

#America’s ‘Neoliberal’ #Consensus Might Finally Be Dead

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/25/opinion/neoliberal-consensus-china-trade.html

On the domestic front, the implication is clear: a recognition that the free-market policies of the past several decades have punished the American working and middle classes, particularly in politically sensitive areas of the Rust Belt. Or, in the language of the campaign trail: Trade deals need to benefit the people of Pennsylvania and Michigan rather than those of Shenzhen and Shanghai.

#Neoliberal #globalism #politics #market #economy #finance #money #poverty #capitalism #news #usa #trade


#Canada: #Euthanasia in #poverty - win-win situation for the #system.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/11/canada-cases-right-to-die-laws

But experts caution the cases are also being used by groups opposed to medical assistance in death (Maid) in an attempt to scale back legislation – rather than looking at how governments can improve people living with disabilities.

You are disabled and a burden on the system, and you are frustrated by the lengthy process of applying for help, think about euthanasia.

You are too poor to afford a new apartment because your current one is being torn down, before you become homeless think about euthanasia.

#capitalism #system #politics #finance #health #society #problem #humanity #humanRights #life #news #evil #death


Get The Ultimate #Free #TV Upgrade

source: https://www.freetelly.com

Now, all smart TVs come with ads. But you still pay for the TV. All of that changes today. During the signup process we ask questions about you and your household to optimize your ad experience. Brands in turn, #pay for the non-intrusive ad on the #Smart Screen. That’s how you get #Telly free. Plain and simple. It's time you got cut in on the deal.

1984 sends its regards only that people voluntarily put their #surveillance in the living room. This also keeps #capitalism alive, because even if you are broke, you can continue to consume. You simply pay with your data ...

enter image description here

#news #economy #advertisement #privacy #society #finance #entertainment


#France #politique #finance #Macron vu par #Ruffin
En Marche vers l'abattoir...

Le méga-mensonge de Macron : « Tous les surprofits ont été repris »

« Tous les surprofits ont été repris. »

C’est Emmanuel Macron qui déclare ça, dans Le Parisien.

Eh, oh, les « factcheckers », vous roupillez ? Y a une démission collective ? Vous avez fermé boutique ? Je veux pas jouer les paranos, mais dès que je vais pisser, dès que je mentionne que « la proportion de salariés qui ont un travail physiquement pénible a pratiquement triplé depuis les années 80 », j’ai droit à la VAR ! A la vérif par les cellules fact-checking de Libé, ou de France Info, ou du Monde, ou de 20 Minutes interposées. Qui me donnent raison en gros, le plus souvent, qui chipotent sur un détail pour dire de pinailler, parce que c’est votre métier.

Mais là, un truc aussi énorme ! Par le président en personne ! Et pas un pour réagir !

Pourquoi ?
Parce que plus c’est gros, plus ça passe ?
Parce que c’est l’Autorité du Chef de l’Etat ?
