

Oof! … Seeing a lot of buzz, from and about Florida, addressing how #DeathSantis may become a (more) wounded animal returned “woke” to his being a loser on the national (or moral/intellectual/cultural/educational) stage…

He’ll only register the President race and his wife’s state of mind, and then take it out on the Floridians he hasn’t already killed (COVID) or driven away: corporations, teachers, doctors, workers, visitors, students - all those darn ‘woke’ folk!

And this:

Ron DeSantis is following a trail blazed by a Hungarian authoritarian

The Florida governor isn’t doing “competent Trumpism.” He’s inventing American Orbánism. - Vox

#AmericanOrbanism #fascism #authoritarianism #DeathSantis #woke


Nice/not nice... but #truth - hard to see in public these days in the "Sunshine State".

  *Truth, respect and rationality excluded from the sunshine, under Tzar #DeathSantis

'Truth matters more than ideology': Florida columnist savages state's leaders for living in a MAGA bubble

“Even wild-eyed zealots must reach a breakpoint where reality undercuts MAGA ideology,” wrote Fred Grimm for the South Florida Sun-Sentinel.

“Apparently, in Florida, that juncture remains elusive.”

Now impossible to get affordable home/property insurance in FL. As legislation is put forward to ban vaccines... !! #DeathSantis


Texas 'Death Star Bill' could leave construction workers 'fatigued, disoriented, dehydrated': report

Hm, a day without nonstop #TrumpVirus coverage.

Good #news, too, like UNION workers now working hard to re-open the I-95 transportation artery within 2 weeks!

Biden visited the I95 road collapse site and roundly praised the hard working union members working around the clock. (with pay)
Meanwhile, some states move to allow children into dangerous and long-illegal work situations, and Abbott....

OMG, whenever one needs proof of how low, how mean, and how fascist a governor &/or cult/'party can get.... just go to the #Abbott / #DeathSantis competition for for most vile and fascism-inclined governor wannabe-me-more...

"Contrast and Compare"

#GQP #TrumpVirus #retrogrades #democracy #unions #labor #Abbott #DeathSantis #I95 #Biden #ContrastAndCompare


Oh what fun! (I so believe maybe the pendulum is beginning to swing back from extreme #GQP / #Fox #disinformation

Gavin Newsom Gives Sean Hannity Blunt Fact-Checks In Fiery Fox News Clash

Yahoo News:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) pierced the Fox News bubble on Monday, pushing back on host Sean Hannity’s claims about President Joe Biden, mocking House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and ripping Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) over his treatment of migrants.

Hannity tried to defend DeSantis, who has been shipping migrants around the country in what critics have ripped as a political stunt done to raise his profile as a 2024 presidential candidate.

But Newsom wasn’t having it.

“Why do you use people as pawns?” Newsom asked. “What faith tradition teaches you to treat human beings like this ― to belittle them, to demean them?”

Hannity suggested a TV debate ― moderated by himself, of course ― between Newsom and DeSantis.

“I’m all in, count on it,” Newsom said.

“You would do a two-hour debate with Ron DeSantis?” Hannity said.

“Make it three,” Newsom said. “Do it with one-day notice with no notes, I look forward to that. We could talk about his zest for demonization, we could talk about his assault on free enterprise.”

He also made a 2024 prediction about DeSantis.

“Donald Trump is going to clean his clock,” he warned.

#Fox #Hannity #sedition #propaganda #DeathSantis


Meanwhile, in the world of #truth & #woke (sentient) people who DO believe what we see with our own eyes...

In #Muskville, the #DeathSantis variant arrived to join forces with a fake 'Town Square' - not to be confused with #CNN, home of fake Town Halls.

