

Leonard Leo's outsized role in shaping the Supreme Court and overturning Roe

Most Americans support abortion rights, but a dedicated minority of conservative activists has been working for decades to dismantle Roe v. Wade, and one man in particular has played an outsized role in that effort: Leonard Leo.

Leo leads the conservative legal organization the Federalist Society, through which he has spent the majority of his adult life getting conservatives appointed to the most powerful courts in this country, including the Supreme Court.

"No one has been more dedicated to the enterprise of building a Supreme Court that will overturn Roe v. Wade than the Federalist Society's Leonard Leo," conservative writer and lawyer Ed Whelan wrote in the National Review. ...


#LeonardLeo #FederalistSociety #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #Abortion #RoeVWade #DobbsVJackson #Courts #Law #Textualism #Originalism #Conservativism #Fascism


#France #Côte_d_Or #Dijon #Attac #Courts #Contestation
3 petites séquences (la 4ème sera finie demain dimanche 22.05) faites par des militants d' #Attac, avec des camarades comme acteurs quoi...

Capitaine Marteau VS #Amazon épisode 1

Capitaine Marteau VS #Amazon épisode 2

Capitaine Marteau VS #Amazon épisode 3

Retrouvez les aventures du capitaine Marteau dans son enquête sur Amazon.
#Dijon métropole accueille #Amazon dans la zone d'activité de #Longvic.
Une production du collectif #Plus_Jamais_ça


The FTC’s antitrust complaint against Facebook has been dismissed — for now

The antitrust push targeting Facebook hit a significant roadblock on Monday when a federal court dismissed antitrust lawsuits that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and 48 states had filed against the tech giant.

The dismissal is a major win for Facebook, which — along with Amazon, Apple, and Google — has been facing increasing scrutiny about whether it’s engaging in monopolistic behavior to stifle its competition. It’s also a major setback for the growing bipartisan political movement in the US to rein in Big Tech’s power. And it signals that the path forward for antitrust enforcement against these companies may require lawmakers to revisit existing US antitrust law, which had its last major overhaul in the early 1900’s — well before the internet age.

Matt Stoller has analysis here: https://mattstoller.substack.com/p/facebook-hits-1-trillion-in-market

Interpretation is complicated. My read is that the judge may be doing the DoJ a favour, effectively saying "you've got a good foundation but you're making a poor case, here's a one-month extension to improve your argument". Though there's also the matter that the judge appears to be applying more a Borkian than a Khanian interpretation of antitrust and monopoly, with Bork's focus on "consumer welfare" being the standard.

This is the first big move under Lina Khan's tenure as FTC chairwoman, though this case isn't directly an FTC action (it's a DoJ case, though DoJ and FTC would presumably work together in such matters).


#facebook #antitrust #monopoly #ftc #lawsuits #LinaKhan #doj #ftc #courts #MattStoller