

Navire de marchandises : les géants des mers se mettent au vert
Et le reportage de conclure en disant que le nombre de containers transportés dans le monde pourrait doubler jusqu'en 2050..

Et le fait que le #pétrole aura fortement diminué dans l' #économie mondiale, non ? Ça ne jouera pas ?
Au point que ce n'est pas juste ces navires qui sont concernés, mais toute la chaîne de production, non, ça ne rentre pas en ligne de compte ?

C'est sûr qu'avec des #médias et reportages de ce style, les #bobos en SUV ne voient pas pourquoi ils devraient arrêter de croire au #greenwashing ambiant, et arrêter de (sur)consommer.. :)

#Consommation #SurConsommation #Pétrole #Idiocracy #Collapse #Effondrement #LaMatrice


Perfectly Normal behavior : NATO the "defensive alliance" casually threatening #China and saying they're next for dinner:

#Stoltenberg: "If the United States is concerned about China and wants to pivot towards #Asia, then you have to ensure that @Putin doesn’t win in #Ukraine"

#NATO will have “the second biggest army in #Europe (Ukraine) on our side.”

"We'll then have a weakened Russian army and also a Europe really stepping up for defense spending. That will make it easier for you to focus also on China"

#Russia #Warmongers #Idiocracy #US


this picture breaks my heart

These poor kids are the most innocent victims of the lunatic ridden regime of IRI and their Taliban style view on Hijab for females.

There are no where in any parts of Islam that demands hijab to be enforced on kids that young, but the disgusting and sick mindset of the mullahs and their followers forcing these poor kids to wear such ridiculous uniforms in order to be allowed to go to school.

#hijab #religion #iri #children #stupidity #idiocracy


The Finnish Foreign Ministry stated that the entry of cars with Russian license plates to Finland will be forbidden as of September 16th, 2023, this is in line with the policies stated by the EU in forbidding Russian products, from toothpaste to laptops to now cars, from entering Europe.

It's getting lovelier and lovelier every day, soon they try to block the Russian air to flow into europe.

#idiocracy #EU #Russia #Sanctions #Finland #Politics


US KC-135 Tankers Being Eyed For Drone Launcher Role

Drones launched from KC-135 tankers could be used in a multitude of ways, including as decoys and remote sensors.

The U.S. Air Force's Air Mobility Command is still exploring a concept that could see KC-135 aerial refueling tankers gain the ability to launch up to 100 commercial-of-the-shelf drones. The command's top officer says that drones launched by KC-135 motherships could act as decoys and remote sensors, help forces navigate to their destinations, scout out new places to land, aid in the rescue of downed pilots, and more.

#AddictedatoWar #Politics #Military #Idiocracy #China #Drones


The #US Marine Corps wants to launch thousands of kamikaze drones from unmanned submarines and surface ships to prepare for a possible war with #China or #Russia

The US Marine Corps wants to arm itself with unmanned #submarines and surface ships capable of launching swarms of kamikaze #drones. This is reported by Defence News, citing a senior official who is working on the modernisation.

Launching disposable UAVs from unmanned surface ships or submarines would expand the Marine Corps' capabilities. Kamikaze drones equipped with cameras will not only be able to strike but also conduct reconnaissance. Such weapons have already proved effective in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

#Military #AddictedToWar #politics #Idiocracy



Die Beweise sind erdrückend!!1!

Gespräche mit einem stochastischen Papageienschwarm helfen sehr beim Schreiben eines Sach- und Lachbuches.

Elias: Verstehst du Deutsch?

Llama: Ja, ich kann Deutsch sprechen.

Elias: Das ist sehr schön. Kannst du mir mal die Stichpunkte für einen Aufsatz zum Thema "Warum Autos in Wirklichkeit Atmosphärenkonverter der Außerirdischen sind" geben?

Llama: Es gibt verschiedene Argumente dafür, dass Autos tatsächlich Atmosphären-Konverter von außerirdischen Lebensformen sein könnten:

  1. Die Entwicklung des Automobils und seiner Technologie erfolgte innerhalb eines relativ kurzen Zeitraums im Vergleich zur Geschichte der Menschheit. Dies lässt vermuten, dass es eine äußere Instanz war, die diese technologische Entwicklung beschleunigte.
  2. Der menschliche Körper hat sich über Millionen Jahre an das Leben auf dem Land angepasst. Daher erscheint es unwahrscheinlich, dass wir uns so schnell mit einem neuen Medium wie dem Auto arrangiert haben können.
  3. Die Auswirkungen des Autos auf unser Ökosystem sind verheerend. Durch den Einsatz von fossilen Brennstoffen wird die Luftverschmutzung massiv verschlimmert, was wiederum zu einer Verschlechterung des Klimas führt.
  4. Die zunehmende Abhängigkeit vom Auto als Transportmittel trägt dazu bei, dass Menschen immer weniger Bewegung machen und somit gesundheitlicher (sic!) werden.

