

Unconfirmed: Iranian government have sent a message to Biden administration and #IAEA that if any Iranian nuclear facility is attacked by Israel, they will remove their #NPT signature and stop cooperating with the #UN and #EU and will reserve "it's right to take all necessary measures" to defend their country against nuclear armed "Zionist entity" .

This comes after a group of hardline members of Iranian parliament (Majles) signed a letter to #Khamenei (who is the spiritual leader and head of Iranian defense forces) to reverse his #Fatwa about illegality of nuclear weapons in Islam and allow the scientists of armed forces to develop a nuclear weapon.

A fatwa by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of Iran, against the acquisition, development and use of nuclear weapons[1] dates back to the mid-1990s.[2] The first public announcement is reported to have occurred in October 2003, followed by an official statement at a meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna in August 2005.
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Khamenei%27s_fatwa_against_nuclear_weapons

The fatwa was not directly about nuclear weapons, but any form of WMD, production, storage and use of such weapons were declared "Haram", but it also said that in case the country was subjected to such weapons, they will have the permission to use them against "legitimate" targets.

The issue was clarified officially on the wwb site of Khamenei:

In our opinion, in addition to nuclear weapons, all other kinds of weapons of mass destruction – including chemical and biological weapons - are considered to be a serious threat against humanity as well. Having been the victim of chemical weapons, the Iranian nation feels even more than other nations the danger of producing and storing such weapons. Therefore, the nation is ready to use all its resources in the effort to confront them. We consider the use of these weapons to be religiously forbidden, and we believe the effort to immunize all human beings from this grave tragedy is everyone’s responsibility.

#Iran #Israel #Biden #NuclearWeapon #WMD


#Nagasaki marks 78th anniversary of atomic bombing with mayor urging world to abolish #nuclear #weapons

Shiro Suzuki made the remark after the Group of Seven industrial powers adopted a separate document on nuclear disarmament in May that called for using nuclear weapons as deterrence.

“Now is the time to show courage and make the decision to break free from dependence on nuclear deterrence,” #Nagasaki Mayor Shiro Suzuki said in his peace declaration Wednesday, “As long as states are dependent on nuclear deterrence, we cannot realize a world without nuclear weapons.”

#NeverForget #NuclearWeapons #WMD #WarCrime #Japan #US


The murders of #Soleimani are still free!

“I think we learned the hard way…in the #Iraq-War that administrations sometimes manipulate and cherry-pick #intelligence to further their political goals,” he said.

“That’s what got us into the #Iraq War. There was no #WMD,” or weapons of mass destruction, he said. “I’m saying that they have an obligation to present the evidence.”

Benjamin B. Ferencz (aged 99), and chief prosecutor at the Nuremberg war crimes trials [1946-1949], wrote the New York Times, saying “The administration recently announced that, on orders of the president, the United States had ‘taken out’ (which really means ‘murdered’) an important military leader of a country with which we were not at war. As a Harvard Law School graduate who has written extensively on the subject, I view such immoral action as a clear violation of national and international law.”


#iran #UN #usa


(now 20 years ago) Ten years ago, a major American magazine published a bombshell report about the non-existence of Iraq’s WMDs. But it was hardly noticed by a corporate press corps too busy hyping the threat from those non-existent weapons.

The story appeared in the March 3, 2003, issue of #Newsweek–a short piece with the headline “The Defector’s Secrets.” It almost seemed as if the magazine didn’t know what it had on its hands. Or perhaps it did.

Inspectors were told “that after the Gulf War, #Iraq destroyed all its chemical and biological weapons stocks and the missiles to deliver them,” Barry wrote. All that remained were “hidden blueprints, computer disks, microfiches” and production molds. The weapons were destroyed secretly, in order to hide their existence from inspectors, in the hopes of someday resuming production after inspections had finished. The #CIA and MI6 were told the same story, Barry reported, and “a military aide who defected with Kamel… backed Kamel’s assertions about the destruction of #WMD stocks.”
#IraqInvasion #Politics #20yearsOfShame #NeverForget #Bush #Blair #CollinPowel #WarCrime #CrimeAgainstHumanity



Aside from #Bush & #Cheney who is at fault for the disastrous #Iraq War? Check out this rogue gallery of war hawks.

It wasn't a war, it was an illegal invasion that is still ongoing.

Much has been said about the Iraq war and its failures over the last 20 years, including the roles of key decision makers like President Bush and Vice President Cheney. But what is perhaps not as well known is just how many people were involved in making it a reality. From White House staffers and senior officials, to allied think tank “experts” and prominent media figures, the Iraq war had many, many authors.

We asked nearly two dozen experts, journalists, former government officials, and others, which individual — outside of Bush or Cheney — was the underrated architect and promoter of the war in Iraq, and why. It’s important that we understand just how this country could end up on such a disastrous course by chronicling the widespread enthusiasm for in Washington and beyond.

#Politics #History #WarCrime #WMD #WMDlies #Politicd #Biden #Blair #Berlusconi



Not from The Onion: "The Palestinians are exploiting the ICJ as a Weapon of Mass Destruction in their Jihad War of Israel Demonisation" - gilad erdan, Israel's ambassador to the UN, verbatim.

