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Natives born in #Ashwini #Nakshatra in #Astrology are good-looking and like jewellery. They are proactive, intelligent, and fortunate. According to Nakshatra Sooktha, the natives born in Ashwini Nakshatra have a good hearing ability. Ashwini Nakshatra indicates horses, horse riders, horse dealers, commandants, physicians, attendants, merchants, and handsome people.

Ashwini Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology is one of the Tiryaka Mukhi Nakshatras (or the Nakshatras with their mouths curved). ‘Ashwa’ means the horse. The meaning of the word ‘Ashwini’ is one like a horse. In this Nakshatra, things related to roads, dams, the expansion of metals, chariots, boats, etc., can be auspiciously begun and performed.

Symbol: The Face of a #Horse
The symbol of Ashwini is the face of a horse. The horse suggests the rate of growth of a baby.

Deity: The #AshwiniKumars
Ashwini Kumaras, the deities of Ashwini Nakshatra, are the Gods of medicines, and their favourite drink is honey. They offer longevity and healthy life.

Range 0⁰ – 13⁰ 20”
Rashi Aries (Mesha)
#Yogathara #Sheraton or #Beta-Arietis
Apparent Magnitude 2.64
Latitude 8⁰ 29” 14’
Longitude 10⁰ 06” 46’
Right ascension 1h 54m 21.8s
Declination +20⁰ 47” 1’
Characteristics of Ashwini Nakshatra in #VedicAstrology
An Ashwini dominated native wants to finish things fast.
They are excellent in averting danger, either physical or psychological.
Ashwini natives will start their puberty or menstrual cycle quite early in life and become sexually aware at a very early age.
Natives born in Ashwini Nakshatra can find any place to take a nap, whether it is on an uncomfortable plane, train, bus ride or in the comfort of their bedroom. They use sleep to gain energy and not for pleasure.
Their main aim is to wake up as early as possible so that they can start running in the race of life.
A horse lacks a collarbone; hence, an Ashwini native may have weak collarbones.
The most distinctive feature of a horse is his muscles and endurance, which is widely known worldwide, so it is obvious that an Ashwini dominated native has strong muscle tendons and the ability to work much longer and faster than others.
One word that comes to mind is “horsepower”, which is used in describing the power of a car’s engine.
A horse is an extremely powerful animal that can kill a man with a single kick from his hind legs.
If we compare a horse’s body to a human, the hind legs of a horse are like his actual legs, while the front two can be considered as arms.
An Ashwini native will have strong legs and thighs to help him run in sports.
Ashwini is about horses having strong muscles and legs to run fast. Bodybuilding is about building muscles and having the endurance to lift heavy weights.
The horsepower also translates into a love for fast-moving objects like race cars, rockets, fighter jets and bullet trains.
An Ashwini native may love such type of transportation and sometimes can take it on as a hobby too.
Another prominent feature of a horse is his face, especially the long nose, big eyes, and long neck.
Next time, observe a person with a heavy influence of Ashwini Nakshatra in their chart, for instance, a cluster of planets in Ashwini Nakshatra, and observe their face.
A person’s face, in astrological sense, is seen from the 2nd house, but that is only 50% of the story.
A cluster of planets in a birth chart will always dominate the ascendant and 2nd house for body and face.
A Virgo man can be overweight because he may have several planets in Cancer in Pushya Nakshatra.
Notice the hair on the horse’s head; they move with the wind and are naturally styled without a salon in the wild.
Ashwini men or women love to have long hair and style their hair.
They always do whatever they can to have silky smooth hair.
Horses are known for their wild spirit, which is why there is a term ‘wild horse’.
A horse wants to go anywhere he wants, when they wish and not care about a master-slave relationship.
An Ashwini native is extremely independent, free, and wild.
They want adventure; they want to climb a mountain, then eat lunch, then go and play basketball.
They hate schedules, deadlines, and orders.
They simply want to be themselves.
Ashwini natives always do what they want, including the way they want to dress and do their makeup.
Since a horse can run hundreds of miles before they eat their next meal, it shows a horse can go to distant places into new territory.
Ashwini native wants to travel far away places and meet people who are brand new to them.
They may even marry someone who is of a different culture or from a foreign land.
Another fascinating fact is that Ashwini natives love to do their hair right and love to work with hair and hairstyle; that’s because a horse has very stylish hair, which comes upon their forehead and rises with the wind.
Attributes of Ashwini Nakshatra in Astrology
By the influence of this star, the native is expected to be equestrian (horse-rider), a soldier, or a physician with extraordinary powers.
It is possible that in the horoscopes of these physicians, the Graha for successful medical practice is positioned in Ashwini Nakshatra can be seen.
From Ashwini, carriages for animals for transport, everything related to transport and transport department is supposed to be derived. The Puranas relate that the two Ashwini Kumaras were born to mother Sanga and father Ravi. The mother held the solar semen in her nostrils, for otherwise, she could not hold it because it was so strong.
They are the twins of Sanga. Therefore, this Nakshatra is supposed to produce twins. Mars (Mangal) in this Nakshatra – especially if the Lagna is in Aquarius (Kumbha) and Mangal in bhatristhan indicates twin brother and sister for the native. Or, suppose, Ravi, Guru or Pitri Karaka or Lord of the Bhava signifying father or son is in this Nakshatra. In that case, the father or any of the uncles or any of the children may be one of the twins.