Ron DeSantis news – live: Elon Musk’s Twitter Spaces crashes ruining Florida governor’s 2024 campaign launch

For anyone not paying attention, or unfamiliar - Anti-#Disney/ #truth automaton Ron DeSantis - "Florida Man" - is famously rigid, guarded, unspontaneous, and condescending towards actual #democracy or rights of majorities (e.g., women, students). All the observers noted that he must try to appear personable, if not charismatic. So what did he do to announce his bid for the Presidency? Did he appear with adoring fans, kissing babies and inspiring people with his vision for the future? (Spoiler: Nope) In fact, while he did get out a video eventually, his "announcement" was on the now-equally-fascist and non-truth oriented #Twitter, except it wasn't.
Many invoke the metaphor of "Musk's LAST launch" (a rocket which crashed). This from the tech guru and the King of controlled media.


Almost scary when #GQP #Rubio basically decries " #weaponization " of government based on mood of the day. And a colleague worries about what Dems might do in response to "un-woke" companies. Fun fun fun, til Daddy takes tourism away.

Republican Senators from Florida shoot warnings to DeSantis, "Half the tourism that comes to our state comes to visit Disney"

This is 'short & sweet' (just the quotes!) presented as a 'slide show', not a favorite format but it's not "click bait", show itself.

From the other fantasy-land of the 'mo, #Twitter

Anyway... Fantasy #Florida fun... courtesy of Dark Lord #DeathSantis

#MakeAmericaSane [r] / [ish]



Set up the camera and went for a walk. Orchids are lovely.
Then off to swamps, rookery, and nature preserves.

So much of Myakka (Lake/Park/River) were destroyed or reconfigured, first by #DeathSantis using COVID money to tear down an environment and wildlife weir, and the job completed by Hurricane Ian, emptying much of the lake onto land, and leaving only a fraction of what was lake. Still many gator, now in smaller space, so dense-packed (and being hot, they're out in force along the edge of the diminished lakes. There are dark "cave entrances" visible along the banks of the Myakka River which were the nesting mounds of the gator (and 'tis the season), so no doubt they're guarding the nests watchfully now.

I found where the limpkins have re-settled, with ample apple snails for their diet. Anhingas are still around, but I found many have taken up residence at a rookery in S. Venice. No roseate spoonbills at all, though some I spoke with have seen them around northern Sarasota. And that's my first post-Ian spring nature observation. Many photos to come. But first, friends/family time.

Happy Easter/Passover!

#myphotos #flowers #fenfotos #orchids #nature [ More flowers @ http://www.fenichel.com/flowers ]


DeSantis says he's considering adding new taxes and tolls at Disney World to punish the company over its power play

A master class in how to shoot oneself in the face for spite...

#DeathSantis - slayer of Floridians "like nobody's ever seen before", w/ survivors loving him! "Freedom!"

COVID was a hoax. #Education & #Truth are his enemy. Sentient human beings are demonized as"woke".

#MakeAmericaSane [r]
Stop the #GQP /#TrumpVirus "regression towards the mean", very mean. While meaning itself gets 'canceled'. Sad & scary.


What a day to make heads explode,…

Between #TrumpVirus and #MTG in New York, and the cesspool/swamp team of #DeathSantis & #Muskvirus
Missing Trump U? Tired of universities that actually educated? Angry about people who love #truth? Step Right Up

Headline of Sarasota (FL) Observer: “Musk plans for private, new New College” is the headline."
[Img Alt: Photo is of Musk carrying a sink.]

Caption: "Elon Musk said he’s excited to get rid of “everything but the kitchen sink” philosophy to New College"

"DeSantis, saying New College had drifted too far into “woke” ideas, appointed six new board members for the school in early January. The move led to weeks of protests from some students and alumni and brought national political attention to the 110-acre campus on Sarasota Bay.

Musk, 51, paid $1.96 billion for New College - a significant number honoring the year - 1960 - the school was founded, according to a statement."…

"Spaceships and EVs and tweets, and stuff are nice, but higher education, that’s the bomb, man. It has long been a passion of mine."

#Musk #DeSantis #Education #Disinformation #Fascism #NewCollege #Florida #MakeAmericaSane[r]