

The #Gates are getting a #divorce.

source: https://twitter.com/BillGates/status/1389316412259270657

The news of the divorce reads professionally like a business outsourcing.

I just wonder how the next phase of #life for the two should look like after they have already achieved everything that normal people can only dream of. What should still grow there or can no longer #grow? Except perhaps the #ego but eternal growth seems to me to be one of the impossible promises of #capitalism.

He asks for #privacy and it is exactly this that #Windows 10 does not grant its users - what an #irony!

From here on, it just gets cynical. Please do not read further if it is inappropriate for you.

  • Is it possible that he caught #Melinda installing #Ubuntu?
  • Who gets custody of the "Microsoft Paperclip" now?
  • Who gets control of the vaccination chips now?

After Jeff Bezos has already been divorced, the only thing left to say is that #money doesn't make you happy and traditional #marriage is an outdated concept.

#news #microsoft #cynicism #conspiracy #nwo


Were the #police involved in the #murder of #MelcomX?

Take a look -> https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-malcolm-x-newser-idUSKBN2AL0FI

Raymond Wood’s letter stated that he had been pressured by his NYPD supervisors to lure two members of Malcolm X’s #security detail into committing crimes that resulted in their arrest just days before the fatal shooting. Those arrests kept the two men from managing door security at the ballroom and was part of #conspiracy between the #NYPD and #FBI to have Malcolm killed, according to the letter.

#justice #fail #usa #history #crime #conspiracy #politics


Entire School District in Ohio Cancels Classes After Too Many School Staff Have Negative Reactions to the Experimental COVID mRNA Injections
The corporate media and local health officials, of course, spun this as a “perfectly normal” and “encouraging” result of the injections.

Public health officials in the counties where the vaccinations are taking place call the clinics a massive undertaking, but are pleased with how they are going. They are also not surprised that a number of the people who are getting the vaccinations are reporting side effects, calling that perfectly normal for any vaccine.

“I’m very encouraged. We want to make sure that all of our school personnel are safe, and we want to try to help protect them so it is very very encouraging for us.” said Dr. Maureen Ahmann, medical director for the Stark County Health Department.

Ahmann said she was aware that Fairless Local Schools canceled classes on Monday, but was not familiar with the number of employees reporting illness related to the vaccines.

“As far as specifically the call-off numbers in Fairless, I haven’t spoken to them, but I am not surprised if people are having some of the reactions like that to the vaccine. In fact, it’s kind of good news because we know they are responding,” Ahmann said. (Source.)

If any of these school district employees go on and suffer a serious disability or even die in the days ahead, it will be reported as a tragic loss but the “health authorities” will assure everyone that it has “nothing to do with the vaccines.”

#School #Ohio #Negative #Reactions #COVID #mRNA #vaccines #conspiracy #evil #genocide


it is important for people to know the couple that manufactured hydroxychloroquine were found murdered in their home in 2017.
The hits keep coming: Apotex loses 31 drug approvals after FDA cites plants for 'inadequate' controls.
The list of drugs that lost their FDA blessing includes the common blood pressure drugs valsartan and losartan, the antibiotic azithromycin and copycat Viagra.

#hydroxychloroquine #Apotex #FDA #azithromycin #murder #conspiracy #genocide #evil


Mega-rich recoup COVID-losses in record-time yet billions will live in poverty for at least a decade...25th Jan 2021
The 1,000 richest people on the planet recouped their COVID-19 losses within just nine months, but it could take more than a decade for the world’s poorest to recover from the economic impacts of the pandemic, reveals a new Oxfam report today. ‘The Inequality Virus’ is being published on the opening day of the World Economic Forum’s ‘Davos Agenda’.
The report shows that COVID-19 has the potential to increase economic inequality in almost every country at once, the first time this has happened since records began over a century ago. Rising inequality means it could take at least 14 times longer for the number of people living in poverty to return to pre-pandemic levels than it took for the fortunes of the top 1,000, mostly White male, billionaires to bounce back.

#Mega_rich #COVID #poverty #Oxfam #The_Inequality_Virus #Davos #Agenda #pandemic #conspiracy #genocide #corruption #parasite economics #health disinformation


Did CDC Deliberately Mislead Public on Allergic Reactions to Moderna Vaccine?
The CDC had more accurate and up-to-date data that it could have used to calculate the rate of severe allergic reactions to Moderna’s COVID vaccine — why didn’t it?

On Jan. 13, California health officials issued a hold on 330,000 doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine after “fewer than 10” people at San Diego’s Petco Park stadium vaccine clinic suffered allergic reactions to the vaccine. Santa Clara County officials lifted the hold on the vaccine lot in question on Jan. 21.

