

I have been lazy and put three photos together.

One is of the farm track that leads up to packhorse hut. It is a nice but in places steep walk. Very green at the moment.

One is from the top at packhorse hut overlooking Lyttelton harbour and the last one is of a plant that is very common on banks peninsula.

The plant is called ongaonga or in English a nettle tree. I consider it the devil's plant. It has thousands of spikes like nettle but they look like glass and contain a painful toxin. If you run into one of these they can kill if you get enough but mostly a very painful sting.

On the way up I became aware of a few but on the way down I realised I had walked past hundreds which lined the track. I wonder how many people had inadvertently walked into them as I nearly did.

#newzealand #photo #foto