One more reason to avoid Boitoni products!
Buitoni and Impossible Foods announced the debut of the first-ever ravioli filled with Impossible Foods' pesticide-laced GMO fake meat. The packages advertise "beef made from plants" and "Italian sausage made from plants." As if they were healthy for you or the environment. Impossible Foods’ food-like products certainly are not good for either. Impossible Foods uses genetically engineered soy grown on industrial farms using toxic synthetic herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. Yummy. And these industrial farms' crops can't grow without the petrochemical fertilizers because the soil is dead from all the chemical use. These synthetic pesticides and fertilizers kill pollinators, poison wildlife, and then runoff and pollute our streams, rivers, and oceans, killing off even more species as they flow. Ever heard of ocean dead zones? Yep, monoculture GMO farms are responsible for those. Ever heard of deforestation? Yep, monoculture GMO farms are responsible for that, too. When corporations like Impossible Foods use marketing like “made from plants” and “plant-based,” they’re trying to evoke images of whole-food vegetables.
"Plant-based to me means that a plant was actually involved in the process, or at least close to the process. In the case of these particular products that call themselves plant-based, I feel like it's almost a co-opting of that term," says Dr. Urvashi Rangan
It's not "almost co-opting." It is co-opting. And greenwashing at its finest. Do yourself a favor. If you were thinking about buying anything with Impossible Foods products in them, just don't. If you want to reduce your meat consumption, eat a whole-food, organic salad. Both your body and the environment will thank you.
#Buitoni #ravioli #ImpossibleBurger #ImpossibleFoods #GMO #soy #FakeMeat #vegan #PlantBased #health #enviroment #deforestation #EatRealFood #gmofreecanada #gmofreeusa #toxinfreeusa