

Thank you to the American authorities for finally setting Assange free. I understand some of you wanted to punish him for much longer & in potentially more draconian ways; it is to your credit that you have relented.

Thank you to the Australian authorities for working with the American authorities in this matter & thank you to British authorities for keeping Assange alive & for any contributions you have made towards his emancipation.

#assange #julianassange #usa #uk #aus #america #britain #australia #freespeech #freedomofthepress #firstamendment #inthepublicinterest #iraqwar2 #zionism #afghanistanwar #cronycapitalism #war #warcrimes #gettysburgaddress #liberty #coalitionofthewilling #collateralmurder #georgebushjr #tonyblair #falseflags #wikileaks #truth #justice
