

#Vegetables are the most important source of nutrients nature has to offer. It provides alkaline-forming minerals, energizing proteins and a multitude of cell-protecting vitamins and secondary plant substances – with a really low calorie and sugar content. In addition, there are dietary fibers and enzymes which we need to ensure regular digestion. Greens such as leafy vegetables and salad should account for the major part of our diet as they reveal a wide range of nutrients and are good chlorophyll suppliers.

#Grasses unite all benefits of green vegetables in themselves –even exceeding them. Edible types include types such as wheat grass, barley grass, oat grass, couch grass and field horsetail. Some of them are available in health food stores but they can also be taken in as food supplements.

#Sprouts and germlings from the seeds of corn, legumes and other plants are loaded with minerals, vitamins, proteins and enzymes. In addition, they are more wholesome than raw or cooked peas, lentils and so on. Homegrown sprouts and germlings can usually be harvested within a few days and guarantee absolute freshness all over the year.

#Soy in the form of soybean sprouts as well as tofu is an excellent source of proteins and contains a number of unique secondary plant substances protecting not only the cells.

#Nuts, seeds and oils made of them provide valuable fatty acids. If you soak almonds, sesame or linseeds, you can even increase their nutritional value as the water activates the enzymes contained therein.

#Omega-3 fatty acids are important for maintaining heart and brain health. Omega-3 fatty acids are readily available in a wide variety of plant foods. Sources include walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, edamame, seaweed, and algae. Other green leafy vegetables and beans also contain small amounts.

#Herbs and #spices refine every dish and lend some extra health to it. Fresh green herbs provide us with an additional portion of chlorophyll. Garlic, onions and ginger in turn combat harmful micro organisms, and chili, cayenne and cumin stimulate digestion.
#quote from dr Young


Super easy and cheap option to start a single plant #Kratky #Hydroponic unit.

I bought a large number of mesh cups after my last trip to #Ghana to take with me for fhd planned workshops and ito use them at the #Aquaponics system we were planning to build at #Kumasi agriculture college.

My sickness, followed by #Covid restrictions prevented me from travelling and I put everything in storage before moving back to south of #France.

As I am trying to restart my experiments with various solutions to grow #vegetables at home, I came across these small mesh cups that are perfect match for the 2L #milk bottles in France. The same with 1L #bottles and many other #juice sold in #France and in #Europe.

The 2L is perfect because it will have enough water and nutrients for a leafy vegetable like #lettuce or #kale to grow without the need to refill it

All I need to do is to wrap the bottle with aluminum foil, fill it with proper mix of nutrients and water and put them under a #GrowLight or by the window to get #sunshine.

#Gardening #GrowOwnFood #RecycleReuseReduce #ContainerGarden