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#Ashwini #Nakshatra is the first among 27 nakshatra of our zodiac and having a spread from 0°-0′-0″ to 13°-20′ and is ruled by the south node #Ketu. Aswini is governed by the #Aswins, the twin horsemen. The Sun is exalted here and the #horse is the preferred transport of the #Sun #God. The Nakshatra is entirely within Aries and Mars is the ruler of this Rashi. So a mixture of Mars/Ketu will be experienced by the planets that will inhabit in it.
This star is ruled by Ketu and is in the Rashi of Kuja. When a person is born in this constellation, they have a strong desire for success/fame and they are very ambitious for position.This star promotes marital happiness and progeny. If they take Medical profession, they can flourish very easily because they have a inherent ability to cure people and healing power. When this star is connected or predominant it gives interest in gardening also.

Ashwini Nakshatra Male Characteristics
When afflicted, the individual is impulsive, aggressive, stubborn, and arrogant. Passion, lust and lack of Discretion is present. The individual is always interested in beginning new things, and so ends up making a mess of work in hand (leaves work half done). They want to do things their way.

But they never learn from their mistakes, and can be seen repeating their mistakes again and again. Basically they are head strong, stubborn, straight forward. They are useless at activities requiring stillness and patience they have enough motivation when it comes to starting a task or a new activity but they seldom finish it.

The biggest problem is that they do not like to be told what to do.They always think that they are better than the rest. They try to perform impossible feats without proper consideration. All phrases like “haste makes waste” and “hurry causes delay” are aimed at Ashwini Nakshatra natives.




Dank der Mithilfe eines/r anonymen Unterstützer/in hier in unserer #Diaspora* haben wir ab sofort auf @campo@stammtisch.tupambae.org einen neuen lebenslangen Mitbewohner!

"Farolito" ein Wallach der schon immer wieder mal als Weidegast hier war gehört ab sofort hier bei uns mit dazu. Sein Besitzer überlegte ihn zu veräußern da er jetzt noch "präsentable" sei. Tja, und da wir uns natürlich nur ungern von guten alten Bekannten trennen und eventuell auch durchaus mal ein wenig Hilfe beim Schleppen oder Ziehen brauchen könnten haben wir, dank der Mithilfe eines Kontaktes hier, kurzer Hand zugesagt ihn "freizukaufen". Im grossen und ganzen ist Farolito ein grosses und ruhiges Pferd und soll auch ruhig arbeiten solange es um schleppen und ziehen geht. Wird ihm Zaumzeug und Sattel auferlegt verhält er sich angeblich unruhig. Ich denke mal das das mit schlechten Erlebnissen zu tun hat. Ganz allgemein werden Pferde hier bisher noch recht hart dressiert und das Geschirr das ihnen normaler Weise angelegt wird besteht aus Kandarren die in D wohl eher verpönt sind. Auch ansonsten sind sie es gewöhnt das Menschen sich eigentlich nur um sie kümmern wenn sie zur Arbeit herangezogen werden, sprich menschliche Aufmerksamkeit ist gleichbedeutend mit Zwang.
Nun gut, da dies nicht wirklich unser Umgang mit Tieren und in diesem Falle Pferden ist, steht jetzt erst mal ein allgemeines Eingewöhnen an, sprich immer ein Leckerlie zur Hand, immer mal vorbei schauen und ein wenig verwöhnen und streicheln und ansonsten Arbeitseinsatz als Rasenmäher.

