

Project "ukraine" is shutting down

The collapse of the second Ukrainian Republic, i.e., a class-based oligarchic society.

Sadness and angry post.

Ukraine as a project for the Ukrainian People, i.e. its state structure failed.

Sho somehow saved this worthless project, it is a thin “red from blood blue-yellow line” of a million patriots, who, Voluntarily, damn, mobilized in 2014 and 2022.

They were killed, Heroes are dying, and the stupid shouting doesn't change anything, according to the fact in AFU and according to the fact of the tragedy of the family.

“Heroes don't die”, it's a complete hybrid operation of the Russian Federation, which was fallen for by exalted Facebook ‘one-cell’ .....

I'm in touch with our soldiers who are really fighting the enemy.

The infantrymen on the front line have one dream, not to win the war, but to have their legs torn off at the knee, and this dream is the dream of the “Heroes who are not dead yet” .....

We've already lost this war of attrition.

And no amount of bussification will fix it.

In #AFU, a caste of looters has been formed, from blatniks, drinking every day in restaurants and demanding a discount, because I have UBD, to generals converting hundreds of thousands of dollars into crypto....

If a small regional official declares openly 2 billion hryvnias, it is a verdict for this state.

If the Verkhovna Rada wants to pass a budget with a minus 10 percent for AFU and 60 percent plus for tax officials and other “law enforcers”, it is a verdict....

Either Ukraine will rebel or turn into a symbiosis of North Korea and Venezuela, not even Novorossiya....

My controlled hatred, today, is directed not to Russia, in the first place, but to those fellow citizens who check the box in the polls against the “1991 borders”, while we are losing Donetsk region and the Russians are preparing a strike group in the Zaporozhye direction....

There's no videos from General Staff about the Kursk region?

It's fucked up there.

It's fucked up on the Donetsk direction.

Yes, it's fucked up everywhere.

I'll explain to you how this asshole is called.

1. Stupid betrayal, and traitors in the Office of the President, Cabinet of Ministers and General Staff can not be counted.

2. Stupid agreement between scumbags and the Russian Federation on the surrender of Donbass, according to the scheme, as they surrendered Ukraine in 2022.

3. The crisis of incompetence, which we shouted about in 2019, sho, are you laughing now ?

4. The exchange of our territories, civilians and soldiers of the AFU, to get to the election of the President of the United States.

5. The way of Hitler and Nero, “what artist dies” .....

Once again, we lost this war, we lost it at least in 2019 by electing an empty seat ....

This loss cost us not the “Heavenly Hundred”, but hundreds of thousands of killed and maimed patriots, the loss of our territories and at the same time a giant rampant corruption.

Our state is Ssodom and Gomorrah”, which has passed the Way from ‘the light of this world’ in 2022 and to ‘finished inadequates’ in 2024 ..., they have no elections, they have pensions from ordinary citizens to ‘privileged class’ different 2900 hryvnia and 200 thousand hryvnia ....

Ahead of us, blood, sweat and tears, only it is not the theme of heroes, heroes we killed, but the sweat and tears of morons ...

To those who voted for the moron....

But, optimism to you.

Not everyone has been killed yet.

The West hates this Ukrainian government.

We still have a chance...”


#ukraine #ukrainian #oligachy #corruption #war #ukrainianconflict #NATO #fail #failstate against #russian #Donbass #Russia #history


Ukrainian soldiers write

The situation in Toretsk is very frightening. It is unclear why, but the Russians are rapidly taking over the urban development there. I remind you that before the war there were about 40,000 people there, today there may be up to several thousand who have nowhere to go. Whose houses are broken. The Russians don't spare anyone in the city at all. Sending shells one after another. Of course, this is not the second Bakhmut, but there is not a single untouched house left there either.

Our troops are already very afraid to be in the city and to show themselves. Because the Russian special services are massively recruiting locals. In exchange for dollars and food waiters show trails and conduct their DRGs, send coordinates of equipment, make caches with orzhiye. Just last month alone, more than 30 cases of betrayal, which were solved. The feeling that the city will fall quickly.....


#ukraine #ukrainian #war #Russia #Donbass


Since Maidan 2014, the ukrainian national currency has lost its purchasing power by more than 500%

Since government coup #Maidan 2014, the ukrainian national currency has lost its purchasing power by more than 500%, for this ukrainians with pots on their heads jumped on the Maidan, shot up to a hundred people in the center of #Kiev, burned people in #Odessa, lost #Crimea and started a war in #Donbass.

It was such a waste of their country, built by the sweat and blood of generations of Soviet people.

Fucking morons!



#ukraine #ukrainian #russophobia #war #ukrainians #poverty #failstate #history #economy #finance #currency #fail #anti-Russia


Point d'actualité du front ukrainien

source : les conflits en carte, 27/08

Informations générales

  • Intensification des combats
  • Stabilisation du front de Koursk
  • L'évolution de la surface de contrôle globale repasse à l'avantage des russes
  • Nouvel échange de prisonniers

**Front de Koursk/Soumy :*
- A l'Ouest, l'Ukraine bombarde Glushkovo.
- Au centre, l'Ukraine prend le contrôle d'un village.
- A l'Est, l'Ukraine continue d'étendre sa zone de contrôle sous les bombardements russes.
Avantage UKR.

**Front de Karkov/Belgorod :* Pas d'évolution.
**Front de Lougansk :* Léger progrès russe.

**Front de Toretsk/Bakmout :*
- Au Nord, l'infanterie russe avance dans la ville de Toretsk par l'Est sous les bombardements.
- Au centre, l'infanterie russe avance dans la ville par le Sud sous les bombardements.
- Au Sud, pas d'évolution.
Avantage RUS.

