

Population #density of countries with more than 20 million #population.

The #UK is 10th out of 62, putting it within the top 17% of most population dense #countries with more than 20 million population & within the top 20% most population dense of all polities on #Earth.

Clearly there is no necessity or justification for mass #migration into the UK when there are 193 other polities out of a total of 241 that are less population dense than the UK.

#populationdensity #demographics #uk #un #massmigration #openborders #elitism #immigration #globalism #neoliberalism #elitism #wewereneverasked #usa #eu #thewest #westerncivilization #democracy #wages #houseprices #multiculturalism #rentprices #wagestagnation #costofliving #birthrates #demographicchange #analysis #data


#UK population share by #ethnicity 2007 to 2069, using UK government fertility & #population data 2007 to 2019 & projected to 2069 using linear #growth modified by #population growth #trends derived from the 2007 to 2019 #data.

When did the #British people #vote for demographic change? When was the #referendum? Which party ran on a platform of demographic change & was subsequently #elected to office?

#britain #ukpopulation #info #demographics #ukdemographics #ukethniccomposition #ethnography #ukethnography #england #white #black #asian #indoeuropean #african #multiculturalism #birthrates #demographicchange #analysis #graphs #charts #mathematics #statistics #stats #ukgovernment #britishgovernment #immigration #multiracialism #demography #ethnicgroups #populationdata