Freut ihr euch auch schon alle auf die Zeit, in der große angelernte neuronale Netzwerke -- von Journalisten, Politikern und anderen Nichtsblickern regelmäßig mit dem Reklamewort "Künstliche Intelligenz" bezeichnet -- uns die ganze lästige gedankliche Arbeit abnehmen und sogar Journalisten arbeitslos machen, bis nur noch schlecht entlohnte körperliche Arbeit für uns übrigbleibt? Ein Traum von der Zukunft! Es gab sogar schon einen Film über diese Zeit. Er hieß Idiocracy.

#KI #Idiocracy #Bullshit #Blah | Zweitverwertet aus meiner Homepage


Comment la NSA vous surveille (expliqué en patates)
2013 : https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=Zn_-PPrdwsY ou ht--tps://www.dailymotion.``--``com/video/x164otg (enlever les --)
Vu ici : http://democratie-reelle-nimes.over-blog.com/article-comment-la-nsa-vous-surveille-explique-en-patates-120711807.html
Une des références de cette #conférence de #JulienVaubourg. : Conférence : «Je n'ai rien à cacher». (2015)

#Surveillance ... en 2013... Autant dire à l'âge de pierre par rapport à maintenant, dans le #numérique... Par contre, toujours autant de gens sur les #GAFAM, qui se baladent avec un #iPhone, ou pire qui s'offusquent quand tu indiques en quoi ces appareils ne leur appartiennent pas, qu'ils n'ont pas le #contrôle dessus...
J'aurais plus de succès si je critiquais le fait d'arroser des plantes avec du soda ? Pas sûr... #Idiocracy...


The number of "pilgrims" walking from different parts of #Iran towards #Karbala in #Iraq has passed 3.8 million people.

The number of people killed during this unbelievable level of madness has passed 50 and yesterday's temperature of Karbala was 48°C

The number keeps growing as those who take busses and planes are not included in this.

#relugion.#massstupidity #Idiocracy #Ashoora #Shia


In a country where almost 1/3rd of population living under poverty line, over 2 million 700 thousand "pilgrims" passed through Iran - Iraq borders in the past 2 weeks!

It's just another proof of the power of religion and how brainwashed those people are!

So far over 30 people verified dead and the number going to increase in the coming days.

The sad part is that there are people who think this regime can be toppled with the actions of a few young people....

#iran #iraq #religion #politics #idiocracy


Unbelievable show of madness!

More than a million people are walking in 40+ heat between Karbala and Najaf by foot, the number of people falling sick is extremely large, but it doesn't stop this religious fanatics from walking this deadly march.

The number of people dying is increasing by the hour, but it doesn't stop them from ending this madness.

The organizers and religious leaders are now asking people to rest during the days and walk at nights.

#Religion #Iran #Iraq #idiocracy #pilgrimage #Iraq


Poor kid can barely walk, but covered with stupid Hijab she is walking in 40+ degrees heat with her parents to celebrate "Arbaeen".

So fare, over 30 Iranian "pilgrims" have died during their march in Iraq and the number is going to increase in the coming days.

Iranian officials say that some 2.5 million people have left Iran for rhis ridiculous ceremony and pilgrimage that is to walk the distance the family members of Shia second zimam were forced to do after the "battle" in Karbala 1400 years ago.

More than a million people have traveled to Iraq using the 0% loan offered by the government to people who take the walk!

#Iran #Religion #Idiocracy #Iraq #AntiTheist

PS. Wearing Hijab is not required for girls younger than 8. But these stupid fanatics cover their kids like they are adults.


The ultimate mass hysteria going on in iran!

For some strange reason, this year "Arbaeen" seems to be a much bigger event than previous years.

More than 100 thousands people from Iran are taking themselves by train, bus, car and by foot towards "Karbala" in Iraq.

The unbelievable show of madness in temperatures between 42 and 47°C, men women and children are walking towards a place where 3rd imam of Shia. The grandson of Muslim prophet and 71 members of his family and followers were killed by a significantly larger army of Muslim khaliphat (that later became the Sunni sect of Islam).

It's just sad and upsetting to see this level of madness in 2023 of people who can barely afford their daily living, spending multiple times their annual income to be part of this mass hysteria pilgrimage.

Many have already "martyred" during this holy pilgrimage and many more will do in coming days.

#islam #iran #Arbaeen #Karbala #masshysteria #Aashoora #Shia #Sunni #Religion #Idiocracy #Iraq