**Front de Pokrovsk/Donetsk :*
- Au nord, forte progression russe. Prise de contrôle de l'axe d'approvisionnement de Karlivka.
- Au centre, les ukrainiens repoussent une offensive sur Karlivka. Retraite ukrainienne.
- Au sud, les ukrainiens repoussent une attaque de blindés sur une colline de commandement.
Avantage RUS.

**Front de Zaporija :* Pas d'évolution.
**Front de Odessa/Sebastopol :* Bombardement russe sur l'île au Serpents.

#ukraine #russie #guerre #donbass #crimée #carte #conflit #otan


Point de situation sur le front ukrainien

source : Les conflits en cartes, 13/08

Informations générales : Poursuite de l'attaque de Koursk. Envoie de troupes biélorusses à la frontière UKR. Accélération RUS dans le Donbass.

  • Front de Koursk : +380km2 sous contrôle UKR depuis le dernier point de situation. La stratégie de raids d'unité légère UKR permet à Kiev de revendiquer 1000km2 (environ 500km2 vérifiés sous contrôle). Défense russe en place, nombreux bombardements, 120 000 civils évacués. Les combats sont actuellement situés à 40km de la centrale nucléaire de Koursk. AVANTAGE UKR
  • Front de Karkov : Pas d'évolution
  • Front de Lougansk/Siversk : Les RUS prennent le contrôle de deux villages. AVANTAGE RUS
  • Front de Bakmout : Au Nord, Les RUS prennent position au Nord du canal de Chassiv Kar sans réussir à le franchir. Au Sud, de multiples progressions RUS. AVANTAGE RUS
  • Front de Donetsk : Avancée RUS qui prennent le contrôle de plusieurs localités. AVANTAGE RUS
  • Front de Zaporija : A l'Est, gain important sur la ville de Konstantinivska (essentielle pour l'approvisionnement de la garnison de Vouledar). Attaque RUS repoussée sur l'axe Konstantiniska/Vouledar. A l'Ouest, l'incendie de la centrale nucléaire (inactive) de Zaporija est éteint (source hors-vidéo, voir ici) AVANTAGE RUS
  • Front de Kherson : Débarquement UKR repoussé.
  • Front de Odessa/Sebastopol : Attaque de drones navals UKR sur une plateforme en mer et dans la baie de Vuska.

#ukraine #ukr #russie #rus #guerre #donbass #crimée


Point de situation sur le front ukrainien

Sources : les conflits en carte, Il y a 4 jours 26/07/24 & aujourd'hui 30/07/24

  • Front de Karkiv : A l'Ouest, les russes avancent doucement et bombardent le village de Lypsti. A l'Est, les russes tiennent la zone industrielle de Voltshansk depuis le 13 Juin. Bombardements sur les infrastructures militaires de Kharkiv (usine de tanks, radar de l'aéroport).
  • Front de Bakmout/Donetsk : Au Nord, peu de combats. Au centre, les Russes font des percées considérables dans les zones urbaines de Toretsk et grappillent du terrain vers Porovsk. Au Sud, les ukrainiens repoussent une violente attaque de blindés mais les russes grappillent du terrain.
  • Front de Zaporija : A l'Est les Ukrainiens abandonnent une tranchée et repoussent une attaque de blindés. A l'Ouest, les ukrainiens abandonnent une tranchée.
  • Front de Kerson : Peu de combats.
  • Front de Sebastopol/Odessa : A l'Ouest, bombardement sur le port d'Izmaïl au Sud d'Odessa, à la frontière roumaine ; des élements de la carcasse des drones tombent en teritoire roumain. A l'Est, bombardement sur un aérodrome au Nord de Sebastopol, les russes fortifient le pont de Kersh (qui permet de franchir Azov pour aller en Russie)

Illustration de la situation générale :

(c'est approximatif, n'hésitez pas à le dire si besoin, que j'améliore)

#ukraine #russie #donbass #otan #guerre


Ukrainian Drones Attacked Russian Nuclear Bombers TU-95

by #ArturRehi

Russians stuffing ballot boxes.
Ukrainian drones attacked Russian strategic bomber airbases near #Saratov.
15 year ago Russia invaded #Georgia: no reaction from other countries emboldened #putin to invade #Crimea and #Donbass in 2014.
🇪🇪 🇪🇺 🇺🇦
Artur Rehi is an Estonian Army reservist covering the war in #Ukraine every day since February 2022


Versuchte Einmischung Kiews in Berichterstattung des ZDF – Was sagt die Bundesregierung?

Die #ukrainische #Botschaft hat am 2. Februar eine Stellungnahme veröffentlicht, in welcher sie erklärt, ohne Zustimmung Kiews dürfte das #ZDF (und andere deutsche #Medien) nicht aus von #Russland kontrollierten Gebieten im #Donbass berichten. Am selben Tag griff auch das Außenministerium in #Kiew das ZDF an und erklärte, dieses würde keinen #Journalismus betreiben, sondern die #Realität verzerren. Hintergrund war eine erstmalig sachlich-neutrale #Berichterstattung des ZDF von der anderen Seite der Front – aus der von Russland kontrollierten Stadt Mariupol in der Oblast #Donezk. Die NachDenkSeiten fragten die Bundesregierung, wie diese die Einmischung eines fremden Staates in die Programmgestaltung und Berichterstattung eines öffentlich-rechtlichen deutschen Senders bewertet
