

#Carbon #Removal Isn’t the #Solution to #Climate #Change

source: https://newrepublic.com/article/165996/carbon-removal-cdr-ipcc-climate-change

"But part of the reason we are about to exceed 1.5 degrees Celsius is that these scenarios have acted as self-fulfilling prophesies. The scenarios have created the whole idea of carbon removal to show policymakers how we could continue to use #fossil #fuels and, supposedly, still hit our climate targets by 'reversing' global heating with massive amounts of CDR #technology. Instead of modeling how to stop using #coal, #oil, and #gas in time to halt warming directly, they have told policymakers 'we need CDR,' offering maps that have led us right to the levels of #warming we will see in the coming decades."


"The models aren’t pricing in the risk that CDR might fail. Nor do they price the risks of the way that building and deploying planetary-scale CDR might compete with other industries or constrain energy supplies. They don’t consider the possibility that global heating might lead to fire or flood destroying bioenergy crops, making CDR itself more expensive and difficult. The integrated assessment models also assume that the economy is and will remain at full capacity, frictionless, and cost-optimized. And they take for granted the economy will continue to grow exponentially despite global #heating, because they estimate climate damages will cost only a few percentage points on the margins. And so they imagine that everyone will be richer later this century, which allows them to find that removing carbon dioxide later will be relatively cheaper than phasing out fossil fuels now."

#co2 #emissions #news #politics #economy #crisis #environment #pollution #future #world #earth #fail #problem



Dirt Rich

Dirt Rich

Dirt Rich shifts focus from greenhouse gas emissions to carbon draw down which is the only viable solution for reversing the effects of runaway global warming in a timely manner. Through exploration of geo-therapy strategies, Dirt Rich shines light on their value and beauty which undeniably are our last hope for protecting life as we know it on this challenged planet. Through regenerative agricultural practices, reforestation of abandoned land, protection/restoration of carbon rich wetlands and keystone species, Dirt Rich illustrates how implementing these strategies will return our atmosphere to safe levels of carbon while growing soil, our most precious resource.

The science is clear. Global warming is worse than predicted and we are now at a tipping point. Currently our CO2 levels are at 400 parts per million (ppm) putting us way over the safe level of 260 ppm. Even if we were to stop all fossil fuel use today, the climate effects will continue for the next 1000 years because much of that carbon is stored in the ocean and it takes that long for it to cycle out. The only chance we have to halt the effects of runaway global warming is to quickly draw carbon back down into the soils where it belongs. This not only sequesters the carbon but serves to revitalize our collapsed soils by allowing natural processes like photosynthesis and microbial growth to take back over. Scientists are predicting that on our current trajectory we have 70 harvests left and a very short window of time to make the impactful changes necessary to prevent runaway global warming. Dirt Rich will illustrate for viewers the strategies necessary to accomplish this.

Dirt Rich takes the viewer on a journey through a multiplicity of carbon draw down strategies that focus on natural solutions that simultaneously address the revitalization of soil and stabilization of atmospheric carbon levels. Currently the planets soils are desperately depleted as the microbial life within them has been greatly destroyed. Scientists are predicting that on the current trajectory there is only enough good soil to support 64 more harvests. This film couldn’t be more timely. Through regenerative agricultural practices, reforestation of abandoned land, protection and the restoration of carbon rich wetlands, Dirt Rich educates and inspires viewers to contemplate how our choices matter, and how everything on this planet connects.

#DirtRich #documentary #film #nature #environment #pollution #fossil #fuel #global-warming #climate-change #soil #carbon #resources #reforestation #protection #restoration #regenerative #practices #MarcelinaCravat #PasselandePictures #docu-films


Air pollution is slashing years off the lives of billions, report finds


#Air #pollution is the greatest #external #threat to #human #health on the #planet, and that is not widely recognised, or not recognised with the force and vigour that one might expect."
#environment #energy #climate #crisis #coal #burning #fossil #fuels #greenhouse #gas #emissions #wildfires #dirty-air #life #aqli #report


Renewables now half the price of fossil fuels across Europe, says report

Generating electricity from renewable sources in Europe is now half the price of fossil fuels as polluting power production on the continent fails to recover from the pandemic and renewables grow, according to a new report by the Ember energy thinktank.
#fossil, #ember, #union, #renewables, #news, #fuels, #european, #demand, #energy