

"The latest 'Special Snapshot' of Gaza from the #UN’s #hunger monitoring system, the Integrated #Food Security Phase Classification (IPC), that will be published on Tuesday also says that one in five of the population – more than 495,000 people – are now 'facing catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity' involving 'an extreme lack of food, #starvation, and #exhaustion'.

“'More than half [of households] also reported that, often, they do not have any food to eat in the house, and over 20% go entire days and nights without eating.'"


PS. You don't hear much about that "humanitarian peer" any more....

#FoodAsWeapon #Famine #WarCrime #Inhumanity #GenocideJoe #Palestine #Israel #Gaza


WTAF: ‘Wrong Sort of Holocaust Survivor’:

“According to the #Guardian, #Independent and #NYT, #Holocaust #Survivors Who Condemn Israel’s Genocide Are The ‘Wrong Sort of Holocaust Survivor’: Interviews with Stephen Kapos, Suzanne Weiss and Rene Lichtman - all Child Survivors of the Holocaust in France and Hungary”

by veteran UK #Socialist, #AntiZionist and #AntiRacist campaigner and author Tony #Greenstein in his 24/06/24 blogpost

PS I can't find the reference anywhere using duckducgo but found this article having that phrase: https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/article/labour-silencing-holocaust-survivors-and-descendants-of-holocaust-survivors/

#Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #ExterminationCamp #Israel #ApartheidIsrael #US #ICJ #ICC #GenocideJoe #Netanyahu #DahiyaDoctrine #HannibalDirective #IDF #SnuffMovies #Zionism #Racism #Pogrom #Nakba #Genocide #FinalSolution #SettlerColonialism #Liberation #LiberationWar #Dehumanization #Hamas #TerroristIsrael #EthnicCleansing #ChildMurder #ChildTorture #Starvation #Disease #Hasbara #Disinformation #InfoWar #CollectivePunishment #TheOccupiedTerritories #WarCrimes #GroundInvasion #BabyMurderers #HospitalDestroyers #CrimesAgainstHumanity #StateSanctionedMurder #OperationAlAqsaFlood #FreePalestine #PermanentCeasefireNoW #GenocideJoe #USComplicity #UKComplicity #EUComplicity

PSS: image from archives


Remember the BS lies of #US propaganda about #Biden warning #Netanyahu about attacking Rafah?

Netanyahu has once again showed who is the boss and slaughtering the besieged and defenceless Palestinians.

You don't hear him or his criminal spokespersons saying anything about the horrors of #Rafah and and the imposed starvation of half a million #Palestinians, most of them women and children.

#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow #GenocideJoe



The temporary pier that the U.S. military built on short notice to rush humanitarian aid to Gaza has largely failed in its mission, aid organizations say, and will probably end operations weeks earlier than originally expected.

In the month since it was attached to the shoreline, the pier has been in service only about 10 days. The rest of the time, it was being repaired after rough seas broke it apart, detached to avoid further damage or paused because of security concerns.

The pier was never meant to be more than a stopgap measure while the Biden administration pushed Israel to allow more food and other supplies into Gaza through land routes, a far more efficient way to deliver relief.

#GenocideJoe #Scam #GazaPeer #FoodAsWeapon #Inhumanity #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


IOF vehicles have completely bulldozed the area of the #Rafah border crossing, according to Palestine Today.

Remember when Sisi talked about the red line of Israel taking over Philadelphia corridor? Or Biden and other hypocrites about attacking Rafah?

They are all standing there with their tails between their legs pretending to have any moral grounds when they pretend to act like respectful world leaders.

#GenocideJoe #Hypocrites #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#Ukraine. The supreme court...
Sadly we can't just vote on each issue, we have to vote big tent of we want any change. Also if it was just #Genocidejoe that blindly supported Israel it would be easier but 80% of Dems in congress support sending aid to Israel. Not voting will be voting against everything listed here, and voting for Bibi to do the same to the west bank. The IDF leaders currently trying to pull this crap in the west bank are under sanctions. Under Trump those will go away.

