

GDP & GDP Per Capita of all Muslim Majority Nations, 2023.

These 47 nations collectively represent:

7.51 trillion GDP in USD
10.67 million square miles of land
20.6% of the world's land area
1.61 billion population
19.95% of the world's population
1.27 billion Muslims
72.8% of the world's Muslims
518 mean population density
80 mean population IQ
2.64 homicides per 100k of pop.

#islam #muslim #muslims #ummah #gdp #gdppercapita #wealth #economics #stats #statistics #demography #anthropology #culture #religion #islamicworld #usa #uk #muslimworld #data #information #money #culturalanthropology #comparativereligion #population #land #landarea #homicide #iq #homiciderate #intelligencequotient #israel #palestine #israelpalestinewar #migrants #globalism #refugees #asylees


#Graph depicting the correlative #trend between number of homicides per 100k of population & mean national #IQ, with Pearson correlation coefficient, for 241 countries & dependencies, 2023.

The #graph shows that as the mean national IQ goes up, the number of homicides per 100k of #population goes down, with a strong correlation of 0.57. This suggests to me that the more #intelligent a population is, the less inclined to commit #homicide it is.

#homiciderate #murder #usa #uk #nato #murderrate #immigration #migrants #eu #globalism #neoliberalism #anthropology #mathematics #data #empiricism #stats #statistics #pearsoncorrelation #elitism #elites #crime #academia #intelligentsia #neoliberalglobalism #massmigration #un #wef #unitednations #agenda2030 #facts