

#Venezuela: o que te escondem - e o que verdadeiramente está em jogo - nas eleições

Parcela da esquerda cai na armadilha da direita e apoia amiga de Milei e Bolsonaro para ficar limpinha
Maria Corina Machado, candidata de facto da oposição venezuelana, com seu amigo Javier Milei

Por #YuriFerreira

Escrito en OPINIÃO el 25/7/2024 · 09:52 hs

As #eleições na #Venezuela no próximo domingo (25) são o grande tema da #política internacional da semana. Mas o #empobrecimento do #debate realizado no #Brasil sobre o país é verdadeiramente assustador.

Nas redes sociais e na #imprensa tradicional, a única questão que parece existir nessas eleições é: Maduro é ditador? Como vai ser a contagem de votos? Que linda a oposição venezuelana! Veja só como ele atacou o sistema eleitoral brasileiro...

Esse debate - amplamente capturado pelos interesses mais neoliberais - me parece infértil sob diferentes aspectos: se Maduro vencer, quem o questiona como ditador não aceitará o resultado das eleições.

Se Maria Corina Machado ganhar, a vitória contra a "ditadura" - que permite eleições competitivas - será celebrada pelos incautos ou interessados na derrocada da esquerda venezuelana.

Criticar Maduro por suas falas tiradas do contexto - como a do banho de sangue - é muito fácil. Outros criticam o presidente por sua aliança com a Igreja Universal. Outros, por ser "tosco".

Mas parece que, para essa esquerda - muito mais preocupada com aparências e validações de entidades internacionais - é muito difícil criticar Maria Corina Machado, cuja única plataforma é a #privatização #total da #Venezuela.

Maria Corina Machado, não se esqueçam, é signatária do Foro de Madri, organização privatista da #extrema #direita globa, que conta com Javier #Milei e Eduardo #Bolsonaro.

Então, para estes, vale de tudo pela institucionalidade? Vale implementar o neoliberalismo mais nefasto em troca da melhora de aparências?

A armadilha da vitória da oposição

O plano da Mesa de la Unidad Democrática é somente este: vender o país inteiro para os EUA, inclusive a estatal de petróleo #PDVSA.

Para fazer isso, pela #constituição do país, a #MUD precisaria de apoio para uma reforma constitucional na Assembleia Nacional e de apoio na Suprema Corte.

Não será possível, porque a câmara é dominada pelo #PSUV e a maioria dos membros do supremo venezuelano são chavistas.

Para isso, a Mesa de la Unidad Democrática, tão guapa e fragrante, terá que fechar o #Congresso, acabar com os movimentos sociais, e na prática, dar um #golpe de estado.

Ou seja: Maduro pode aceitar o resultado eleitoral perfeitamente. Ainda assim, para governar - leia-se vender a Venezuela -, a extrema direita terá que cruzar a linha da institucionalidade, tão prezada por parte do campo progressista brasileiro.

Se isso ocorrer, perceberão o erro que cometeram? Ou vão condenar o golpe que, na prática, apoiaram?

Dá pra criticar Maduro?

Mas é claro que dá. Opa!

Mas poucos o fazem pelos motivos certos.

Poucos o criticam por sua #política #econômica dos últimos anos, que expandiu as #privatizações no país e #diminuiu o papel do #Estado na #economia.

Poucos o criticam pela #dolarização da economia da Venezuela causada pela escalada #inflacionária. Maduro tem tentado controlar os papéis e adotado uma agenda mais pragmática para defesa da economia, o que tem causado #retrocessos em #direitos #sociais e #renda no país.

Poucos o criticam pela aliança com alas mais ao centro da política venezuelana que têm feito o governo ceder ao interesse de alguns setores econômicos e políticos.

Mas é isso que essa parcela da #esquerda brasileira faz?

Não. Os #sociais #liberais compram qualquer narrativa descontextualizada vendida pela imprensa golpista venezuelana que apoiou sucessivos #golpes à #democracia e a transformam em fato para tentar transformar Maduro em um monstro.

Uma das piores é recente, em que diversos jornais noticiaram a suposta censura a quatro sites opositores: três deles seguiam no ar e um nunca existiu.

Entre as #mentiras dos que querem transformar a Venezuela em paraíso #neoliberal e o risco de ficar mal na foto por defender a #soberania venezuelana, a segunda opção parece mais adequada.

Quem você escolhe entre o #vendilhão bonitinho e o #soberano "tosco"? A escolha não é muito difícil...


