

Made a big pot of Celery stew with most of the vegetables from my little balcony garden.

Except the small can of spinach and the meat, the rest are all from the balcony and hydroponic garden. It's lovely to have to cut fresh vegetables and my hands smell like my mothers when I was little.
It's a lovely feeling going back 50 years to the days I was helping my mother cut vegetables when we came back from her monthly shopping.

I really love celery stew, something my mother really hated, because it reminded her of my time in Evin prison where I learned to eat what ever they put on the plate, unlike home, being picky eater wasn't an option.

Just cooking some rice to have a big dinner soon.

#Food #Celery #Stew #Iranian #Cooking


Eating one of old favorites, chicken liver with parmesan and sour cream

Used to be one of my low cost meals when chicken liver was cheap (2,99 a kilo when bought in 5kg container).

But prices have more than doubled, but it's still a delicious food I eat every now and then, not buying a who pack but just half a kilo.

First frying 2 large onions cut in thin pieces, with black pepper, salt and a touch of turmeric and cyan pepper.

When it's golden, I add the chicken and cook it on medium heat until it's well cooked. Then take half and put it away, and add 2 table spoon of sour cream, a table spoon of parmesan (I grate it fresh from a block I bought from Italy and been in my freezer since summer).

Then making some basmati rice to have it with.

Rice is getting ready, and oc course as always, I waited until last minute to start cooking and starving.

#Cooking #Food sChickenLiver


Weekends are my cooking and cleaning days.

Mainly because electricity is 30% cheapest and I need to savecevrry penny right now.

Today's food is Vavishka, food from northerners Iran that I leaned from my mother.

It's really easy to cook and very cost efficient use of chopped meat.

I get about 4 to 6 meals out of 250g of meat and its delicious too.

#Cooking ##Iranian #Food


I've changed the receipt for potato platters (kuku sibzamini in Farsi) by adding spinach, parsley and spring onions to it.

Going to make a sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, hamd and cheese to have a healthiish dinner.

Have no used any red meat for days now. Trying to keep it that way.

#cooking #food


Sunday baking done!

I love this lazy man's baking of no kneed bread recipe.

Takes a long time, but very little work to make.

Starting with cup flour, one cup of warn water, one table spoon of dry yeast, 1-2 teaspoons of salt, 1-2 table spoon of sugar, 2 table spoon of olive oil.

Mix all with a fork until it's all mixed well (it's very liquid so it's no wok at all).

Let it sit for about 40min to 1h until it doubles in size.

Add 2 cups of whole wheat flour (or normal flour if you don't have any) , 1 cup of body warm water and mix it with a spoon until it's smooth.

Let it sit for about an hour, or until it doubles in volume.

Just stear it with a spoon until all the air has gone out of the dough.

Por it into a large form or the baking sheet of the oven with silicone or oiled baking paper.

Add sesame seeds, or any other seeds you like (I used sunflowers). And spray with olive oil or cooking oil.

Let it sit for about 40min to 1h and warm up the oven to 200°C (400°F).

When it's warm enough, put the baking plate in the middle of the oven and let it bake until the top changes color (about 30-40 minutes).

Take it out, let it cool off for a while before cutting it into small pieces for either freezing it or eating it fresh.

#Baking #Bread #Cooking #Food #Receipt #NoKneedBread #LazyBaking


quite frankly, i'm a little amazed at how far musk flavouring can go. i'm about halfway through a 50ml bottle and have given away so many musk sticks, cupcakes with musk icing, snacks for kids, drinks not for kids..and on. i was going to do the same with the unicorn flavour but may need a little rest (and regrouping of ingredients) before we venture further forth into the land of snacking.

this is the brand i was gifted. It's from the city! the city!

#musk #cooking #baking #boozing #beaut #Australia


I'm so proud of my younger daughter. She spent a lot of time with me documenting how to cook the foods she likes and managed to cook the pork dish almost perfectly.

It's one of the greatest joy of parenthood to see how kids embrace the food culture and adapt it to their own taste. She loved (and missed) my cooking and trying to explain over video or by text didn't work, but she recorded, photographed and documented the ingredients and all the steps and cooked dinner for the family last night.

Her sour cream is not like those here in France so it wasn't as thick and creamy as the ones I make, but she got the hang of it, cut the pork in small, thin strips, added enough salt and pepper and managed to convince my wife to sacrifice a glass of her wine for the food😂😂

She is going to try 3 Iranian dishes that she documented and complement it with watching some videos and reading the instructions from other sources.

I'm sure she will be able to have a pretty successful student life because she won't need to be dependent on premade food or cheap pasta dishes when she goes to university in Sweden. Plus it is a great way of saving money and eat well when money is tight.

#Cooking #Food #Parenting #ProudDad