Demnächst mehr und derweil ein link zu einem Video den "la tierra de nuestros nietos" neulich auf peertube eingestellt hat. Ein Zusammenschnitt von einem ziemlich wilden unterfangen in Namibia, das Zähmen von wilden Wüstenhengsten in nur ein paar Tagen durch eine Pferdeflüsterin, unterlegt mit etwas Musik:

#Pferd #Pferde #Horse #caballo


#Ashwini #Nakshatra 2023
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Ashwini nakshatra is the first in the #zodiac sign belt and it is symbolized with #horse headed twins which are golden armored. The horse symbolizes strength, power, dignity, courage in the natives.

They will possess good leadership qualities as well. They will be fast and have good ideas and creative activities. They focus on self improvements too. Let’s check out the characteristics of Ashwini nakshatra male and female natives before moving onto the detailed life in 2023.

Ashwini Nakshatra 2023: Characteristics of Natives
Ashwini nakshatra 2023 prediction says that the male individuals of this nakshatra will always be handsome and they work towards maintaining a good look. He has a broad forehead and a long nose. He will never forget the good deeds done by others and help them wholeheartedly. Whereas the female Ashwini nakshathra natives attract others with sweet and lovely words. She has an extremely patient character but she wants everything she gets to see all the time.



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#PurvaBhadrapada #Nakshatra in #Astrology
The other symbol of this Nakshatra is a man with two #faces, one looking forward and the other looking back. This is interesting because this means someone who can see the future and the past.

Another meaning of this symbol is a person who has two sides to him/her, who can be entirely two different beings. This person can be a totally different person at the workplace and absolutely different when they are at home with their family. It’s about two opposite sides that they reveal to the world.

This is a short cutting and intense nakshatra. #Ajaikapada Dev is the deity – the one-footed goat. However, this deity is a form of #Rudra, the storm god, representing the fiery nature of this nakshatra. This nakshatra is located in the constellation #Pegasus – the #winged #horse. The #stars relevant to this #constellation are ‘ #Markab and #Scheat’.

Markab is a star of success that deals with honours and achievements, and at the same time, this star can have sorrows. Scheat is probably one of the most challenging stars that deal with extreme misfortune. These stars indicate that there will be transformational events because people learn their hardest lessons through great sorrows and disappointments.

This is a nakshatra that really makes a difference in the world. People in this nakshatra cannot get away with their karma. In the zodiac wheel, Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is connected to the Aquarius and Pisces signs.


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#AchiChokyi is #Tibetan (ca. 1000s) but she is proficient enough in #Sanskrit to respond to the name #Dharma #Tara.

She is powerful enough that she composed herself into #sadhanas. And these were so powerful that this was the experience of H. H. First Karmapa (called Druptop here):

...the sound of a #damaru [resounded] from the sky and the melodious voice of a ḍākinī arose. Druptop asked the Lord of the Dharma (Chos rje) how this could be, [and] he replied, “The voice which arises is a Wisdom ḍākinī, my Grandmother.”

Druptop insisted, “What is her sadhana like? How is [her] practice done?” ] Because of that [Jigten Sumgon] bestowed many extensive sadhana and the fifteen chapters [of] the Precious Diadem in the Sadhana Cycle (Sgrub skor rin chen cod pan le’u). Druptop said, “Having reviewed the oral transmission with earnest, the essence [of the] goddess (hri ma) rose up from the sphere of reality, [and I] perceived [her] with divine sight from the sphere of wisdom.

Departing from the behavior of many of #Tibet’s mundane, oath-bound protectors, however, Achi takes multiple roles, making her an interesting point of departure in this category. According to at least one sadhana, besides being taken as one’s dharma protector, she can be taken as one’s inner-most secret lama (gsang bla ma), one’s inner yidam (nang ltar yi dam), or one’s secret ḍākinī consort.

She did not perish in a usual way:

...she flew into the air on the back of a #blue #horse, accompanied by a #small #dog, and departed for the #Pure Lands.
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6°40" to 20°00" Aquarius (Kumbha)
#Nakshatra #Rahu #Shatabhisha
The 24th Nakshatra: SHATABHISHAKA.
The four quarters are ruled by:
Guru (Jupiter) - the 1st quarter,
Shani (Saturn) - the 2nd quarter,
Shani (Saturn) - the 3rd quarter,
and Guru (Jupiter) - the 4th quarter.

Other aspects of this Nakshatra:
The Purushardha (life's vector or motivation) is Dharma.
Totem animal is #Horse (female).
Symbol - 100 flowers \ 100 healers.
Devata (Deity) - Varuna.
Dosha - Vata.
#Shatabhishaka is the Nakshatra owned by the Northern node Rahu. The entire span of this Nakshatra falls in the sign Kumbha (Aquarius), from 6°40' to 20°00'. People born in this Nakshatra have the appearance of a well-to-do person. But they are very simple, principled people living a simple, straightforward life. They have a good memory and a tendency to remember all the bad experiences.

