

#Graph depicting the correlative #trend between number of homicides per 100k of population & mean national #IQ, with Pearson correlation coefficient, for 241 countries & dependencies, 2023.

The #graph shows that as the mean national IQ goes up, the number of homicides per 100k of #population goes down, with a strong correlation of 0.57. This suggests to me that the more #intelligent a population is, the less inclined to commit #homicide it is.

#homiciderate #murder #usa #uk #nato #murderrate #immigration #migrants #eu #globalism #neoliberalism #anthropology #mathematics #data #empiricism #stats #statistics #pearsoncorrelation #elitism #elites #crime #academia #intelligentsia #neoliberalglobalism #massmigration #un #wef #unitednations #agenda2030 #facts


#Analysis of #correlation between percentage of non-'White #British#population & total #crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England & #Wales using Estimated Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient, 2023.

There is a 0.74 (strong) correlation #coefficient between the percentage of non-'#White British' within a population & the total rate of crime per 100,000 of population.

#criminality #ons #whitebritish #migration #multiculturalism #ethnography #diversity #multiracialism #demography #globalism #racism #empiricism #mathematics #data #officeofnationalstatistics #statistics #uk #crimerate #law #justice #policing #usa #propaganda #socialengineering #ethnicity #anthropology #pearsonsamplecorrelation #crimeandethnicity #academicfraud #un #europeans


Some shapes roll in a straight line. Some roll in a curve. Can you make a shape that will roll in such a way as to create any path you care to draw?

Mathematicians have come up with a way to create the shapes that roll in such a way as to create any path.

First you transfer the squiggle to the surface of a sphere. If you connect the starting point to the ending point, the pattern can repeat, but some patterns have to be drawn twice in order for it to be possible for the ends to meet.

After that, the obvious thing to do is 3D print the shapes, but in the non-theoretical non-perfect real world, some things are difficult including sharp corners and paths that cross over themselves, and if the friction isn't right between the object and the surface, the shapes don't roll properly.

These shapes roll in peculiar ways thanks to new mathematics - nature video



Does Math improve brain function?

#math #mathematics #brain

Is exercising math good for the brain?
Yes, because you gain a greater ability to solve problems and stay focused.
The brain exercise that you practice today leads to a decrease in the deterioration of cognitive functions that occurs over time and with it the probability of suffering from Alzheimer’s. The benefits obtained in the improvement of your cerebral capacity are maintained through time. Your life is easier. You’ll have fewer difficulties in your daily tasks.


"An aperiodic monotile exists!" And is being reported on a website called "The Aperiodical". A website created before the discovery of the aperiodic monotile. (Made by Katie Steckles, who I know from YouTube, and two friends of hers).

"The tile is made of eight kites -- the shape you get by cutting a hexagon up through the midpoints of its edges." "There's a whole continuous family of aperiodic monotiles, obtained by changing the lengths of the edges in the shape."

Aperiodic means it doesn't repeat periodically. It forms a pattern that is infinite yet non-repeating.

Actually this shape isn't the only shape that can form aperiodic tiling. It's the first that can form only aperiodic tiling. There's a "pinwheel" tiling based on a triangle of a specific shape. But that shape can also make periodic tilings. The "hat" shape her can only make aperiodic tilings.

The proof was done by computer to check every edge case and there's a website you can use to create your own (finite) tilings. The proof involves creating four "clusters" that are groupings of "hats" and proving that the four clusters form larger groups called metatiles, which have the same symmetries as the basic tiles. This makes it possible to prove there's no translational symmetry at any scale.

This news isn't exactly going to transform the whole world, except for people who care whether their kitchen's tiling is periodic or aperiodic.

#mathematics #monotiles



#Veusz – a scientific plotting package

Veusz is a scientific plotting and graphing program with a graphical user interface, designed to produce publication-ready 2D and 3D plots. In addition it can be used as a module in #Python for plotting. Veusz is multiplatform, running on #Windows, #Linux/Unix and #macOS. It supports vector and bitmap output, including #PDF, #Postscript, #SVG and #EMF. Veusz is Free #Software.

github: https://veusz.github.io
download: https://veusz.github.io/download



#tool #utility #graphics #plotter #mathematics #floss #foss #openSource


Countdown to Norooz/Nowrooz, the Persian new year and the start of spring!

Iranian mathematician, astrologist and poet, Omar #Khayyam, calculated the exact rotation of the earth around the sun in early 12rh century.

His calculations led to the creation of the Jalali calendar, name after the Jalaloddin the king of the time who was very interested in science, astronomy and poetry. His calculations found that a full year is 365.2424 days and not just 365 days as previously believed.
The calculation ledld to creation of #Persian (Jalali) calendar that consist of 6 months of 31 days, followed by 5 months of 30 days and the last month can be 29 or 30 days depending on the moment of sal-tahvil being on the morning or afternoon (most people use the #Jalali #calendar without knowing it when they read their #horoscopes every day).

His work fixed the almost 4000 year old solar calendar who lacked leap years and was causing problem for those following it (the parsi community in India still using the old calendar and celebrate #Norooz a day wrong every year leading to their Norooz celebration being held in summer of fall as years go by).

Khayyam's calculation was about 4 seconds off that was later corrected in 16th century to adjust the sal-tahvil or the break of the new year that is based on the exact time of city of Shiraz rotating an exact year around the sun.

As a tradition, Iranians all over the world, as well as Afghans, Turkmenistan, tajiks, Kurds and others who celebrate Norooz follow the same exact date and time no matter where in the world they love.
Here is the countdown to the Norooz of 2023
PS. There are many who doubt that Khayyam was the source of the calculation of Jalali calendar and there has been many heated debates about the subject.

#Iran #NewYear #Spring #Asrronomy #Tradition #History #Mathematics