

Release the Epstein / #Maxwell pedophile #blackmail #honeypot intel agency scion control system client list now.

#Epstein didn't kill himself, he was snuffed out by private or intel agency assassins. Stop sacrificing our #children to protect powerful child #rapists.

Disclose who Epstein & Maxwell's clients & honeypot #victims are & bring them to #justice. No more child #rape control systems. No more child rape #trafficking. End this #horrific practice now.

#epsteinclientlist #epsteinmaxwell #honeypotblackmail #elitescions #uk #intelagencies #cia #fbi #nsa #mi6 #mi5 #gchq #mossad #puppeteers #puppetpoliticians #childtrafficking #childsacrifice #publishtheclientlist #endchildtrafficking #endchildrape #saveourchildren #usa #globalism #judeoangloamericanempire #crime


As of 26th April 2023 it has been 1,356 days since Epstein didn't kill himself & 1,029 days since Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested.

In this time, Law Enforcement & Judicial authorities have prosecuted zero people who were entrapped by the Epstein/Maxwell pedophile blackmail honeypot.

#epstein #jeffreyepstein #maxwell #ghislainemaxwell #epsteinmaxwell #epsteindidntkillhimself #honeypot #blackmailcontrol #childtrafficking #blackmail #intelagencies #control #informationcontrol #pedophillia #paedophilia #coverup #corruption #theelite #elites #jewish #jews #uk #afroasiatic #usa #moloch #law #justice #lawenforcement #judiciary #powerstructure #powerhierarchy #judeoangloamericanempire #power #judeoangloamericanestablishment


The West's intel agencies use children as tools to control people in positions of power. They aquire & supply children to powerful people as a form of currency, & they use children as part of honeypot blackmail schemes like the one run by Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell. This is one way the elites of the West & the political puppets that serve them in governments maintain control.

#pedophillia #paedophilia #childrape #childabuse #intelligenceagencies #intelagencies #childtrafficking #uk #childrapetrafficking #ukraine #usa #israel #cia #mossad #mi6 #spies #childrenascurrency #jeffreyepstein #ghislainemaxwell #robertmaxwell #blackmail #blackmailhoneypot #eu #saveourchildren #savethechildren #tipoftheiceberg #protectourchildren #intelagencyassets #memes #meme