While the male born in this Nakshatra are generally abase, the females are tall and thin, with a matured expression on their face. Both male as well as female natives born in this Nakshatra are very religious and god-fearing.

When the lord of the Nakshatra, Rahu, is in a fixed sign, the native tends to have an adamant nature. But this rigid attitude on the part of the native is often for some selfless cause, which has the potential to benefit the society at large. Because of their uncompromising nature when it comes to following the principles, these people have to face difficulties in their personal as well as professional lives in the early part of their life. But as the middle age dawns and they mature, they know how to have their own way without getting hurt in the process.

This sign, Kumbha (Aquarius), itself is a sign indicating a research-oriented mindset. Hence a Shatabhishaka born is ideally suited for any scientific career or a research job.

A badly aspected third house in the chart of the native generally indicates trouble form his/her younger brother/sister. These people have to help their relatives often. But the same generosity is seldom reciprocated. Similarly, a badly aspected 7th house and Shukra (Venus) in a Shatabhishaka born chart indicates a troubled married life.

Though well to do in appearance, the health of these people is often weak. They tend to suffer from diabetics, obesity and cold.

Male Natives

  1. Physical features: He will have a soft body, excellent memory power, wide forehead, attractive eyes, bright countenance, prominent nose and bulged abdomen. He would appear to belong to a aristocratic family at the first sight itself.

  2. Character and general events: He is of the type "Satyameva Jayate". He will not hesitate to sacrifice his own life for upholding the truth. As he is born with certain principles, he has to quite often confront with others as he cannot deviate from his principles of life. Selfless service is his motto. He insists on following the religious traditions. He is also of the adamant type. Once he takes a decision it is not easy for others to change his decision. While he is very intelligent and efficient in most of the walks of life, he is very soft in his heart. He is the mixture of good and bad.

When he is provoked, he will rise like a bulldog, but that anger is soon subsided. As he does not believe in pomp and show, he has a feeling of shyness to exhibit his talents. However, his talents will be unearthed due to his interesting and attractive conversation, which will be highly instructive and educative.

  1. Education, sources of income/profession: Period up-to 34 years of age will be a trial some period in his profession field. Period after 34 years will be the period of constant progress. He is highly suited for the practice of astrology, psychology and healing arts. His literary capacity and greatness will come to limelight even when he is very young. He is capable of acquiring very fine and high education. This Nakshatra has produced eminent doctors and research fellows in medicines.

  2. Family life: Generally he has to face a lot of problems from his dear and near ones. Even then, he always extents his helping hand to his near and dears even without asking for such help. It has been noticed that native has to undergo maximum mental agony due to his brothers. He cannot also enjoy much benefit from his father, whereas full love and affection is derived from his mother.

It has also been found that he is not capable of leading a happy married life. In some cases, when there is severe affliction of Saturn and Jupiter, it has been found that the native remains a chronic bachelor throughout his life. While on the one hand he does not enjoy happy married life, his wife will have all the good qualities that are expected of a companion.

  1. Health: Outwardly he may appear to have very good health but it is not like that. He cannot tolerate even the slightest affliction to the body. He is prone to urinary diseases, breathing trouble and diabetics. As he is too much inclined in the sexual pleasures, he may have sexually transmitted diseases. Even though he may keep illicit relationship with other females it will be kept a secret from all. He may have problems with his jaws. He is also liable to suffer from colic troubles and must take precautions to protect himself from the diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather.

Female Natives

  1. Physical features: Tall and lean, fairly handsome, elegant disposition. Flushy lips and broad cheeks with prominent temples and buttocks.

  2. Character and general events: She will be very calm-natured. But at certain times she is also hot-tempered. She is very much inclined in the religious activities as she is god fearing. Due to her hot-temperament, she is mostly confronted with family quarrel and this will result in frequent lack of mental peace.

She has very good memory. She is highly sympathetic and generous. While she does not expect anything in return for her humanitarian action, she is quite often misunderstood not only by the general public but also by her own family members

  1. Education, sources of income/profession: Interested in the scientific study. Percentage wise assessment shows that most of the female doctors are born in this Nakshatra.

  2. Family life: While she loves and adore her husband, her life will be full of problems. Sometimes long separation from her husband or widowhood has also been noticed.

  3. Health: Her health will be a cause of concern for her. Urinary and uterus disorders have been noticed. She may also suffer from colic troubles and chest pain .