Das war's. Ich kündige der #ÖBB meine freundschaft.
Erst diese unsäglichen neuen scheissliegewagen...
und jetzt haben sie unseren #schlafwagen gegen einen großraumwagen getauscht. Alle angepißt.
Das nächste mal fliege ich.
Willkommen in der #neoliberal -en welt


unpaused this around 47 minutes... what's to stop them turn you off?
#transhumanism #technarchy #eugenics #neofeudalism #eternaltyranny #totalitarian #neverendinglivingnightmare #powercorrupts #dumbingdown #enslaving #destroying #psyop #gaslighting #othering #oligarchs #fascists #oligarchy #fascism #ppp #neoliberal #neoconservative #sameoldfascists #fear #wef #banks #darktriad #darktriadarchy #orwellianisms #domesticcontrol #populationcontrol #genocide #thenewmodel #noescape #norecourseofremedy #norighttoremedy #hegemony #totalitarianism #homogenisation #totalitarianisation #smartgrid #china #thechinamodel #thechinaconnection #conflictsofinterest #kissinger #pnac #globalgovernance #technocracy #technarchy #antifreedom #manufacturingconsent #manufacturedcrisis #warondessent #censorship #transhumanism #childabuse #childmutilation #totalcontrol #deidentification #governmentislikefire #paternalistgovernment #thecorporation #dependence #deskilling #agnogenesis #pridefullyignorant #dogma #usurption #mainstream #controlledopposition #juststopoil #climatechange #hypocrisy #control #manufacturedscarcity #disempowerment #thisisnotwhatfacilitarianismlookslike #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike #feadrivenpolicyacceptance #bytheiractions #divideandconquer #problemreactionsolution #climageforsale #weatherwarfare #terminator #terminatorgenes #deskkillers

#wecanstillmendthis #DISOBEY #learningthelies #orwellianismaware #exitandbuild #amish #decentralisation #creativity #vivaciousness #scrutiny #planttrees #planthemp #plantcannabis #cannabiscansavetheworld #overgrowthecorporation


#America’s ‘Neoliberal’ #Consensus Might Finally Be Dead

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/25/opinion/neoliberal-consensus-china-trade.html

On the domestic front, the implication is clear: a recognition that the free-market policies of the past several decades have punished the American working and middle classes, particularly in politically sensitive areas of the Rust Belt. Or, in the language of the campaign trail: Trade deals need to benefit the people of Pennsylvania and Michigan rather than those of Shenzhen and Shanghai.

#Neoliberal #globalism #politics #market #economy #finance #money #poverty #capitalism #news #usa #trade


Daniel #Radcliffe is a knowing or unwitting #neoliberal #globalist #propagandist pursuing a #depopulation agenda directed by Supranational Nietzschean Elite #Scions.

Study Indo-European (White) #birthrates in the #West plus mass #migration. An agenda to destroy the West by destroying the Indo-European people-group from which #Western #civilization comes.

#Culture, #jurisprudence, #language, #political #philosophy & so on are a product of people & people are a product of #genetics modified by environmental pressures.

No Indo-Europeans, no Western civilization. Study domestic, supranational & #foreign adversaries like the #CCP. See the WEF's #geopolitical bi-pole / multi-pole #NWO. There is a #war upon Western civilization.



Coup in Peru & Latin America Fights Dollar Hegemony

The #coup in #Peru last week was similar to the U.S.-backed parliamentary coup that removed Pakistani PM #ImranKhan from office in April.

Khan recently survived an assassination attempt.

  • “How much do you think the U.S. is involved in this? And are there ways to tell?”
  • Lee Camp asks Benjamin Norton about the legislative coup that removed Peruvian President Pedro Castillo from office last week.

Peru’s far right never allowed Pedro Castillo to govern.

A week after Castillo entered office, the military forced his anti-imperialist, socialist foreign minister #HéctorBéjar to resign. This happened multiple times to ministers in his cabinet, undermining his leadership.

Peru’s far-right Congress started the campaign to depose Pedro Castillo as soon as he came to power in 2021. They had tried twice before they succeeded on December 7.

#Castillo had the constitutional right to dissolve Congress. It had been done by the right-wing before.

As president, Pedro Castillo faced heavy opposition from the far-right powers that dominated the Peruvian Congress.

Peru’s now-deposed President Pedro Castillo won the presidency after gaining notoriety for organizing a teachers’ strike.

A lot of political power in Latin America is still in the hands of the descendants of mostly-European colonizers.

Whenever indigenous communities win political power in Latin America – as seen in Bolivia, Venezuela, Peru, and beyond – they face a backlash from their colonizers.

