judge our own character.

As Natural Law is a phenomena that exists in nature it can be studied like any other. Understanding Natural Law is, as Spooner wrote, the science of natural justice.

How do we live in peace? What rules determine how we maintain peace between each other? It is “self evident” that we can and do live peacefully but do we only do so because some higher “authority” will punish us if we don’t. Or do we all innately understand the unwritten Law that binds us within our corner of #society?

Is there a #common set of #principles which we all understand, regardless of the jurisdiction we live in? Is there a Universal Law which establishes the #boundaries of our #behaviour, enabling us to live in #peace and #harmony?

Of course there is, if there were not #humanity would not have #survived. This is Natural Law and Spooner described it.'

#lysanderspooner #natural #law #universal #truth #knowledge #understanding #rights #morality #ethics