

Let me tell you that more source code always means more #vulnerability and is therefore always counterproductive for #security.

The #internet has become a bloated mess. Huge #JavaScript libraries, countless client-side queries and overly complex frontend frameworks are par for the course these days.

When popular website like The New York Times are multiple MB in size (nearly 50% of which is JavaScript!), you know there’s a problem. Why does any site need to be that huge? It’s #crazy.

But we can make a difference - all it takes is some #optimisation. Do you really need that extra piece of JavaScript? Does your #WordPress site need a #theme that adds lots of functionality you’re never going to use? Are those huge custom fonts really needed? Are your images optimised for the web?

read more here: https://512kb.club

enter image description here

#frontend #browser #web #danger #framework #software #problem #performance