Georgiann Baldino - 2024-06-02 18:44:34 GMT

#VoteBlue2024 for many vital reasons.
Reposted from Tumblr, shows icons of reasons to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot: women's rights, Social Security, LGBTQ+ rights, our planet, affordable health care, gun safety reform, Medicare, marriage equality.


During a press conference, National Security Council spokesperson John #Kirby emphasized that despite Israeli airstrikes targeting displaced Palestinians' in #Rafah, Israel has not crossed US "red lines".

Kirby stated that the US is not turning a "blind eye" to the plight of Palestinian civilians, acknowledging the "tragic mistake" made by Israel in the airstrike that killed at least 45 Palestinians in tents.

Regarding the presence of Israeli tanks in Rafah, Kirby noted that the US has not observed large-scale ground operations or coordinated "maneuvers" against multiple targets by Israeli troops.

The New York Times reported that the bombs used in Sunday's airstrike were of US origin, specifically GBU-39 bombs. American officials have encouraged Israel to use these bombs to reduce civilian casualties.

#WhiteHouse #Hypocrisy #GenocideJoe #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren #palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Images of the bombardment site of Palestinian #refugees in #Rafah this morning, which led to the martyrdom and wounding of dozens of people.

This is the second crime against Palestinian refugees in less than 48 hours.

I'm sure #GenocideJoe will accept the explanation of @Netanyahu as another "mistake" and keep on sending 2000 pound bombs to Israel.

Video available on telegram: [https://t.me/newsvideofa/2379(https://t.me/newsvideofa/2379)
#RafahMassacare #Israel #Gaza #WarCrime


The first aerial view of the floating port, which will allow the United States and others to flow ,"humanitarian aid" to #Gaza via the sea route, as the United States claims. It says that the sea off the coast of #Gaza complements the role of land crossings and is not a substitute for them

They block 1000s truck fully loaded with food, sanitary material, medicine and clothes from entering Gaza but pretending that this port is going to be used for sending aid to Gaza.

The disgusting hypocrisy of US and western allies participating in this project is truly sickening.

#Gaza #US #FloatingPort #Hypocrisy #Genocide #Food
#FoodAsWeapon #Famine #GenocideJoe #Israel #Rafah


US Ambassador Jacob Lew says that the US is continuing to generously send more weapons to Israel.

In an interview with Israel's channel 12, #US #Ambassador Jacob Lew said that the occupation state has not crossed the red line in #Rafah and that there will be no interruption in US aid to Israel.

He added that "it is wrong to believe that anything has fundamentally changed in the relationship between Washington and Tel Aviv."

"As everyone is focusing on the decision to delay one set of ammunition, everything else keeps flowing."

#GenocideJoe #Propaganda #StopThLies #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren #palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


#Mafia #US #GenocideJoe #Biden aux mains balladeuses
Voici le représentant 🤡 des "démocrates" étasuniens....., il est vachement plus respectable que Trump :-)))
Après l'ordinateur du fils #HunterBiden, ......dans les carnets de la fille de Joe Biden, qui ont été authentifiés, celle-ci se demande si elle a été molestée par son père et parle de comportement inappropriés sous la douche...
(à 1:10:44)

#Poulin #pipolitique #politique #france


White House NSC spokesman: Israel's attack last night was limited to #Rafah

#Israel told us that the aim of this attack was to cut off #Hamas' ability to smuggle weapons and money into #Gaza.

It is like clock work, they always, always, always have excuses to justify criminal actions of Israel. By controlling the Rafah border, the lifeline of over 2 million Palestinians is completely in the hands of Israel and the few Palestinians who could leave the strait by bribing the Egyptian border guards, will no longer be able to leave the Israeli terror.

#Politics #Genocide #GenocideJoe #Egypt #FoodAsWeapon #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #US