

#Microsoft is being investigated by the #FTC over #antitrust concerns

Source: https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/27/24307790/microsoft-is-being-investigated-by-the-ftc-over-antitrust-concerns

But in recent years Microsoft has mostly escaped the kind of antitrust scrutiny applied to #Amazon, #Apple, #Meta, and #Google, each of which is fighting its own #monopoly charges from the #government.

If you call it Meta instead of #Facebook then Google is #Alphabet. Good journalism is so hard to find... đŸ˜©

#economy #politics #justice #siliconvalley #technology #Software #Problem #future #capitalism #internet #news #usa


#FTC to ban Avast from selling browsing data for #advertising purposes

Source: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/ftc-to-ban-avast-from-selling-browsing-data-for-advertising-purposes/

The complaint says #Avast violated millions of consumers' rights by collecting, storing, and selling their browsing data without their knowledge and consent while misleading them that the products used to harvest their data would block online #tracking.

#news #crime #economy #security #software #scandal #internet #browser #fail #consumer #software


#Amazon Used Secret ‘Project Nessie’ #Algorithm to Raise #Prices

source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/willskipworth/2023/10/03/amazon-allegedly-used-secret-algorithm-to-raise-prices-on-consumers-ftc-lawsuit-reveals/

The algorithm was able to track how much Amazon’s power in the e-commerce field would get competitors to move their prices, and in instances in which competitors didn’t move their prices, the algorithm would return Amazon’s prices back down, according to the Journal.

(I don't link to the original source the "Wall Street Journal" because of the paywall.)

Amazon is #neoliberalism in its final stage. It is no longer about manufacturing #costs and fair prices, but only about how to eliminate the #competition with low prices or how high you can rip off your own customers.

#economy #fail #customer #price #online #marketplace #internet #scam #crime #ftc #news #technology #business


US regulator files anti-trust lawsuit against online retailer Amazon

In a long-expected move, the United States Federal Trade Commission and a collection of 17 states are suing one of the richest companies in the world.Amazon ...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Amazon #FTC #USregulators #UnitedStatesFederalTradeCommissionFTC #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #latestnews #lawsuit #newsheadlines #onlineretailerAmazon
US regulator files anti-trust lawsuit against online retailer Amazon


Drizly CEO accountable for alleged security failures

The agency announced Monday that its four commissioners had voted unanimously to issue a proposed order against alcohol delivery platform Drizly and its CEO James Cory Rellas for allegedly failing to implement adequate security measures, which eventually resulted in a data 2020 breach exposing personal information on about 2.5 million consumers.

The FTC claims that despite being alerted to the security concerns two years before the breach, Drizly and Rellas did not do enough to protect their users’ information.

While settlements like this are not that uncommon for the FTC, its decision to name the CEO and have the stipulations follow him beyond his tenure at Drizly exemplifies an approach favored by Democratic Chair Lina Khan. Some progressive enforcers have argued that naming tech executives in their lawsuits should create a stronger deterrence signal for other potential violators.

#Drizly #CEO #FTC #Uber #user #personal_data #security #breach



Reports show scammers cashing in on #crypto craze

source: https://nitter.it/web3isgreat/status/1532775402468478977

From Super Bowl ads to Bitcoin ATMs, #cryptocurrency seems to be everywhere lately. Although it’s yet to become a mainstream #payment method, reports to the #FTC show it’s an alarmingly common method for scammers to get peoples’ money. Since the start of 2021, more than 46,000 people have reported losing over $1 billion in crypto to scams – that’s about one out of every four dollars reported lost, more than any other payment method. The median individual reported loss? A whopping $2,600. The top cryptocurrencies people said they used to pay scammers were #Bitcoin (70%), #Tether (10%), and #Ether (9%).

#scam #crime #bitcoins #fail #money #finance #blockchain #news #warning


12.01.2022 Klage soll Facebook zerschlagen

Lohnt es sich WhatsApp "zu befreien"?

Die US Kartellbehörde ist einen großen Schritt weitergekommen. Ihre Wettbewerbsklage, mit der sie Facebook zerschlagen will, ist von einem Gericht in Washington angenommen worden. Ziel der Klage ist es, den Kauf von WhatsApp und Instagram durch Mark Zuckerberg rĂŒckgĂ€ngig zu machen.

Der Vorwurf gegen Facebook lautet durch diese Übernahmen unfaire Wettbewerbsbedingungen geschaffen zu haben, in dem Facebook nun eine Monopolstellung einnimmt. Ein Facebook Sprecher ist sich sicher, dass die Tatsachen die VorwĂŒrfe widerlegen wĂŒrden.

Neben der FTC (Federal Trade Commission) wird die KlĂ€gerseite auch durch 40 Bundesstaaten unterstĂŒtzt. Die Annahme der Klage durch das Gericht ist ein erster kleiner Erfolg, denn noch im letzten Sommer wurde die Klage vom Gericht abgewiesen.

Genauso wichtig, wie der Kampf vor Gericht ist jedoch, dass die Menschen endlich begreifen, dass ihnen mit diesen scheinbar kostenlosen Angeboten ihre PrivatsphÀre und damit ihr Leben geraubt wird.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/instagram-und-whatsapp-richter-laesst-us-kartellklage-gegen-facebook-zu-a-508e5090-69b3-489b-8f1d-10cee0686895
und https://netzpolitik.org/2021/eu-generalanwalt-verbandsklagen-gegen-facebook-sind-zulaessig/
und https://www.merkur.de/wirtschaft/facebook-klage-mark-zuckerberg-datenschutz-cambridge-analytica-whistleblowerin-91066639.html
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7891-20220112-klage-soll-facebook-zerschlagen.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/7891-20220112-klage-soll-facebook-zerschlagen.htm
Tags: #Facebook #WhatsApp #Instagram #Alfabet #Google #Metaverse #SozialeNetzwerke #VerhaltensÀnderung #Regulierung #Zerschlagung #Kartellamt #USA #Meinungsmonopol #Meinungsfreiheit #Verbraucherdatenschutz #FTC #USA