One day later, on Jan. 22, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Morbidity Mortality Weekly “early release” report on Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. For the report, the CDC used data reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) between Dec. 21, 2020 – Jan. 10, 2021 to investigate cases of anaphylaxis, a life-threatening allergic reaction, following injections of Moderna’s vaccine.

The CDC’s choice to use VAERS data to calculate the rate of anaphylaxis associated with Moderna’s vaccine is idiosyncratic and troubling. Why?

First, VAERS is a “passive” reporting system, which results in a high degree of underreporting. In fact, a 2010 study (Lazarus et al, 2010) commissioned by the CDC, concluded that “fewer than 1% of vaccine injuries” are reported to VAERS. A 2015 study (Shimabukuro et al, 2015) similarly concluded that vaccine adverse events are underreported.




Anthony Fauci has been Mass Murdering People for Decades! Prevented AIDS Patients from Receiving Life-saving Cheaper Drug.

Putting his own life and career on the line, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch continues to make public media appearances exposing the hydroxychloroquine scandal, which he admits is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and millions worldwide. He previously wrote an op-ed piece for Newsweek exposing the HCQ scandal. See:
Newsweek: “Tens of Thousands of Patients with COVID-19 are Dying Unnecessarily” – by Dr. Harvey A. Risch

Appearing on Fox News last night (Sunday, August 23, 2020) on the Mark Levin show, Dr. Risch explained how the FDA is also complicit with these mass murders, and that this is not the first time Anthony Fauci has withheld cheap, older and effective drugs from patients whose lives could have been saved, in exchange for waiting for a new drug instead that could be patented and marketed for great profit.

Dr. Risch explained that what Anthony Fauci has done recently by spearheading the move to ban HCQ which has now been used effectively by thousands of doctors worldwide to successfully treat COVID patients, many with 100% cure rates, he also did it in the 1980s with AIDS patients.
The FDA … has a history of not making science-based, rational-based, decisions about its approvals.
This was started most noticeably in 1987, when people with AIDS in New York City were dying of what is called pneumocystis pneumonia, PCP.
The clinical experience then had been amassed of a large number of cases who were prevented from dying by use of the antibiotic bactrim.
This is (another case where) even then there was a generic medication and cheap.
And activists obtained a meeting with Dr. Fauci and 15 of his selected scientists at the NIH, and asked Dr. Fauci just to make guidelines to physicians that they consider using bactrim to treat preventively AIDS people so that they wouldn’t die of this pneumonia.
Dr. Fauci refused.
He said, ‘I want randomized controlled blinded trial evidence. That’s my gold standard – that or nothing.’
The activists left and the NIH did not fund any randomized trials. They raised money themselves from their own AIDS patients to collect the data to do a randomized trial.
But it took them 2 years. They came back to Dr. Fauci.
During those 2 years, the FDA approved AZT as a treatment for AIDS.
AZT works, but not completely, it needs other medications as well.
During the two years that it took them to get this data to come back to Dr. Fauci to support using bactrim, 17,000 people with AIDS died because of Dr. Fauci’s insistence on not allowing even a statement supporting consideration of the use.
This has gone on before.
Now we have Dr. Fauci denying that any evidence exists of benefit. And that’s pervaded the FDA.

The FDA has relied on Dr. Fauci and his NIH advisory groups to make the statement saying that there is no benefit of using hydroxychloroquine in outpatients.
And this is counter to the facts of the case. The evidence is overwhelming.
The FDA has also said that there’s the harm of using these medications in outpatients and over-weighs the benefit.
And in fact they said this with no information and no evidence whatsoever of any harm in outpatient use.
And this is provable both by the fact that the FDA’s web page says as a warning against outpatient use by says it relies on inpatient hospital data, which means they don’t have any outpatient data.
As well as the fact that 90% of the cases of COVID this year have occurred since the time that the FDA restricted usage to inpatients only.
So the FDA knows that it has no data for outpatients and no data on harm, and yet it denied the Henry Ford petition for outpatient usage.
Dr. Fauci and the FDA are doing the same thing that was done in 1987.
And that’s led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans who could have been saved by usage of this drug.
And this is the same thing that the FDA has done. It’s outrageous!

Time for Citizen Arrests, Citizen Grand Juries, and Citizen-led Lockdowns of Criminals!
#Fauci #AIDS #hydroxychloroquine #scandal #Risch #FDA #COVID #PCP #bactrim #AZT #conspiracy #genocide #health #medicine #evil