

The main #problem in my eyes 👀 is that some people don't understand the difference between theory and fact or they know the difference but believe in alternative facts. You can't argument with someone who says, that he understands but don't feel the facts. For example climate crisis - "I don't feel the hottest year because it is cold at the moment." 🤪

#meme #memes #conspiracy #theory #knowlege


#trust #knowlege #fakenews

The puzzles made visible through “fake news” are hard. They are socially and culturally hard. They force us to contend with how people construct knowledge and ideas, communicate with others and construct a society. They are also deeply messy, revealing divisions and fractures in beliefs and attitudes. And that means that they are not technically easy to build or implement. If we want technical solutions to complex socio-technical issues, we can’t simply throw it over the wall and tell companies to fix the broken parts of society that they made visible and helped magnify. We need to work together and build coalitions of groups who do not share the same political and social ideals to address the issues that we can all agree are broken.

Google and Facebook Can’t Just Make Fake News Disappear