

Fascist duo working together to create a extreme right wave in south America.

Javier Milei and Elon Musk met at the #Tesla plant in Austin, Texas, to reaffirm the personal and ideological harmony they displayed in their successive contacts on the đť•Ź social network (formerly #Twitter).

⚡️ The meeting showcased the similarities between the president and the powerful businessman regarding the importance of market freedom, the progress of countries, the need to eliminate bureaucratic obstacles, the development of technology, and the necessity of preserving the rules of the game.

#ElonMusk #JavierMilei #SouthAmerica #Fascism #US #Politics #Economy


Does the world has a 100 years cycle for fascism and stupidity taking over the nations?

Most countries turning into full fascist states and our democratic values being destroyed, one by one in every corner of the planet.

The nuclear powered nation of India turning fascist should be an alarm for everyone in the world. But sadly we are driven by for profit corporations rather than political leaders and India is one of the key nations in their plans to dominate the world economics. No matter how extreme right it turns.

#India #Democracy #Politics #Fascism #Modi #Asia


An interview with Nancy Fraser, who had her Albertus-Magnus-Professorship cancelled by Uni #Köln bc of her stance toward #Palestine.

She received an Email from the organising Professor telling her that there were concerns about her signing an open letter “Philosphy for Palestine”* and that she should clarify her views. Her reaction (in mind): How dare you …! 👍

#Germany #Fascism #Israel #Europe

Die renommierte Philosophin Nancy Fraser über ihre Ausladung von der Universität zu Köln, die deutsche Verirrung im Umgang mit Israel und die Empörung in den USA (Hanno Hauenstein | Frankfurter Rundschau, 2024-04-08)



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Americans are quietly being assigned scores, similar to the way the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) runs its Social Credit System. The system is working through private businesses and banks, and rather than use a CCP standard of adherence to the ruling regime, is instead based on the social justice standards under environmental, social, and governance (ESG). Already, purchasing a gun, alcohol, or other items can affect your personal ESG score. And the scores allegedly also take into account which vendors you choose to buy products from.
#fascism #fake-regime #fake-president


The Only Democracy In The Middle East: Israeli #Knesset passes law to ban #AlJazeera operations in the occupied territories

The Israeli Knesset passed the "Al Jazeera Law," which authorises the Israelis to suspend news networks from operating in the occupied territories. Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi asserted that “there will be no freedom of speech for #Hamas' mouthpieces in Israel. Al Jazeera will be closed in the coming days.”

Documenting and reporting the war crimes of Israel is a crime in Apartheid state of Israel. Murdering reporters didn't stop the exposure of crimes of Israel, now they want to move one step closer to totalitarian society and block the only network that dares to expose their heinous crimes in Gaza and occupied #WestBank.

Do I need to say it? Or we all know that none of the guardians of democracy in the western world going to do jack shit about it, except maybe some empty words to act like they care (IMO even that is not going to happen)

#Israel #Fascism #Politics #Occupation #WarCrime #Censorship #Apartheid #SanctionIsrael #BoycottIsrael


How Corporate America Invented Christian America

Inside one reverend’s big business-backed 1940s crusade to make the country conservative again.
By KEVIN M. KRUSE April 16, 2015


This is an older, but relevant, article that gives some insight into the rise of Christian Nationalism. It compliments nicely Elizabeth Fones-Wolf's book, The Business Assault on Labor and Liberalism (1994). I've only just started The Power Worshipers by Katherine Stewart but highly recommend it. Lastly, I'll include a link to Political Research Associates and their work on uncovering Right-Wing funding.

#religion #ChristianNationalism #RightWing #authoritarianism #conservatism #liberalism #libertarianism #business #fascism