He actually said it with straight face! The world does not need to demonize #Israel, their actions in occupied territories, their daily murder of Palestinians, their daily demolition of Palestinian home, schools, playgrounds, cemeteries and hospitals is clear enough.

#Palestine #Apartheid #UNGA #Politics #WMD


John Bolton heckled over Julian Assange, Iraq, Afghanistan, US war crimes.

At an event about current National Security threats—

I asked AmbJohnBolton hy he lied about #WMD’s in #Iraq, covered up #warcrimes in #Afghanistan, and celebrated when Julian #Assange was arrested.

I was immediately detained and removed from the event.

#Activism #Politicd


"Mr Bolton, how do you expect us to trust you when you lied about WMDs in Iraq?"

WATCH: John Bolton is confronted by an activist who was immediately detained and removed from the event.
#Bolton #WMD #Iraq #politics


What #evidence do we have that there is something going on in #Ukraine? Is it just #FakeNews or a #CIA #conspiracy?

Please watch: https://nitter.eu/thehill/status/1489336004637044746

Reporter: “It’s an action that you say they have taken, but you have shown no evidence to confirm that. [...] This is like - #crisis actors? Really? This is like #AlexJones territory you’re getting into now.”

Spokesman: "If you doubt the credibility of the US government, of the British government, of other governments ..."

Why not trust the U.S. government unconditionally?

#USA #NATO #Russia #military #trust #problem #conflict #politics #government #press #journalism #diplomacy


Es macht mich krank

Es macht mich krank, wenn sich Regierungen für einen #Krieg aussprechen. Es macht mich krank, wenn der #Tod von Unschuldigen als Vorwand für #Kriegspropaganda genutzt wird. Die Dummheit der Menschen bricht mir aber das Genick.

Haben wir noch immer nicht gelernt? Wissen wir denn noch immer nicht, was Kriege eigentlich bezwecken? In einer Zeit in der jede erdenkliche Information nur einen Klick entfernt ist, sollten doch alle Menschen dieses Schauspiel leicht durchschauen.

Es geht bei #Kriegen nicht um #Demokratie oder #Menschenrechte. Darum ging es nie und doch stimmen die meisten Wähler diesen Machenschaften zu. Sie wählen ihre Vertreter in Parlamente, von denen fast 90% für die #NATO sind. Sie stimmen damit einem aggressiven Kriegsbündnis zu. Wie viele Gaskammern braucht die Menschheit, damit Kriege ein für alle Mal aus den kranken Köpfen verbannt werden?

Seit einigen Tagen schwirrt ein Video durchs Netz, dass einen angeblichen chemischen Angriff Assads zeigen soll. Ziel war scheinbar ein #Krankenhaus in dem viele Kinder gestorben sein sollen. Warum aber soll Assad seine eigenen Bevölkerung angegriffen haben? Damit gibt er den Amerikanern doch nur den notwendigen Grund einzumaschieren. Nun mag Assad nicht der hellste aller Militärstrategen sein, er scheint mit seinem Medizinstudium aber auch nicht der dümmste zu sein. Die Geschichte riecht nach einer #Elefantenspur. Eine Spur, die Absichtlich gelegt wird, um jemanden der Schuld zu bezichtigen. #Assad hat also ein Krankenhaus mit #Giftgas beschmissen und hat sich nicht mal die Mühe gemacht, die Spuren zu beseitigen? Und selbstverständlich waren auch gleich Hobbyjournalisten mit Kameras unterwegs, die den Angriff sofort haben filmen können. Kennen wir diese Geschichten nicht zu Genüge? Was war z.B. mit dem Terroristen, dessen Reisepass im Schutt der World Trade Center gefunden wurde? Was war mit den #Massenvernichtungswaffen im #Irak? Was war mit dem Nierenkranken Osama bin Laden, der es jahrelang geschafft hat sich vor der ganzen Welt zu verstecken und plötzlich unter mysteriösen Umständen gestorben sein soll?
Diese Geschichten haben eines gemeinsam: Sie hören sich unglaublich und unwahrscheinlich an. Und doch schenken wir ihnen glauben, weil es Regierungen und Medien verlautbaren. Die Medien präsentieren auch dieses Mal wieder und wieder dieselbe Geschichte, damit sie sich auch ja beim Zuschauer einbrennt. Sie haben nichts verstanden. Nichts.

Die syrischen #Rebellen werden seit jeher vom #Westen mit #Waffen und finanziellen Mitteln beliefert. Kann es nicht sein, dass die Rebellen verantwortlich sind? Kann es nicht sein, dass Amerika gleiches Missgeschick wie im Irakkrieg vermeiden wollte und den Angriff hat selber durchführen lassen? Solche Bilder eignen sich auch wirklich fabelhaft für die Medien und bringen alle Zweifler zum Schweigen.

Ich werde meinen Kindern nicht sagen, wir hätten nichts gewusst. Wir wissen ganz genau was hier abgeht.

#WMD #Propaganda #Syrien #Militär #Öl #Iran #Syrische #Syrisch #Russland #VereinigteStaatenVonAmerika #Obama #USA