

Kommentar zu Kursk:

Vorstoß der Ukraine in Kursk - Kommentar: Russland ist nicht unverwundbar

Auch wenn es schmerzhaft sei, das anzuerkennen: Nur mit deutschen Waffen ließen sich im Ukraine-Krieg pazifistische Grundsätze durchsetzen, meint Thomas Franke.#WladimirPutin #Ukraine #Kursk #Russland #Pazifismus
Kommentar zu Kursk:


Kursk - Ukraine setzt Angriff fort

Kursk - Ukraine besetzt weitere russische Ortschaften

Die Ukraine hat weitere Ortschaften in der russischen Grenzregion Kursk besetzt. 1.000 Quadratkilometer sollen mittlerweile ukrainisch kontrolliert sein.#KrieginderUkraine #RUSSLAND #PräsidentPutin #UKRAINE #Kursk #Selenskyj
Kursk - Ukraine setzt Angriff fort


Kursk incursion presents Kremlin with border dilemma, ISW says

The #ISW said Russia had treated its border with Ukraine as a "dormant #frontline," that clearly did not have the level of military resources required to defend against such an attack.

"Russia's prolonged treatment of the international border area as a dormant frontline is a strategic failure of imagination," it said.

The Ukrainian military launched a surprise incursion across the border into Kursk Oblast on Aug. 6, bringing regular Ukrainian forces into Russia for the first time.

Although reinforcements sent by Moscow have begun to arrive on the battlefield, Ukraine has reportedly continued to advance farther into #Kursk Oblast.


#StopRussianAggression #Ukraine


#Zelenski believed the #Kursk operation would help to keep the war going with #Russia failing over time and #Ukraine becoming the winner. The Russian Duma announced today that there will not be another mobilization. A mobilization, and following unrest, is something Zelenski had hoped for. There will be no uprising in Russia because of the Kursk incursion, just an increase in nationalism.



About Nuclear Terrorism

But if Ukrainian chooses to dig in and transition the front into another artillery slug-fest, Russia will drown them in a sea of glide-bombs and massive artillery overmatch, destroying their static positions and turning it into another Khrynki-like bloodbath for the AFU. In fact, some have even suggested Putin may again “delay” their expulsion from the territory. I don’t think—as some others believe—it was a totally deliberate trap on the part of the Russian MOD, to lure the AFU into Kursk, but now that they’re here, Putin may take advantage of it by delaying their expulsion in order to openly grind up the AFU’s last remaining elite units, just like in Khrynki. After all, never interrupt your opponent when he’s making a grave mistake—if he presents an opportunity to defeat him at scale in a way that could accelerate the end of the war, then why not?

Don’t forget, the long-rumored “true offensive” was going to focus on the Zaporozhye plant in Energodar. Rezident-UA channel believes that could still be the play, with the Kursk as the first misdirection phase. Zelensky may have signaled such intentions by bombing ZNPP today, showing his obsession with the plant remains a primary focus.


#ukraine #ukrainian #military #nuclear #terrorism #Zelensky #AFU #Kursk #Russia #Zaporozhye #war #gamble for #NATO #vassalage


Grenzregion Kursk: Rätselraten um ukrainischen Angriff

Grenzregion Kursk - Rätselraten um ukrainischen Angriff

Mit dem Angriff auf die russische Grenzregion Kursk erhöht die Ukraine den Druck auf den Aggressor. Um den Vorstoß als Erfolg zu werten, ist es jedoch zu früh.#KrieginderUkraine #RUSSLAND #PräsidentPutin #PräsidentSelenskyj #Kursk
Grenzregion Kursk: Rätselraten um ukrainischen Angriff


Doesn't sound like a smart move, though.

Randahl Fink - 2024-08-11 03:49:03 GMT

#Kursk latest:Zelenskyy confirmed in his evening address, Ukraine is indeed attacking Russia in Kursk Oblast.

During the night videos from the city of Kursk show that Ukraine is hitting targets in the city, and Russian air defence systems can be heard in action.

That is a Russian city of 440,000 now under attack.

Russian news agency TASS writes, 76,000 Russians have been evacuated from their homes in border villages in Kursk Oblast.

More video evidence of Russian soldiers surrendering.


+++ Nachrichten im Ukraine-Krieg +++: „Anti-Terror“-Maßnahmen in Grenzgebiet

+++ Nachrichten im Ukraine-Krieg +++: „Anti-Terror“-Aktionen in Grenzgebiet

Bei einem russischen Angriff in der Ostukraine wurden drei Menschen getötet. Das AKW Kursk arbeitet laut Betreiber normal. Die USA geben Millionen für Militärhilfen frei.#WladimirPutin #WolodymyrSelenskij #Kursk #KrieginderUkraine #Europa #Politik #Schwerpunkt
+++ Nachrichten im Ukraine-Krieg +++: „Anti-Terror“-Maßnahmen in Grenzgebiet


Many Russian soldiers #captured in Kursk Oblast battles, Ukraine's state project claims

Among the captives are both conscripts and contract soldiers, according to "Khochu nayti," the project launched in January 2024 by Ukraine's military intelligence for relatives of the #Russian military captured in Ukraine.

"There is also information about the #dead whose bodies were not taken away by their comrades-in-arms during the retreat," the statement read.

The project published drone footage of what it presented as 32 captured Russian soldiers, adding that eight more did not fit into the frame. The Telegram post did not specify whether this was the overall number of Russian troops captured so far


#StopRussianAggression #POWs #Ukraine #Kursk #border


About ukrainian terrorism

Ukraine has seized more territory in less than 2 days than in the entire counteroffensive in the summer of 2023.

Preliminarily, there are several key objectives:

▪️ Withdrawal of Russian troops from Donetsk region and desperation in the Russian Federation.

▪️ Improving the negotiating position of the talks.

▪️ The goal could also be to disrupt all Russian gas supplies to Europe.

The offensive has shown that breaking into Russian territory is easier than destroying Russian fortifications in eastern Ukraine.


#ukraine #failstate #ukrainian #ukrainians #AFU #military #terrorism against #russian #Kursk #Russia for #NATO Masters

And this attempt by ukrainian nazis to break through to the Kursk nuclear power plant. To do what?

Capturing peaceful unarmed villages instead of confronting the military on the battlefield.

Ukrainians know how to fight only unarmed people, it has been like this for 10 years.