Last week, there were two coups targeting leftist Latin American leaders. They show how the #neoliberal regime change playbook has grown beyond simple military violence.

Ben Norton and Lee Camp explain what happened to Pedro Castillo in Peru.

Watch the full interview on BT-Headline:


Mir wird jedes Mal schlecht, wenn ich daran denke, dass der Hauptanbieter für meine Fortbewegung ein Betrieb ist, der sich wie ein kapitalistisches Start-Up gebart, gleichzeitig aber auch den staatlichen Schutz genießt und weiterhin Monopol sein darf. Das letzte, was ein Verkehrsbetrieb einer Stadt machen sollte, ist Künstler:innen um Geld zu bescheißen..

Da ist der Wurm drin

„Die Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe wollen dem Designer des Musters ihrer Sitzpolster kein Geld bezahlen: Es sei zu hässlich, um Kunst zu sein.“


#bvg #neoliberal #berlin


Young #Swedish man #raped with bottle for 6 hours by #Muslim #immigrants, charged with "#hate #crime" by usurped Swedish "#justice" #system.

This is the fault of #neoliberal #globalist Chancellor Angela #Merkel and #Jewish ex-#EU #Commission #President Jean-Claude #Juncker, who in 2015 opened #Europe's external #borders and permitted #millions of hostile peoples from antithetical #cultures to enter #European countries unchecked.

The #West's #governments have been #usurped by #globalists who are are working with the #CCP and among which people of #Afroasiatic descent are over-represented, in an effort to destroy the #West and merge its remains with the #East within a #technocratic #global #governance #plutocracy.



Still don't believe in the overt violence of the #neoliberal order? If this was happening in #Israel or #Iran, these events would be headline news. This was the 9th week on end.

#ACT9 in Bordeaux: This man is in a coma after having being shot by police with flash-ball fire. The first video is gory, but see especially the third, in which he is attacked (with a stun grenade?) from behind while walking away.
#GiletJaunes #YellowVests



Interessanter Artikel zur GLS Bank und einer fraglichen Verflechtung mit Bertelsmann. Mindestens genau so interessant sind die Stellungnahmen der Beteiligten sowie die Erwiderungen des Autos im Kommentarbereich unter dem Artikel


#Bertelsmann #Privatisierung #GLS #GLSBank #neoliberal #hochschulpolitik #studiengebühren


Disabled people lead the fight against austerity

In February 2011, New Internationalist editor David Ransom helmed an issue called ‘The Great Rebellion’ where he outlined a ‘con-trick of truly breathtaking proportions’, played out across the Majority World by unscrupulous financial institutions and abetted by the World Bank and the IMF. As much of the Majority World had wised up to the devastating practice, it was being turned on those countries that had devised it instead.

What was termed as ‘structural adjustment’ in the Majority World phase, was now being called ‘#austerity measures’ in the Minority World phase, though the con-trick was essentially the same: the citizens of countries were being made to pay for vast debts that they had no hand in creating, allowing the market to privatize national assets while imposing outrageous cuts and levies on the population. Ransom outlined the dangers ahead, of inevitable spiraling national #debt, the rising power of unaccountable, undemocratic, opaque #corporations and financial institutions and the crippling onslaught of brutal cuts.


The resistance begins at the raw front lines of those impacted first and impacted the hardest. The #UK #grassroots direct action group Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC), run by #disabled people, has grown out of that immediate need to hit back against crushing austerity. Their story is a microcosm of the #neoliberal story, including its construction, its destructive effects and how to fight back. Without learning from #DPAC, and having active solidarity with them, the various pockets of resistance risk remaining fractured and ineffective. ...

The UK has become the first country in the world to use the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities to be investigated for ‘grave and systemic violations’ of disabled peoples’ rights and it is telling that the Tory government has since refused to make public the findings.

Andy Greene, member of the national steering committee for DPAC, tells me, ‘What you have is the people who are engaged most with the state, disabled people because of the nature of impairment, being the first in the firing line when these public services and the welfare state start to be dismantled in the name of austerity… and the fall out is that peoples’ lives shrink or people die.’

Despite their being probably the most prolific grassroots group in the country in terms of direct action, even forcing their cause into the Houses of Parliament itself twice, the amount of physical support for DPAC reciprocated from people in the wider movement is negligible.

Until that changes and people stand in solidarity with DPAC, using direct action and civil disobedience, putting their bodies in front of their convictions, then the UK movement against #neoliberalism risks remaining fragmented, ineffective and easily dismissed or ignored by the right wing press and government.

full story